CBDAC MeetingMinutes 200190214
Central Business District Advisor Committee
February 14, 2019
In attendance: Michael Velicu, Michael Pickholz, Chief Luthcke, Gary Kolesaire, Bill Gilsenan, Kathryn Schmidt, Gail McCarthy, Lorraine Reynolds, Amy Borque. Councilman Ramon Hache
Absent: Philip Davis, Chris Rustishauser, Mary Jane Shinozuka
The minutes from the January 10 meeting were approved.
CBD web-site design quotes have been received. Two vendors will be further reviewed in order to make a final selection.
Truck Delivery Discussion: There are no optimal places for large trucks to make deliveries in town, a bi-product of newer and larger restaurants in the village. The CBDAC will host a forum specifically focusing on this issue in order to get input from local businesses and identify possible solutions. It was recommended that the Village research how other similar towns are responding to large trucks.
It was also acknowledged that, in general, the village parking regulations are confusing to everyone.
Shade Tree Discussion: Representatives of the Shade Tree Commission shared their vision of having larger shade trees in the CBD. In addition, they noted the problems with current tree health including that trees do not have room to grow and do not get enough water. The CBDAC recommended that the Commission proceed to secure funding and a provider to remove the lip borders around the current wells which would help irrigation and remove a tripping hazard. The CBDAC also supports the commission’s plan to replace trees and reconstruct the tree wells in contiguous areas with appropriate shade trees.
Submitted by,
Kathryn Schmidt
February 16, 2019
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