20230926 - Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board Minutes




Date:                           September 26, 2023 – Stable, 7:30pm Gatehouse


Attendance:                 Present:  Chair R. Brooks, A. Chauvin, V. VanDyke, F. Mortimer, S. Winograd,

D. Sayles, L. Kloak. S. Brogan


                                    Absent: M. Mahmoud, J. Morgan


                                    Also Present: Director, N. Bigos, Office Assistant, D. Kat


Public Comment &     

Correspondence:        R. Brooks shared correspondence that was passed around to the group.


 Minutes:                     Minutes for June 2023 were tabled until October meeting.  


Liaison Reports           Village Council – S. Winograd           

·       S. Winograd shared the Schedler conceptual park plans passed internally. Plans will be finalized and sent to SHPO and hoping for a ruling in February 2024.Eco friendly turf has been researched and S. Winograd was able to provide the 3 samples at this meeting. An internal video was launched for the Schedler house. S. Winograd shared the sugar maple tree at Schedler is mature but healthy condition because the Village has invested in caring for the tree.


Board of Ed – S. Brogan

·       S. Brogan explained that the Orchard field may be out of use for the remainder this year. Aramark takes care of all the BOE fields and there was some confusion when it came to Orchard field. S. Brogan shared that the conversations about flooding continue and hopeful for some possibilities that can help. Julie Kot is the new business administrator for the Ridgewood public schools.


Open Space Committee – D. Sayles

·       D. Sayles shared the meeting was postponed for this upcoming Thursday.


Fields Committee – R. Brooks

·       R. Brooks shared the field schedule is set for fall. There has been difficulty with scheduling on Master Library. The field policy is a work in progress, there is a Field Committee meeting next week. The meeting had conversations about Orchard and Hawes fields. The next fields meeting is October 3rd at 7pm.


Shade Tree Commission – V. Van Dyke

·       V. Van Dyke shared that the Village attorney, Matt Rogers attended the meeting to explain the bylaws that the STC is permitted. They discussed the Adopt a Sapling program. The tree ordinance is being reviewed. Conversations about the budget, trifold brochure, and tree donations all ensued.


                                   Community Center Advisory Board – L. Kloak  

·       L. Kloak shared the next meeting is this coming Thursday.  


                                    Green Ridgewood – F. Mortimer

·       F. Mortimer shared the gas leaf blower initiative ordinance is in draft.




Project Pride – N. Bigos

·       N. Bigos shared that Lorraine Reynolds has scheduled Fall Pride Day on 10/7/23 at 7:00am. S. Winograd shared the rehome a palm tree program. The kissing balls will be refurbished for the season.



Field Policy:                This was previously discussed.


Fall Recreation:           N. Bigos shared the fall brochures have been mailed. The street fair was very successful with 200 vendors.


Community Center:     L. Kloak shared the Community Center brochure; mentioned the need to elevate the means to show these programs with the community.


Shade Tree

Commission:               Skipped


2024 Capital

Budget:                        N. Bigos shared that a 2024 fall planting request was submitted, for 120 trees. Also, the final phase of the CBD for the heat islands, along with a couple of side streets. The Parks department is requesting a new chipper truck and pickup truck. Operating and Capital budgets are due this Friday


New Business:            No new business


Next Meeting               Tuesday, October 26, 2023 at 7:30 pm, Stable


Adjournment                9:07pm

  • Hits: 103



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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