20231109 - CBDAC Minutes

Central Business District Advisory Committee  (CBDAC)

Thursday, November 9, 2023 via Zoom 8:30 – 10:00 a.m.




Members: Philip Davis, Trish Manzo, Stacey Tsapatsaris, Glenn Carlough, Tom Hillman,                                    Rebecca Tatlock, Anastasia Bamberg, Steve Aspero, Andy McGonnell


Guests: Chief Lyons, Joan Groome, Jeanne Johnson, Kathryn Schmidt, Jeff Kay, Sara Parra                       (Presenter)


Administration:  Police Chief Lyons moved to approve the Sept 14th and Oct 12th 2023 minutes and the Committee voted in favor.


Council: Pam was unable to attend. Stacey provided council update on her behalf.


·      Following up on CBDAC’s discussion as to whether the Village uses an equitable percentage of its tax revenues to support the CBD…Sgt Ward provided the attached document to show how Police Department resources are allocated in the various parts of town.  This demonstrates that the CBD receives a significantly greater amount of Police Department resources than other parts of town.

·      Restaurants have removed their Dining corrals for the winter. 

·      The Village planted the last 37 street trees in downtown treewells

·      The Signal Division will probably hang the holiday snowflakes & balls right before Thanksgiving so that the town is ready for Black Friday. 

·      The Village CFO is recommending the Council extend the ParkMobile contract for another 3 years.  The Council will vote on this Nov. 8

·      In the biggest news…Council discussed whether to amend the Zoning ordinances to allow Microbreweries and Brew Pubs downtown.  New Jersey statute allows towns to do this and our 2022 Master Plan specifically recommends this action.  A MicroBrewery does not serve food.  A Brew Pub does serve food.  The Planning Board is scheduled to address the issue at its Tues, Nov. 7 meeting.  And the Council may vote as early as Wed. Nov. 8.

·      On Nov. 8, Council will vote on whether to lease the Taxi stand on North Broad St. to Tri-Plex Industries, a construction company for their offices. 

·      Council discussed the sustainability of cutting a new tree every year for the big holiday tree on Broad St.  It turns out the Chamber only gets trees that the owners were going to cut down anyway.  The landscapers do not solicit property owners to find a tree; rather, they ask clients who want to cut down a tree to wait until November to remove and donate it to Ridgewood.

·      The Village administration is researching how other NJ towns put up string lights and whether they are feasible here.  Also, considering larger blade signs. 

·      In closed session, the Council received an update on the litigation regarding the Town Garage on Franklin Ave.  We cannot give you the particulars of that discussion because it was in closed session.

·      The American Legion, Post 53 will conduct the annual Veterans Day Service on Saturday November 11 at 11:00 a.m. in Van Neste Square

·      String Lights – looking at whether this is viable (indicated was of interest)


Chief Lyons provided background on CBD resource statistics (report provided): 

§  During out of calls time, officers are based in CBD, usually at Van Neste Sq.

§  20.77% of time of calls is spent within the CBD (term of 1/1/18 – 06/30/23)

§  In terms of police services, CBD is a primary focus and where most people gatherings outside of routine patrol and house calls.

§  Request to see if we can break down motor vehicle/pedestrian calls v’s other calls to see how the % is within the CBD. Chief Lyon to provide for the next meeting.



§  Downtown for the holidays planned. Friday Dec 1st 6:30pm Tree lighting starting. Theme is ‘Trucks on holiday’.  Decorated trucks display.

§  In the park, will be Smores and fire pits. 2 bands planned and Mount Everest Ski shop will do a big screen showing ski movies.

§  Marching band and RHS chorus. Singers in windows. Lots happening!

§  Potentially a parade at 4pm of the trucks coming into the town.



§  Holiday planning. Starting decorating this Sunday looking to finish on Mon/Tues if not done fully on Sunday ($2k raised) including the clock, over 22 big planters to decorate. Finishing Mon/Tues if needed. Lit deer by the clock. Very festive and delighted to contribute.

§  Were able to secure the free parking on Thursday nights 4-8pm. Thursday after thanksgiving until after the holidays. (4 x Thursdays)

§  30 retailers joining in on late night Thursday shopping until 8pm. Discounts + refreshments included.

§  Looking to post on Destination Ridgewood social media to promote.

§  Looking to have a retail market (6 weeks) in the space where Bibillia was (running Fri, Sat, Sun)



§  There were concerns over lighting on Franklin and Broad. Police department sent a list of repairs needed to PSE&G and the village so pending an update on that status.

Pedestrian Tunnel:

§  Status is still on hold and moving forward. Committee is pulled together through the art foundation.

§  Tunnel is in disrepair and in need of renovation. Engineering company has been engaged to come out to report on what needs to be done. Work starts in January ’24 on what is needed. Repairs will take place in 2025.

§  Fundraising effort to start and potentially looking at a mosaic so could be longer lasting.

§  In discussion with Village manager who can help secure some public art grants (meeting next Wednesday) Maybe statues in Van Neste Square. Ideas on Facebook if the artwork could change on an agreed frequency.


SID Subcommittee:

§  Meeting scheduled for Nov 17th 1pm at Village Hall to get a further update on the SID feasibility study for which money was set aside for and underway.

§  Wanted to have an outlet available on every lampposts (new ones did not get electrical outlets included) which is now a process to get updated. Most likely to be a target of next holiday to have this solved for. Cannot go across streets with lighting but could do up and down.

§  Blade signs ordinance is still WIP. Joan Groome met with a new business (Sign up on Oak Street) in town who is providing some counselling/research. Ideally will be providing a seamless process to provide to other businesses. The attempt would be to write it in a way so there is a level of flexibility for logos, scale and shape but guidelines for consistent in design with the ‘main sign’.

§  Stacey to provide a contact for the Historic Preservation Commission to review the ordinance guidelines.


Discussion Item: Sara Parra (EFM Engaging Places) gave a presentation on her company’s Hubquarters program


Other public comment:

-          Could we bring in a directory of vacant business on the chamber or the guild?

-          Request for agenda point in January meeting from Rebecca Tatlock a refresher on master plan and also how we can be proactive to understand the vacant spaces updates in the meeting (what’s changed, what businesses are moving, what are steps that we can do in the meantime and alongside the SID feasibility process)


Next meeting will be December 14 at 8:30 a.m.in person at Village Hall  


Respectfully submitted by: Rebecca Tatlock 11.9.23




The Committee approved these final minutes on December 14, 2023

  • Hits: 61



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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