Green Ridgewood Committee Meeting Minutes 20190917
Green Ridgewood-Green Team Joint Meeting Minutes 20190917
Green Ridgewood: Bob Upton, Ellie Gruber, Michael Sedon (Village Council Liaison), Mary Mogerley (Parks & Recreation Rep).
Green Team: Justin Manger, Ellie Gruber, Bob Upton, Anthea Zito, Michael Sedon (Village Council Liaison).
Other: Dianne Kidwell, Denise Lee.
1. Introductions/Membership:
We welcomed guests Dianne & Denise. Denise is a Willard parent assisting in leadership of the Willard Green Ambassadors.
On Sept 11th the Village Council passed the ordinances revising the Village Code to change the name of REAC to Green Ridgewood Committee and recognizing the Green Team as a sub-committee of Green Ridgewood.
Mike confirmed that the Village Council appointments of our members have been finalized as follows:
Green Ridgewood
Bob Upton, George Wolfson, Ellie Gruber, Pam Perron, Christine Amundsen, Yvone Nava, Mike Sedon (Village Council Representative), Jennie Smith Wilson (School Board Representative), Mary Mogerley (Parks & Recreation Representative), Rob Kearney (Village Staff Representative).
Green Team
Justin Manger, George Wolfson, Ellie Gruber, Bob Upton, Cathy Brienza, Serena Iacoviello, Anthea Zito, Jamie Miller, Mike Sedon (Village Council Representative), Chris Rutishauser (Village Staff Representative).
2. There were no comments about the July minutes. The June & July minutes are to be approved when we have quorum.
3. Willard Girl Scouts
Heather Zarnett-Letscher, a leader of a Willard 4th Grade Girl Scout Troop, is interested in ways the Girl Scouts’ efforts towards their Citizenship badges can work together with our committees’ activities. Thoughts centered around Styrofoam education, single-use plastic bag ordinance education and perhaps involvement in the process of passing local legislation. The conversation with the GS leaders will continue.
4. Sustainable Jersey
a. Plans for Silver recertification.
Due to limited attendance we continue to expect Committee members to work on their assigned SJ Actions. Contact Justin with questions, concerns, suggestions, etc.
b. Gold Star Standard in Waste
Sustainable Jersey has suspended this standard due to turmoil in the recycling markets. We will continue efforts towards waste reduction, in particular through food waste and Styrofoam reduction.
c. Green Business Program
George & Pam have been working on this program but were not present to update us.
d. Lead Education (SJ Action): No update.
5. SJ Bergen Hub
a. “Styrofoam” Program.
Styrofoam Drive dates reported in July’s minutes were incorrect. Next Drive is Sept 21 in Glen Rock and another planned Dec 28 at Hackensack Yacht Club, details TBD. The SJ Hub grant must be wrapped up by April 30th 2020 so the Styrofoam sub-committee expects to meet soon to update plans.
b. Hub meetings.
Ridgewood hosted the Sept 16th Hub meeting at The Stable. Mike welcomed attendees who included Justin, Bob, Serena, Ellie and Anthea. Meeting notes will be available on Basecamp.
The Styrofoam program occupied much of the discussion. Individual towns are encouraged to consider passing XPS (food container) foam reduction ordinances.
Next meeting is suggested for late Oct/early Nov but no date or venue was decided.
6. REAC Rebranding/By-Laws.
Further to the rebranding of REAC (see above) Justin, Bob & Mike will attempt to finish drafting a single set of by-laws for Green Ridgewood/Green Team.
Justin’s presentation to the Village Council of the proposed Green Ridgewood web site is expected to take place at the Sept 25th work session. (Note: Later changed to Oct 2nd).
7. Single Use Plastic Carry-Out Bags Ordinance – Education Program
Ellie displayed a cotton reusable shopping bag and is finalizing quotes for about 300 bags and a revised logo. (Logo to be the REAC logo restyled to Green Ridgewood). Funds for the purchase of bags were approved at the June meeting. Ellie also showed a design for the front of a suggested informational book-mark. Ellie, Lisa & Bob will continue with planning these and additional purchases and implementing educational activities.
We have sent the Chamber of Commerce & Guild an e-mail asking them to share it with their members to make them aware of the Ordinance and its effective date.
We will have to determine what actions the Village will take to publicize the Ordinance. Rich Calbi responded positively to supporting our publicity efforts but, of course, would need us to be specific with plans.
8. Events
a. Library event for grades 3 & up Oct 3rd 4.00pm.
Mike will present Our Planet using segments from Schoolhouse Rock – Earth and will contact library staff re. publicity.
b. Movie “A Plastic Ocean” at Unitarian Society Nov 8th.
Ellie is taking the lead finalizing procurement of the DVD, licensing, start time, publicity, etc.
9. Ridgewood Daffodil Festival & Earth Day Fair, April 19th 2020.
The organizing committee will start meeting after the holidays. Meantime we need to plan our exhibit but hopefully we can take this up with more participants at our next meeting.
10. Schools.
a. RHS & BFMS donation
Dr Fishbein, Schools Superintendent, has acknowledged receipt of our donation and we await confirmation that the purchases have been made. We understand that the RAEC and SEA clubs at RHS have combined to form Green Club.
b. Middle School Sustainability Grant
Bob distributed a proposed grant application document to members prior to this meeting which had been reviewed by Jennie. However, as recorded in the Oct 16th 2018 minutes “A sum of $1,000 was agreed as appropriate” a formal vote to allocate those funds was not taken at the time. In view of the lack of a quorum for Green Ridgewood at this meeting and in view of the time constraints in the proposed grant schedule it was agreed Bob will solicit a vote from Green Ridgewood members by e-mail.
c. SJ for Schools, Sustainable Practices Workshop, Trenton, Sept 25th
Christine has been asked to attend this workshop so we will await her comments.
11. Updates.
a. Food Waste Events
Two events upcoming: DEP Food Waste Reduction Plan hearings Sept 17 & Sept 19 and NJ Composting Council Organics Waste Management Summit Oct 1st. Details have been circulated.
b. Energy Aggregation. No report.
c. Goodlife Ridgewood Sunday Sept 22nd Van Neste Square. All reminded.
d. Master Plan/Visioning. All reminded of Sept 21 & 28 Workshops.
e. Midland Park. Bob reported their environment group is gaining momentum.
f. Grants.
Sustainable Jersey has made us aware of two grants:
One, offered by NJ Healthy Communities Network, requires a Registration of intent by Sept 17. It had been referred to Mike.
The other, offered by Sustainable Jersey is for energy projects and will be referred to Chris Rutishauser for the Village and is being reviewed by Christine Amundsen for schools.
g. Plastic Water Bottle Education. No discussion.
h. Regenerative Environmentalism Group. No report.
12. New business.
a. Shade Tree Commission.
They plan to speak at our next meeting to enlist our support in tree issues.
b. Stormwater Education. Postponed to next meeting.
17. Next Joint Meeting will be Tuesday October 15th at 7.00 PM.
Green Ridgewood: Bob Upton, Ellie Gruber, Michael Sedon (Village Council Liaison), Mary Mogerley (Parks & Recreation Rep).
Green Team: Justin Manger, Ellie Gruber, Bob Upton, Anthea Zito, Michael Sedon (Village Council Liaison).
Other: Dianne Kidwell, Denise Lee.
1. Introductions/Membership:
We welcomed guests Dianne & Denise. Denise is a Willard parent assisting in leadership of the Willard Green Ambassadors.
On Sept 11th the Village Council passed the ordinances revising the Village Code to change the name of REAC to Green Ridgewood Committee and recognizing the Green Team as a sub-committee of Green Ridgewood.
Mike confirmed that the Village Council appointments of our members have been finalized as follows:
Green Ridgewood
Bob Upton, George Wolfson, Ellie Gruber, Pam Perron, Christine Amundsen, Yvone Nava, Mike Sedon (Village Council Representative), Jennie Smith Wilson (School Board Representative), Mary Mogerley (Parks & Recreation Representative), Rob Kearney (Village Staff Representative).
Green Team
Justin Manger, George Wolfson, Ellie Gruber, Bob Upton, Cathy Brienza, Serena Iacoviello, Anthea Zito, Jamie Miller, Mike Sedon (Village Council Representative), Chris Rutishauser (Village Staff Representative).
2. There were no comments about the July minutes. The June & July minutes are to be approved when we have quorum.
3. Willard Girl Scouts
Heather Zarnett-Letscher, a leader of a Willard 4th Grade Girl Scout Troop, is interested in ways the Girl Scouts’ efforts towards their Citizenship badges can work together with our committees’ activities. Thoughts centered around Styrofoam education, single-use plastic bag ordinance education and perhaps involvement in the process of passing local legislation. The conversation with the GS leaders will continue.
4. Sustainable Jersey
a. Plans for Silver recertification.
Due to limited attendance we continue to expect Committee members to work on their assigned SJ Actions. Contact Justin with questions, concerns, suggestions, etc.
b. Gold Star Standard in Waste
Sustainable Jersey has suspended this standard due to turmoil in the recycling markets. We will continue efforts towards waste reduction, in particular through food waste and Styrofoam reduction.
c. Green Business Program
George & Pam have been working on this program but were not present to update us.
d. Lead Education (SJ Action): No update.
5. SJ Bergen Hub
a. “Styrofoam” Program.
Styrofoam Drive dates reported in July’s minutes were incorrect. Next Drive is Sept 21 in Glen Rock and another planned Dec 28 at Hackensack Yacht Club, details TBD. The SJ Hub grant must be wrapped up by April 30th 2020 so the Styrofoam sub-committee expects to meet soon to update plans.
b. Hub meetings.
Ridgewood hosted the Sept 16th Hub meeting at The Stable. Mike welcomed attendees who included Justin, Bob, Serena, Ellie and Anthea. Meeting notes will be available on Basecamp.
The Styrofoam program occupied much of the discussion. Individual towns are encouraged to consider passing XPS (food container) foam reduction ordinances.
Next meeting is suggested for late Oct/early Nov but no date or venue was decided.
6. REAC Rebranding/By-Laws.
Further to the rebranding of REAC (see above) Justin, Bob & Mike will attempt to finish drafting a single set of by-laws for Green Ridgewood/Green Team.
Justin’s presentation to the Village Council of the proposed Green Ridgewood web site is expected to take place at the Sept 25th work session. (Note: Later changed to Oct 2nd).
7. Single Use Plastic Carry-Out Bags Ordinance – Education Program
Ellie displayed a cotton reusable shopping bag and is finalizing quotes for about 300 bags and a revised logo. (Logo to be the REAC logo restyled to Green Ridgewood). Funds for the purchase of bags were approved at the June meeting. Ellie also showed a design for the front of a suggested informational book-mark. Ellie, Lisa & Bob will continue with planning these and additional purchases and implementing educational activities.
We have sent the Chamber of Commerce & Guild an e-mail asking them to share it with their members to make them aware of the Ordinance and its effective date.
We will have to determine what actions the Village will take to publicize the Ordinance. Rich Calbi responded positively to supporting our publicity efforts but, of course, would need us to be specific with plans.
8. Events
a. Library event for grades 3 & up Oct 3rd 4.00pm.
Mike will present Our Planet using segments from Schoolhouse Rock – Earth and will contact library staff re. publicity.
b. Movie “A Plastic Ocean” at Unitarian Society Nov 8th.
Ellie is taking the lead finalizing procurement of the DVD, licensing, start time, publicity, etc.
9. Ridgewood Daffodil Festival & Earth Day Fair, April 19th 2020.
The organizing committee will start meeting after the holidays. Meantime we need to plan our exhibit but hopefully we can take this up with more participants at our next meeting.
10. Schools.
a. RHS & BFMS donation
Dr Fishbein, Schools Superintendent, has acknowledged receipt of our donation and we await confirmation that the purchases have been made. We understand that the RAEC and SEA clubs at RHS have combined to form Green Club.
b. Middle School Sustainability Grant
Bob distributed a proposed grant application document to members prior to this meeting which had been reviewed by Jennie. However, as recorded in the Oct 16th 2018 minutes “A sum of $1,000 was agreed as appropriate” a formal vote to allocate those funds was not taken at the time. In view of the lack of a quorum for Green Ridgewood at this meeting and in view of the time constraints in the proposed grant schedule it was agreed Bob will solicit a vote from Green Ridgewood members by e-mail.
c. SJ for Schools, Sustainable Practices Workshop, Trenton, Sept 25th
Christine has been asked to attend this workshop so we will await her comments.
11. Updates.
a. Food Waste Events
Two events upcoming: DEP Food Waste Reduction Plan hearings Sept 17 & Sept 19 and NJ Composting Council Organics Waste Management Summit Oct 1st. Details have been circulated.
b. Energy Aggregation. No report.
c. Goodlife Ridgewood Sunday Sept 22nd Van Neste Square. All reminded.
d. Master Plan/Visioning. All reminded of Sept 21 & 28 Workshops.
e. Midland Park. Bob reported their environment group is gaining momentum.
f. Grants.
Sustainable Jersey has made us aware of two grants:
One, offered by NJ Healthy Communities Network, requires a Registration of intent by Sept 17. It had been referred to Mike.
The other, offered by Sustainable Jersey is for energy projects and will be referred to Chris Rutishauser for the Village and is being reviewed by Christine Amundsen for schools.
g. Plastic Water Bottle Education. No discussion.
h. Regenerative Environmentalism Group. No report.
12. New business.
a. Shade Tree Commission.
They plan to speak at our next meeting to enlist our support in tree issues.
b. Stormwater Education. Postponed to next meeting.
17. Next Joint Meeting will be Tuesday October 15th at 7.00 PM.
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