20230314 - Shade Tree Commission Meeting Minutes

Ridgewood Shade Tree Commission

March 14, 2023



The regular meeting of the STC, held in the Garden Room, Village Hall,was called to order at 7:30pm by Carolyn Jacoby.



ATTENDEES:  Maria Damasco, Nancy Brennan-Hill, George Wolfson, Carolyn Jacoby, Andrew Lowry, Adam Brown, Matt Andreula (Shade Tree Dept), Vicky Van Dyke (Liaison, PRC), Councilwoman Pam Perron, Jacqueline Horn, guest, Cynthia O’Keefe, guest.  Kristina Malian, via Zoom.



Minutes of the February 14, 2023 meeting were approved.  It was noted that Yamini Chinni resigned due to other obligations.  One new member is now needed to fill the ninth open position.



2023 BUDGET:  Updated proposed Capital and Operating costs were presented. Perron distributed copies of 2022 budget to review outstanding Capital available for 2023.  Edit to the budget were made and the Capital spent amended to reflect a balance of $162,948.



Capital expenses proposed by the Shade Tree Dept. for 2023:  a Mason Dump truck, $108,000, a Chip Truck for $300,000; Ash tree removal and treatment $49,000, CBD (Chestnut, Oak, Walnut Sts) planting $42,000; tree replacement (EAB/Ash tree loss) $100,000.



The 2023 budget should be finalized/approved by Council by our April meeting.j






Completion of Tree Inventory: a revised estimate of $28,000 from Civic Solutions for completion of the Tree Inventory (county roads) was given to Nancy Bigos.  This is more in line with anticipated costs.  An additional quote (Almsted) might be needed. (Repurposed 2022 capital funds.)



Tree Watering: Schedule for seasonal watering of 2022 trees will be discussed with Declan and Matt.  Suggestion was made that watering begin in May and continue through September.  Number of times per week might be different in the CBD than residential areas.  Chris Rutishauser puts the bids together.  Anticipated cost ~$70,000 (2022 capital funds).



Tree Planting: Too late to put out bids for a Spring 2023 planting.  Depending upon budget allocation, residential Fall planting will be reviewed.  Bids should be completed and sent by, hopefully, July 1.



Due to anticipated significant budget (staffing) cuts, more outsourcing of tree services may be needed to support proposed initiatives.






G. Wolfson presented new/revised by-laws for internal use of the STC.  In addition to street trees, an expanded scope of the STC can include parks, wild scapes and other public areas within the Village. 



By-laws now include membership commitments: Ordinance #3907 requires that member absences in excess of three consecutive meetings per year required the Council Liaison to intercede.  Members will be expected to be actively involved in specific sub-committee project(s), in addition to participation in the annual Daffodil and Earth Day Festival.



Membership will consist of 9 members for a staggered 3 year term (Article 3, now combined with Article 9).  



An annual accomplishment/goals reported will be presented to the Council at a public meeting, at the beginning or early in the municipal budget process.



Further discussion included membership requirement of Core Training (NJSTF) within a 3 year term  and attendance in one webinar/in person training program each year for CEU credit.



Perron, Winograd and Wolfson will amend/edit and revised By-Laws will voted on at the April, 2023 meeting.






Wolfson had sent to members and presented proposed SUB-COMMITTEE  projects for member review and suggestions for further amending.  Projects need leadership and member participation in order to move them forward.  



N. Brennan-Hill suggested volunteer resident participation in municipal tree planting. Legality needs to be reviewed.



GRANTS are an ongoing (and underutilized) source of revenue for tree planting. Hopefully, resident volunteers will participate in grant writing.



DAFFODIL AND EARTH DAY FESTIVAL:  Sunday, April 23rd, 11am-2pm, Van Neste Park. C. Jacoby asked for suggestions for Swag and materials for distribution.  Bare root tree planting demos and give away, in addition to free seedling (325) distribution.






Cherry trees planted between the Library and Village Hall as a memorial for residents lost in on 9/11 are in decline.  Should the STC be involved in remediation /replacement?

Need for further discussion.



J. Horn and C. O’Keefe spoke about their concerns about loss of trees and lack of replacement planting over many years in the Schedler neighborhood.  Horn questioned how to enforce new tree ordinance requirements for replacement tree planting.  



Meeting adjourned at 9:53pm.



Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary, Maria Damasco.  Volunteer hours: 18

  • Hits: 273


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