20220816 - Stigma Free Committee Minutes

Stigma Free Meeting Minutes 8/16/2022

  • The meeting began at 3:04 pm.
  • Don and Jonathan from The Center for alcohol and Drug resources introduced themselves
  • Danielle Pagani discussed the postcard that was sent out to Ridgewood residents for COVID resources, social support, food, transportation, and QR codes to our social medias, website, and phone numbers and how we included other organizations that would be helpful and resourceful
  • Danielle Pagani discussed how COVID guidelines are changing and we are waiting NJDOH announcement for official guidance.
  • Danielle Pagani discussed how we are keeping our eye on MonkeyPox details. She is going to share the NJDOH info graphics, especially the one geared toward Youth.
  • Danielle Pagani pointed out the Flu Clinic is listed on the calendar as Tuesday 10/4 but it is actually 10/6.
  • Danielle Pagani discussed the academic planners for RHS students and how she has been working with Ms. Watson on the planners. They include COVID resources and mental health tips and this will be sent to the state. It includes Yoga Instruction, Inspirational Quotes, Mental Health Tips, Cultural Holidays, etc..
  • Danielle Pagani discussed 8/23/22 “Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body” with the Alzheimer’s Association at the Anne Zusy center and 8/29/22 the county has Mental Health First Aid training for Adults in Hackensack, and 10/19/22 they are having one for Youth in Hackensack
  • Danielle Pagani discussed the state released a program for Naloxone and will share the info.
  • Danielle Pagani asked for scholarship info to be sent her way as a student reached out asking if there were any Stigma Free scholarships.
  • Sheila Brogan discussed on 9/15/22 there is a virtual fair to spread the word for Age Friendly. Any municipality is invited and Age Friendly Ridgewood is going to do a breakout session on how to develop and Age Friendly association.
  • John Judge discussed “Operation Blue Angel” and they have a representation coming to speak to them this week. They are looking into a key’d box for police and fire to have access to. It is a lockbox that goes on your house and families can purchase it and then emergency services can have access to be able to get in for emergencies.
    • John Botcher discussed how this is great because she had a friend who fell and they had to enter through the window to assist them.
    • Sheila Brogan said this is helpful and thanked John and Health Department for following up on it
  • Jan Botcher discussed Citizen for Swimming and the task force received some donations, gave water bottles and sun screen to the kids, and the Y is donating swimming lessons. Kids from different communities have learned to float and some swimming lessons
  • Haley Contigo discussed getting back together for the County Wide Stigma Free task force. The next one is 8/23/22 at 1 pm. She will send Danielle the link to share. Coming up the poster project will be displayed in their building and she will keep us updated on the dates. Mental Health First Aid dates are set for the year and she will share them.
  • Dana Napoletano brought up Mental Health America may have some scholarship opportunities.
  • Gabrielle from Lukin center discussed next week there is a live session for “couples day” and there is another book giveaway. She discussed services Lukin Center provides.
  • Mary Davey said full time staff members are gearing up for September if they are placed in school districts and focusing on requests for therapy. The requests uptick once  school begins so they are expecting a very busy time coming up soon.
  • Jonathan Augustin discussed the 7 week program open to parents with youth between ages 10-14. They are now moved to virtual sessions. He also discussed Annual Tree of Addiction conference coming up. It is hosted at Teaneck Marriot and this is the 9th year. They offer CE credits and this year will be based on sex, disorder eating, LQBTQ, healthcare, and the keynote will provide context on limitation of Health Care. For more info he can be contacted at jaugustin@cafsnj.org and he shared his contact info in the chat.
  • Don Bellamy discussed “Be Wise” 6 week program to celebrate health aging, how to talk to your doctor, positive aspects to getting older, and alternatives to pain medication on Tuesdays at 12 pm.
  • Sheila Brogan brought up Cooling Centers and she mentioned the county runs them when the temperature outside is 90+ for 2-3 days in a row. They opened 3-4 sites. She discussed how libraries are always a good idea and asked if Anne Zusy could be open on Weekends for movies or card games etc.. Just a thought for next year. Jacqueline brought up if it is opened up, there are some staffing requirements that are challenging. Sheila just wanted to have it be a thought for next summer.
  • The closest center to Ridgewood is Midland Park at the Northwest Senior Center
  • The meeting ended at 3:41 PM
  • Hits: 213



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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