20230425 - Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board Minutes





Date:                           April 25, 2023 – Anne Zusy Lounge 7:30pm   


Attendance:                 Rich Brooks, Frank Mortimer, Victoria Van Dyke, Bob Lasky, James Bostler, Pam Perron, James Morgan, Ashley Chauvin, Siobhan Winograd, Sheila Brogan, Ralph Currey, Hyun Ju Kwak, Nancy Bigos, Dina Kat


Public Attendance:      Dwight Loren, Robert Goodman, Nancy Goodman, Paul Coopersmith, Kristina Milian,

Robert Weise, Kerry Cook, Rurik Halaby, Cynthia Halaby, Patty Infantino, Lillian Blood, Anne Loving, Marcia Mathews, Cliff Mathews, Alyssa Mathews, Ed Seavers, Ellie Gruber, Susan Ruane


Welcome and Intro

of PRC Board and

Open Space

Members:                    R. Brooks introduced the PRC Board members.

                                    R. Currey introduced the Open Space members.


Public Comment:        Ellie Gruber shared that she objects to the conceptual Schedler plan.

Dwight Loren shared the need for field space in Ridgewood for adult recreation.

Lillian Blood shared the pickleball courts are open and available for adults.

Patty Infantino shared her concern with the air at Schedler not being tested and taking down the trees at Schedler.

Paul Coopersmith shared the need for field space in Ridgewood for adults.

Bob Goodman shared his concern about the removal of trees at Schedler and habitat.

Ed Seavers shared the need for more recreational space in Ridgewood.

Norka DaSilva shared she objects to a large turf field at Schedler.

Jacquelyn Hone shared that she objects to the conceptual Schedler plan.

R. Brooks and R. Currey shared the committees were not involved in the Schedler planning, the Village Council is.

Kristina Milian shared she is against the large turf field at Schedler and would like a smaller grass field.

Nancy Goodman inquired about the Adhoc report.

Siobhan Winograd explained the Adhoc plan.

Susan Ruane was explaining the work performed by engineering for Schedler.

Rurik Halaby commended the Village Council for being open and welcoming of opinions.


Village of Ridgewood/

Excerpts of Open

Space Master Plan:    R. Currey shared the Open Space action items and progress. Some of them have been completed and follow ups on other items. A sub-committee was created.


Green Acres

Diversion:                    S. Winograd shared we still have the diversion. She explained the details of the diversion. She shared that the diversion should be moving forward in the next six months.


Board Discussion:       R. Brooks shared the need for more recreational space, there is a high demand.

                                    S. Brogan shared different designs and features for adult parks.

                                    N. Bigos shared the need for additional recreational space in town not just for sports. Covid-19 impacted us and shifted the mindset. We need to plan for acquisition of park space.

                                    R. Brooks shared the Field Policy is always evolving. Discussion about fields and field scheduling. A presentation for Master Library will be needed once it is complete. We have covered all the information we have about Schedler.

                                    A. Chauvin suggested an FAQ document be created to address most common questions for the public to have access to. It will mitigate confusion and concern.

                                    S. Winograd shared the next steps for Schedler.


Public Comment:        Ellie Gruber shared details about the plan that was submitted to SHPO in 2018.

                                    Jacquelyn is in agreement with A. Chauvin to create an FAQ document for Schedler.

                                    Susan Ruane shared she is happy that the special needs community is taken into consideration.

                                    Rurik Halaby shared the need for a use for the Schedler house.

                                    Patty Infantino shared that the Village should not take down the trees at Schedler.

                                    Jacquelyn Hone shared her concern about questions not being answered at public meetings.



Adjournment                10:15 pm





Next Meeting Dates:


Open Space Committee – May 18th at 7:00pm, the Stable

PRC Board – May 23rd at 7:30pm, the Stable

  • Hits: 202



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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