20200616 - Green Ridgewood/Green Team Virtual Meeting Agenda
June 16th 2020, 7.00 PM
- Welcome + Introductions
- Approve May meeting minutes
Discussion Topics
Follow-up to May “Way Ahead” discussion
- Committee or Commission? Comments at VC meeting
- Questions for Village Employees
- Membership/Recruitment
- Communications: Social Media, Web Site, Recycle Coach? etc.
- Short term plans/projects during COVID
- Grants, RGGI, Grant projects, Grant writer
- ERI update - the task, the need, the cost
- Volunteer households proposal - Ellie
- Use of Green Ridgewood Funds
Sustainable Jersey
- Silver Recertification
- Bergen Hub update – Arts Program
- RHS Green Club & BFMS project - update
- Middle school sustainability/environmental grant – update
- Somerville SJFS Grant
- Other Schools Topics?
- E-mails to Green Ridgewood – Leaf Blowers, Insecticides
- Waste reduction/Food waste pilot/NJ Food Waste Recycling Act
- Wild Duck Pond improvement
- Future (Virtual?) Events: Movie “Wasted”? Geothermal Lunch & Learn? EV’s?
- New business
For discussion if requested/time allows
- NJ Green Amendment – see https://forthegenerations.org/resources/states-pursuing-green-amendments/new-jersey/
- RGEAs - Bergen County, Glen Rock, Ridgewood?
- Green Business Program
- Green Ridgewood/Green Team Bylaws
Next meeting: Tuesday July 21st 7:00 pm, venue?
- Hits: 447