Parks, Recreation and Convervation Board Minutes 20180522
Date: May 22, 2018
Attendance: Present: Chair Rich Brooks, Lou Lembo, William Riker, Liz Kloak, BOE Liaison Jim Morgan
Absent: Vice Chair David Sayles, Mary Mogerley, Michael Winograd, and Village Council Liaison Ramon Hache
Also Present: Director Nancy Bigos
Public Comment: None
Director’s Report: April 2018 will be mailed to members
Correspondence: Quarterly newsletter with family free coupon and Graydon Pool postcard was mailed to all residents.
New Member We would like to welcome Liz Kloak to the PRC Board as a valued returning member.
Girl Scout
Silver Award Will present at next month’s meeting
Silver Award Will present at next month’s meeting
Approval of Minutes: Approval of minutes March 2018 is tabled till the next meeting.
Graydon Pool/
Summer 2018 The new chlorination system has been installed. Sand at the pool bottom was removed by Bergen County mosquito control. Pool has been York raked; sand has been delivered and spread. Staff has been hired and training starts next week. Pool is on schedule to open June 2.
Summer 2018 The new chlorination system has been installed. Sand at the pool bottom was removed by Bergen County mosquito control. Pool has been York raked; sand has been delivered and spread. Staff has been hired and training starts next week. Pool is on schedule to open June 2.
Wi-Fi Rollout The new technology system has been installed for Graydon Pool. No system has been installed at Van Neste Park at this time.
Maple Park/
Turf Replacement Project Status- all of the carpet has been installed and lines are in. The three types of in fill have been delivered and are in bags on the Right of Way. Target date for completion is May 31st. Email is being sent out to double check that the layout for all field lining that was requested was installed on the new field.
• Annual maintenance contract- at the last Fields Committee meeting sports groups agreed they will cover the cost of field maintenance for the duration of the service contract. This will allow the Village Council to earmark the money that would have been used for maintenance to be put in a fund for replacement of the turf field in the future.
Turf Replacement Project Status- all of the carpet has been installed and lines are in. The three types of in fill have been delivered and are in bags on the Right of Way. Target date for completion is May 31st. Email is being sent out to double check that the layout for all field lining that was requested was installed on the new field.
• Annual maintenance contract- at the last Fields Committee meeting sports groups agreed they will cover the cost of field maintenance for the duration of the service contract. This will allow the Village Council to earmark the money that would have been used for maintenance to be put in a fund for replacement of the turf field in the future.
Bergen County
Open Space Grant
Application 2018 A letter of intent has been submitted to Bergen County Open Space requesting $585,000 from the county matching funds for a 50/50 match. Phase II of the Kings Pond Park improvement plan will include; a walking path, benches, addition of shade trees and a small children’s playground. This conceptual project is on the Village Council agenda for June 6 public meeting. Residents near the park and the public will be invited to an informational meeting about plans for the park Wednesday, May 30th.
Train Station
Plaza Plans are being discussed about removing the median park at the train station to make room for more parking. Currently the area is maintained by the Village and many shade trees would be removed. Residents are looking to preserve the median that senior residents use to get into town for shopping and doctors’ appointments. ROSI needs to be checked to see if this area is park property.
Open Space Grant
Application 2018 A letter of intent has been submitted to Bergen County Open Space requesting $585,000 from the county matching funds for a 50/50 match. Phase II of the Kings Pond Park improvement plan will include; a walking path, benches, addition of shade trees and a small children’s playground. This conceptual project is on the Village Council agenda for June 6 public meeting. Residents near the park and the public will be invited to an informational meeting about plans for the park Wednesday, May 30th.
Train Station
Plaza Plans are being discussed about removing the median park at the train station to make room for more parking. Currently the area is maintained by the Village and many shade trees would be removed. Residents are looking to preserve the median that senior residents use to get into town for shopping and doctors’ appointments. ROSI needs to be checked to see if this area is park property.
Programing Our many summer programs are being offered throughout the Village for residents of all ages. We have programs taking place at Graydon Pool, Community Center, the Stable and various parklands.
Programing Our many summer programs are being offered throughout the Village for residents of all ages. We have programs taking place at Graydon Pool, Community Center, the Stable and various parklands.
HealthBarn We have very successful programs co-sponsored by HealthBarn. Stacey Antine most recently hosted our Community Gardeners for a Gardening 101 lecture for all 35 residents who have plots.
New Business
• For the last six years the Department and Community Center staff has maintained a water station for the Memorial Day Run. A big thank you to Liz Kloak for setting up the original water station years ago.
• Lightening Detection- the phone alert system is being held up from completion. Participants still need a safe place to go at some fields.
• Children’s Sensory Garden dedication ribbon cutting will take place June 21st.
• Barclays has a fundraising opportunity for groups that are interested. J. Morgan will share information; the event takes place August 20 through the 22nd.
Liaison Reports Village Council – R. Hache
No Report
Board of Ed - J. Morgan
Teacher negotiations are ongoing.
Open Space Committee - D. Sayles
Still needs more members. Looking to update the master plan, inventory all the ROSI properties. Continuing to solve the diversion with Green Acres, new properties are being considered.
Fields Committee – R. Hache/ R. Brooks
Village Council has not yet adopted the updated Athletic Fields and Recreational Facilities Use Policy. Discussed problems with maintenance of the fields and how teams leave the property. There was also discussion of the problem of vehicles driving onto park property bringing equipment. People are parking on the fields and walking path. Village Manager wants gates and/or bollards put up at park entrances. The committee is very happy about the new water fountains/filling stations at Veterans, Habernickel and Maple Park East.
Shade Tree Commission – N. Bigos
RAEK is a new environmental group at the high school coordinated by Greg Wu. This club has been offered property at the HS. They will be assisting the Parks and Shade Tree Division in growing shade trees at a designated location in the Parks Division yard.
Community Center Advisory Board-L. Lembo
. 13 pictures in the Community Center will be coming down and will be returned to the HS.
Village Council has not yet adopted the updated Athletic Fields and Recreational Facilities Use Policy. Discussed problems with maintenance of the fields and how teams leave the property. There was also discussion of the problem of vehicles driving onto park property bringing equipment. People are parking on the fields and walking path. Village Manager wants gates and/or bollards put up at park entrances. The committee is very happy about the new water fountains/filling stations at Veterans, Habernickel and Maple Park East.
Shade Tree Commission – N. Bigos
RAEK is a new environmental group at the high school coordinated by Greg Wu. This club has been offered property at the HS. They will be assisting the Parks and Shade Tree Division in growing shade trees at a designated location in the Parks Division yard.
Community Center Advisory Board-L. Lembo
. 13 pictures in the Community Center will be coming down and will be returned to the HS.
Ridgewood Environmental Advisory Council (REAC) - M. Mogerley
No report
Next Meeting Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at the Stable, 7:30 pm
Adjournment 9:30 PM
- Hits: 1047