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Mayor Vagianos called the meeting to order at 5:07 P.M. and read the Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act. At roll call, the following were present: Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, and Mayor Vagianos. Councilmember Winograd was absent at the meeting. Also present were Heather Mailander, Village Manager/Village Clerk; Robert Rooney, Chief Financial Officer; and Olivia Andreula of the Finance Department.


Mayor Vagianos led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.










            1.         CAPITAL BUDGET


Ms. Mailander said that the final budgets have been reviewed with all Department Directors and a final decision will be made this evening regarding the final tax rate. Beginning with the Capital Budget, Ms. Mailander asked if there were any questions or comments. Councilmember Reynolds asked if the item pertaining to concrete sidewalk and drainage repairs for $50,000.00 had been placed back into the budget, since the paperwork this evening was different from the paperwork she received on Monday. Mr. Rooney said that it had been added back in and clarified that there were four items in the final budget presented this evening, which had not been in the budget distributed Monday evening. He said that the first item was the addition of $50,000.00 identified by Councilmember Reynolds. The last three items were the removal of $5,000.00 for radio upgrades, addition of $65,000.00 for the Recycling Center heat and bathroom upgrades, and removal of $65,000.00 for the truck for the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF).


Councilmember Reynolds asked what work would be done regarding the concrete sidewalk and drainage repairs for $50,000.00. Mr. Rooney replied that he thought the funds were not allocated for any specific project, but would be allocated for overall use.


Councilmember Reynolds then inquired about the heat and bathroom upgrades at the Recycling Center. Sean Hamlin, Director of Recycling, stated that the Recycling Center location is shared with the Parks and Recreation Department. There is currently only one bathroom, with one toilet, at that location, which needs to accommodate 27 employees. It has been this way for many years, and there is often a line of employees waiting to use the restroom. In addition, there is no designated changing area for the employees who wish to take off their uniforms and change into their street clothes after they are done working. Their breakroom is only heated via a gas-powered wall space heater, which is inadequate to heat the space.  


Councilmember Reynolds asked Mr. Hamlin if the $50,000.00 would be enough to cover heating and the installation of a second bathroom. Mr. Hamlin replied that staff in the Signal Division are collaborating with the Engineering Department to develop a plan to build an extra bathroom. The sewer line from the existing bathroom has been a problem for years and repeatedly backs up because the two-inch sewer line is inadequate. Replacement of this sewer line would be included as part of the work.


Councilmember Reynolds noted that there had been a line item for $65,000.00 for the WPCF for replacement of Truck #50, which has been removed from the budget. Mr. Rooney said that this department volunteered to give up the request for the truck until next year.


Councilmember Reynolds pointed out that the sum of $500,000.00 remained in the budget for the Schedler property. She pointed out that these monies could be better allocated to many other things that have been removed from the budget, things that involve public safety and stormwater management. She said that $100,000.00 was taken out for hazardous tree removal and replacement; $150,000.00 was removed pertaining to removal and replacement of trees damaged by the emerald ash borer; $200,000.00 was removed for the construction of sidewalks on East Glen Avenue; $1 million was removed for the construction of sidewalks on West Glen Avenue; $400,000.00 was removed for drainage improvements on Circle Avenue; and $100,000.00 was removed for drainage improvements at the intersection of Morningside Road and Fairmount Avenue.


Councilmember Reynolds said that all of these items are related to safety, which she stated should be the Village’s number one priority, instead of the development of the park at the Schedler property. She said that she would like to see the $500,000.00 allocation for the park at the Schedler property be removed, and applied toward items related to safety and security. She said that she was shocked that the installation of a larger field at the Schedler property was a higher priority than safety issues, such as fixing sidewalks or performing stormwater management to prevent residents’ homes from flooding every time there is a big storm.


Deputy Mayor Perron thanked Mr. Hamlin for his patience, since his request for the purchase of side-loaders for the Recycling Department was removed from this year’s budget. Mayor Vagianos thanked all Department Directors for their hard work and stated that this is an especially difficult budget year. He said that there were no unreasonable budget requests and, even though many requests have been removed from the budget, the tax rate for 2023 may end up being almost double what it was in 2022. He said that the Village Council could not possibly determine the final budget without the expert guidance of the Department Directors.




Ms. Mailander said that the document entitled “Preliminary Draft” contained percentages and showed overall reductions. She said that this document shows how each Village department gave up a large percentage of their budget requests, some pertaining to salaries and wages and others related to Other Expenses (OE). She said that some departments have given up as much as 90% of their OE budget. The total original budget has been reduced by approximately $5 million.


Ms. Mailander turned her attention to the document entitled “Budget Reductions, Appropriations Only.” She said that new hires were requested in various departments, and the end result is that there will be no new hires in 2023, except for a Village Manager. Promotions and title changes were also requested, but none of those will occur in 2023. A Grant Writer will not be hired, overtime for the Police Department was cut, and overtime for the IT staff, for assisting with hybrid meetings, was cut. Removed from the budget were Tax Appeal Reserves, Reserves for Accumulated Leave, Capital Improvement Fund, Trust Reserves, and OE for Police Department vehicle maintenance. The health costs were applied to the grant received by the Health Department. Ms. Mailander reviewed other reductions and adjustments made regarding salaries and wages, legal, retirement payout, and merchant service charges. She mentioned that the Village is going to begin assessing a 3% service charge for any credit card payments made by residents for various programs and services. Hiring a company to develop a new Village website was cut.


Ms. Mailander said that the School Resource Officer was inadvertently put into the budget twice, which was corrected. Ammunition needs were increased for the Police Department and new hires for the Police Department were removed, as well as the related psychological and physical examination costs for the new Police Officers. In addition, the hiring of three EMTs was removed. Taser maintenance and taser supplies were reduced, since those are included in the first year after tasers are purchased. Closing the Recycling Center on Saturdays was considered, but then removed. Ms. Mailander said that the Ridgewood Fire Chief came up with new revenue sources through fee increases. She said that increased Village fees across the board will be explored, such as in the Building Department.


Ms. Mailander indicated that there are also Village-wide furloughs of employees in the proposed budget as well. She said that the budget has been reviewed repeatedly to avoid layoffs and/or furloughs. At this time, it appears that layoffs are not going to be considered. Ms. Mailander stated that the furloughs may result in reductions in production and efficiency, but this would be better than laying off employees, especially with the current inflationary economy.


Councilmember Weitz asked Ms. Mailander what the furloughs would entail. Ms. Mailander indicated that furloughs would mean that employees would work fewer days per week and would not be paid for those days. They are looking to furlough employees on Fridays during the summer, which would mean that Village Hall departments would be closed on Fridays; however, the Recreation Department would not be closed, due to the pool and camp programs that run during the summer. The Recreation Department employees would take their furlough days in the fall, alternating days off to ensure adequate overage, so that the Recreation Department does not close in the fall. Ms. Mailander explained that fewer people visit Village Hall during the summer, due to vacations, and therefore the summer is the best time to close Village Hall on Fridays. These furloughs will probably not take place until mid-July, since they entail a lot of Civil Service paperwork to be completed and submitted. These furloughs apply to all Village staff, from the Village Manager on down, except for the Police and Fire Department staff, who are exempt from furloughs.


Deputy Mayor Perron indicated to Mr. Rooney that she was going to waive her Village Council stipend, and Mr. Rooney thanked her.


Councilmember Reynolds said that she was entirely against initiating any furloughs. She feels that it would be bad for morale and economically detrimental to Village employees. She believes that the Village Councilmembers could figure out a budget that would not require furloughs. If taxes were increased anywhere between 4% to 6%, this would mean a difference of $7.33 a month to residents, and she did not think that residents would complain about paying that extra amount per month if it meant that all Village employees could remain working on a full-time basis.


In addition, Councilmember Reynolds stated that hiring a new Village Manager did not make since, since Ms. Mailander does such an excellent job and is a bargain. She stated that waiting just six months and permitting Ms. Mailander to remain as Village Manager for the rest of the year would mean that $84,000.00 could be put back into the budget and furlough days would be reduced by two days. She said that it did not make sense during a fiscal crisis, such as that facing the Village currently, to waste money by hiring a new Village Manager at $225,000.00 a year, which does not include the cost of benefits, when Ms. Mailander is performing this function now at much lower wages. She also stated that removing $500,000.00 from the Capital Budget for the Schedler property would save the Village money in the Operating Budget, approximately $25,000.00, and reduce the furloughs by one day.


Councilmember Reynolds stated that the Ridgewood Library was very blessed this year regarding the money they received from the State of New Jersey, and she would like to hear someone from the library tell the Village Council that they will figure out how to pay to hook up the generator to the library themselves, rather than the Village paying them $75,000.00 toward the hookup. Councilmember Reynolds asked Ridgewood Library representatives whether they had originally planned to pay for the hookup themselves, since Rocco Orlando was obtaining estimates for same, and the Library representative stated that they were still working on getting estimates. The Library representative said that if the money needed to hook up the generator were cut in half, they would not realistically be able to do the installation this year, without the full capital amount. Therefore, she said it would be reasonable to omit the $75,000.00 from the Library budget, since their Operating Budget is in an advantageous position. Councilmember Reynolds and the other Councilmembers thanked the representative from the library, since it would mean that less furlough days would have to be taken.


Councilmember Reynolds noted that, in the Capital Budget, $60,000.00 was added for litter cans in the Central Business District (CBD). She stated that while she is not thrilled with the garbage cans currently in the CBD, she feels that these funds would be better applied toward stormwater management projects. She said that while the garbage cans are not pretty and a couple of them are broken, they can be fixed rather than replaced. She said that she would like to see the $60,000.00 for the purchase of new garbage cans removed from the budget. Mr. Rooney said that this sum has been in the budget since early in the discussions. Councilmember Weitz agreed with Councilmember Reynolds and stated that the purchase of new cans could be delayed until next year.


Mayor Vagianos asked if the $60,000.00 was in the Operating Budget, and Ms. Mailander replied that it is in the Capital Budget, but that it would affect the Operating Budget regarding the required 5% downpayment. Mayor Vagianos said that removal of the $60,000.00 would not have much of an impact on the Operating Budget and would not affect furloughs. Councilmember Reynolds stated that the $75,000.00 request from the Library was removed from the Capital Budget, and that every little bit helps.


Councilmember Reynolds stated that removing the $500,000.00 for the Schedler property would affect the Operating Budget a lot. Councilmember Weitz added that the Schedler project costs started at $2.5 million and are now down to $500,000.00. Councilmember Reynolds stated that currently, there is $1.9 million in funding for the Schedler property, and that it was not right and fiscally irresponsible to add another half a million dollars towards the Schedler project, when the Village was considering furloughing employees. A discussion ensued regarding how the Operating Budget would be affected if $500,000.00 for the Schedler project were removed from the Capital Budget. Mr. Rooney explained that it would only save 5% in the Operating Budget.  If $60,000.00 is removed from the Capital Budget, then $3,000.00 would be saved in the Operating Budget (5% downpayment). Councilmember Reynolds countered by saying that removing $500,000.00 from the Capital Budget would result in a $25,000.00 savings in the Operating Budget.


Mayor Vagianos stated that the Schedler property has been dormant for 14 years and that this project needs to be completed. He said that the impact on the Operating Budget if the $500,000.00 were removed from the Capital Budget would be “de minimus.” Councilmember Reynolds felt that the Schedler property will not be completed this year, and that the $500,000.00 will just sit in an account when it could be used elsewhere. She mentioned the proposed larger field, which will cause an encroachment and lead to the matter being heard before the State Historic Preservation Office’s Historic Sites Council, which, in turn, will lead to the hiring of an attorney to act on behalf of the Village. She asked where this money would come from.


Mayor Vagianos stated that the person they are looking to hire will give the Village the opportunity to finish the Schedler project as quickly as possible. Councilmember Reynolds began talking about transparency and how many things were discussed about the Schedler property “behind the scenes.” She feels that the public has a right to know what the Councilmembers were discussing when developing the final budget as presented this evening, such as the proposed closing of the Recycling Center on Saturdays, the proposed closing of Graydon Pool for the season, and the proposed elimination of rear yard garbage collection.


Mayor Vagianos brought up the fact that there were discussions between administration and Department Directors that were not made public, since those discussions took place over many hours. He said that Councilmember Reynolds’ remarks about transparency were disingenuous. He said that no one was thrilled with the resultant budget, since the tax increase is too high, there are too many furloughs, and the equipment and workers which Village departments need cannot be provided in full. He said that all requests could be put back into the budget, which would result in an 11% tax increase.


Councilmember Weitz remarked that, especially for senior residents, an 11% tax increase would be unconscionable. He said that the previous Village Council had the benefit and luxury of Covid money and did not have to deal with the unprecedented rise in healthcare costs. He agreed with Mayor Vagianos that the Village Councilmembers find themselves in a miserable position and that no one is happy with the circumstances. Regarding the transparency comment by Councilmember Reynolds, Councilmember Weitz called it a “red herring.” He said that the Village Councilmembers were very clear in stating the Department Directors, Mr. Rooney and Ms. Mailander met in order to see what additional items could be omitted from the budget. He emphasized that these meetings are not public meetings. Councilmember Weitz said that he did not think it was fair for Councilmember Reynolds to say that transparency has been compromised or for her to want all the omitted items placed back into the budget, which would result in a phenomenally high tax rate. He said that the Village Councilmembers must make some tough decisions.


Mayor Vagianos said that the Village Councilmembers, including Councilmember Reynolds, had previously directed Ms. Mailander and Mr. Rooney to consult once again with the Department Directors to see what could be further cut from the budget, which is what they did.


Councilmember Reynolds stated that she never recommended that all of the omitted budget requests be placed back into the budget. However, she feels that too much has been omitted and she is very concerned about how those cuts will affect the Village this year and in future years. She is concerned that if an unforeseen emergency arises, the Village will not have enough money in reserve to pay for it. She would like to see some omitted items placed back into the budget and reiterated that it would cost the average taxpayer only $7.33 per month if the tax rate were increased anywhere between 4% and 6%.


Mayor Vagianos said that Councilmember Reynolds made a very good point, and that the Village Councilmembers should discuss how deep the cuts should be in the budget. However, he stated that he did not want to hear any more comments about the budget process not being transparent. Councilmember Reynolds said that was fair enough but that the priorities of the other Village Councilmembers were “out of whack,” in her opinion. She stated that the Village’s main priorities must be public safety and security. She said that she would like to ask Police Chief Jacqueline Luthcke some questions about her request to hire more police officers being taken out of the budget, and how that decision will affect the residents of Ridgewood.


Councilmember Weitz asked if the wording “Estimated 2023 Municipal Taxes” applied to yearly or quarterly taxes. Mr. Rooney said that this was an annual number, and he also broke it down quarterly and monthly. He said that the estimated municipal tax would be the municipal tax rate. If the tax rate of 6.645% were multiplied by the averaged assessed home value of $707,500.00, the result would be the estimated yearly taxes. Ms. Mailander said that the paperwork also showed the monthly differences between a 4.06% increase, which is actually what they got it down to, and other higher tax rates.


Ms. Mailander also clarified that two new police recruits were hired in January and the Police Department had budgeted to hire five more in July, due to retirements both this year and last year. She said that she did not want the Village to be in a position where a lot of overtime was being paid in the Police Department, due to short staffing. Ms. Mailander stated that Captain Lyons informed her that to fill a squad with a supervisor costs $1,700.00 per shift, and to fill a squad with a police officer, it costs approximately $1,300.00 per shift. If only one police officer is on vacation or calls out sick, there would be no problem with coverage, but if two or more officers are unable to work for various reasons, then it becomes a problem and some officers need to be called in to work overtime, to fill a shift.


Chief Luthcke corroborated what Ms. Mailander stated. When the workforce goes below minimum numbers, then additional staff has to be called in to work overtime. She said that with two police recruits still in the Police Academy and with four of their staff retiring this year, the net numbers would be brought down to 43 officers. In this circumstance, staff are pulled from the Traffic Bureau or Detective Bureau, which results in no traffic studies being performed or any of their regular duties being accomplished. It also results in cases not being followed up on, and this leads to residents becoming irritated. The last time there were only 42 officers on the police force was when as many as eight officers retired at the same time. This resulted in $850,000.00 being incurred in overtime that year, and this occurred despite strict management of overtime hours.


Chief Luthcke explained that when she knows officers will be out due to an injury or paternity leave, she tries to juggle the personnel to cover these absences. However, if the overtime occurs for a long period of time, the officers suffer from burnout, due to long working hours. The domino effect continues with resultant illness and morale issues, when staff is forced to work too many hours over a long period of time. She stated that more physical injuries occur as well, because officers are working too many hours, without enough downtime.


Councilmember Reynolds stated that the Village obviously cannot afford that kind of overtime. She recalled that Chief Luthcke had also asked to hire clerical workers so that police officers could be taken off administrative duties, to perform their regular policing duties. When asked by Councilmember Reynolds how many officers were currently on the force, Chief Luthcke replied that there are currently 46 officers. However, there will be only 43 after the retirements take place, and this includes the police recruits. After the police candidates graduate from the Police Academy in July of this year, Chief Luthcke stated that they will not count in staffing levels until December 2023 or January 2024, after more on-the-job training has been completed. Councilmember Reynolds asked Chief Luthcke if the Village would be harmed in future years if she is not able to hire more police officers at the current time, and Chief Luthcke said that it would definitely adversely impact the Village.


Councilmember Weitz asked when the police retirements would take place this year. Chief Luthcke said that one officer has already retired, one will probably take place in July and one in August, and the fourth date is unknown at this time, but it will be sometime before December. Councilmember Weitz asked if Chief Luthcke knew how much savings would be realized, in terms of salaries and wages, after all of these retirements have taken place. He assumed it would depend upon the exact dates of retirement. Chief Luthcke said that they have attempted to take some of these numbers out of the budget to see what that would look like. Mr. Rooney said that he believed the numbers (salaries and wages) have already been adjusted, based upon the retirements, but he did not have that paperwork in front of him. Chief Luthcke recalled that these adjustments have already been factored into the current budget.


Councilmember Reynolds asked whether all police officers on the force are available to work or if there were any on sick leave or off duty for any reason. Chief Luthcke replied that there are currently no police officers who are unavailable to work. However, she said that this was subject to change at a moment’s notice, if an officer is injured chasing a criminal or hurts their back while helping to lift an injured resident. Councilmember Reynolds asked how many more police officers Chief Luthcke felt needed to be hired so that the Village would not be “in harm’s way” next year or the year after. Chief Luthcke stated that she would like to hire five more officers; however, she realized that this was unrealistic given this year’s budget. She stated that hiring two more officers would be a good step in the right direction, in addition to the hiring of the two police recruits in January. She believes that there are three retirements coming up next year. Chief Luthcke stated that since it takes almost a full year for a recently graduated candidate to become a full-fledged police officer, it would be prudent to hire a police officer a full year before a retirement takes place.


Captain Lyons added that hiring clerical personnel will immediately open up the ability of police officers performing administrative duties, to go back on the road. The administrative duties performed are mandatory pursuant to statute, but could easily be done by clerical personnel. Councilmember Weitz asked how many detectives are on the force, in addition to uniformed officers. Chief Luthcke said that there are currently five people assigned to the Detective Bureau. However, their schedules vary and they are “their own unit.” She added that the detectives are pulled to do other work when things get busy.


Councilmember Reynolds noted that $50,000.00 was indicated for one clerical position and she asked if this was a full year’s salary, and Mr. Rooney replied in the affirmative. She said that if Ms. Mailander were allowed to retain her Village Manager position, a clerical person and three police officers could be hired for the Police Department. Mr. Rooney stated that the costs involved in hiring an officer to start on July 1 would be $29,650.00. This includes uniform, physical exam and psychological exam, along with a $20,000.00 half-year salary. This salary would increase to $40,000.00 in 2024. Councilmember Reynolds stated that hiring a part-time clerical worker would only cost $25,000.00 for a half-year salary.


Mr. Rooney said that there was originally a request to hire three clerical workers, one to perform clerical work and the other two to perform desk duty (alternate shifts). Chief Luthcke said that the most important position would be the one involving video redacting (Records Discovery Clerk at $50,000.00), which is currently a full-time job for one of the detectives. Mr. Rooney stated that the salaries for the other two clerks totaled $80,000.00. Mayor Vagianos said that if a Records Discovery Clerk were hired, it would be like hiring a new police officer because the detective doing that work currently would be freed up to perform his regular duties.

Councilmember Reynolds stated that if a part-time Records Discovery Clerk and two police officers were hired, it would amount to $85,000.00, and there is a line item in the budget for $84,000.00 for the hiring of a new Village Manager for six months. Three new people could be hired if Ms. Mailander retained the Village Manager position.


Mayor Vagianos stated that he was not interested in the Village Manager “arithmetic,” because he felt that this would be pennywise and pound-foolish. He acknowledged the wonderful job done by Ms. Mailander in the Village Manager role, but he said that more people were needed “at the top,” because this would save money in the long run.


Addressing Mr. Rooney, Mayor Vagianos said that his “rough and dirty” math showed $171,000.00, which he said would raise the tax rate by about three-tenths of one percent (4.06% to 4.36%). Councilmember Reynolds asked Mayor Vagianos how he arrived at the figure of $171,000.00 and Mr. Rooney asked the same question. Mayor Vagianos said that he would let them know. Mr. Rooney said that this would result in a tax rate of 4.53%.


Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that she would be in favor of hiring a Records Discovery Clerk, since it would free up police officers to perform their regular duties, but that was as far as she would go as far as hiring additional personnel. Councilmember Weitz said that a very compelling case was presented to hire a Records Discovery Clerk. There was a discussion about whether to hire more police officers, and what a significant tax increase would do to senior residents.


Councilmember Weitz stated that he was in favor of hiring a new Village Manager, stating that it was an investment for the future. Councilmember Reynolds asked what the harm would be if the Village waited another year before hiring a Village Manager, and Councilmember Weitz said that Councilmember Reynolds would make the same argument next year (that a new Village Manager was not needed). Councilmember Reynolds felt that the Village Councilmembers needed to be fiscally responsible, and she did not feel that hiring a new Village Manager at this time was being fiscally responsible. Mayor Vagianos said that, for decades, the Village had a dedicated Village Manager and a dedicated Village Clerk, except in the past few years, and that it was time to hire a separate Village Manager. There was back-and-forth discussion between Councilmember Reynolds and Mayor Vagianos about hiring or not hiring a Village Manager, and Councilmember Reynolds said that the only reason for removing Ms. Mailander from that role was because it was a “political hit job.”


            B.        WRAP-UP AND SETTING OF TAX RATE


Ms. Mailander said that with a tax rate of 4.06%, the budget would require employee furloughs. A tax rate of 4.77% would result in a monthly difference (from 4.06%) of $2.60, or $20.13 per month ($60.39 quarterly, $241.00 annually) and would not include any furloughs. When questioned by Councilmember Weitz, Ms. Mailander said that the tax increase would correlate with an average assessed home value of $707,500.00. If a property/house is assessed at a lower value, the monthly tax increase would be less, and vice versa. A tax rate of 4.92% would result in a monthly difference (from 4.77%) of $3.15.


Ms. Mailander said that, ideally, she would like to be able to fund budget transfers at the end of the year if necessary, which are usually needed. However, the budget is becoming “very tight,” to the point where budget transfers may not be able to be accomplished. Getting closer to the 4.925% would allow budget transfers to take place. Ms. Mailander spoke about unforeseen emergencies that may arise during the year and what would happen if there were insufficient funds to pay for that emergency. Monies can be appropriated for an emergency and paid for in the next year’s budget; however, this must be approved by the State. If the State determines that the Village set an unrealistically low tax rate this year, the emergency appropriation may not be approved.


Councilmember Weitz noted that the Village Councilmembers were provided with a comparison of other municipalities, which have already finalized their budget. He pointed out that Franklin Lakes had a 4.67% tax rate and Ho-Ho-Kus had a tax rate under 5%, with Midland Park at 5.7% and Ramsey at 8.5%, so he assumed that these municipalities were facing the same challenges as Ridgewood. He said that Waldwick and Wyckoff only had a 2.5% tax rate and he wondered how they had managed to keep the tax rate so low. Ms. Mailander said that they probably had much lower expenses and fewer households. Some municipalities are not enrolled in the State Health Benefits Plan, since they are self-insured, and do not have to deal with the 22% increase in healthcare benefits.


Ms. Mailander said that the Village did shop around for better healthcare rates, but the Village’s “loss runs” were too high and those insurers would not accept the Village as an insured. She said that there are a large number of Village employees, which makes things more difficult as well. In the towns with larger tax increases, such as in Ramsey, Ms. Mailander said that some driving factors were benefits, pension and garbage, since some towns do not have their own garbage collection services. In some towns, which do not pick up garbage themselves, costs for garbage collection and disposal rose by as much as 90%.


Councilmember Weitz asked how much Covid money was lost this year, and Mr. Rooney said that $1.3 million was received in 2021 and $1.3 million in 2022. Councilmember Weitz asked what this year’s tax rate would have been if the Village had received $2.6 million this year. Mr. Rooney said that he would have to do the calculations, but $390,000.00 equals 1%. Councilmember Weitz figured out that the tax rate would have decreased if Ridgewood had received $2.6 million in Covid funds this year.


Mr. Rooney agreed and stated that, in 2022, the Village Councilmembers wanted to maintain a 1.99% municipal tax rate, so the entire sum of the Covid funds, $2.6 million, was spent in order to obtain that municipal tax rate. Therefore, he said that the towns with a lower tax increase might not have expended all of the Covid funds, which they received in either 2021 or 2022. Councilmember Weitz asked if there had been any discussions among the Village Councilmembers about perhaps saving some of the Covid money for use later, rather than use most of it to lower the municipal tax rate in 2022. Mr. Rooney stated that Covid money could have been used for a multitude of things, depending upon the needs of the community. He said that the Village used the Covid funds to reduce taxes and to make up for losses in the revenue stream, due to the Covid pandemic.


Deputy Mayor Perron stated that at the League of Municipalities conference last year, the consensus was that municipalities should use the Covid monies allocated to them to invest in capital and equipment with a ten-year life expectancy. Therefore, all of the funds were used by the Village in one year. Mr. Rooney added that Ridgewood has an aggressive Capital Budget. When he first became Village CFO, Mr. Rooney said that police cars had holes in the floors and there was only one garbage truck serving the entire community. The Village made a big investment in order to maintain that infrastructure.


Mr. Rooney explained that the Village’s healthcare provider, the NJ State Health Benefits plan, never put money away in reserve and did not increase their rates appropriately every year. The Covid pandemic happened, the healthcare provider paid out a lot of money to insureds, and they are now trying to recoup their losses all at once. Therefore, things built up to a point where the Village is now facing a 22% increase in healthcare costs. Mr. Rooney added that Governor Murphy has been “sitting on” billions of American Rescue Plan (ARP) money. He used some of the money to “smooth out the bumps” for State employees for healthcare costs, but the Governor has not yet used the ARP money to help municipalities “smooth out the bumps” with healthcare costs for their employees. There is some relief for money for local government employees in this year’s State Budget, but municipalities will not see any relief from those monies until next year’s budget.


Mayor Vagianos asked if any of the Village Councilmembers wanted to review any of the other departmental budgets. Councilmember Reynolds stated that she did not feel so much money should be taken out of the Parks and Recreation Department budget for trees. Mayor Vagianos agreed. Ms. Mailander stated that they have taken the hiring of two Shade Tree employees out of the budget, which would result in insufficient staff to plant more trees this year. A lot of time last year was spent by employees from the Parks and Recreation Department investigating sites where sidewalks had been removed to see if tree roots needed to be ground or not, before the new sidewalks could be installed.


Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Rooney what the tax rate would be if $98,000.00 were added to the budget. Mr. Rooney said that this would bring the tax rate to 4.33%. Mayor Vagianos proposed that the hiring of one police officer and a clerical employee for the Police Department be added back into the budget, and that the furlough days for all employees (except Police and Fire) be reduced from six to five, which he believed was $98,000.00. This would make the municipal tax rate 4.33%. When Councilmember Weitz asked how much would be saved on the furlough days, Mayor Vagianos said that $43,000.00 a day would be saved. Councilmember Reynolds said that she did not want to have any furlough days. Deputy Mayor Perron said that she would vote in favor of Mayor Vagianos’s proposal, stating that she felt it was a reasonable compromise. Mayor Vagianos said that he wished there were no furlough days, either, and that more police officers could be hired.


Councilmember Reynolds asked Mr. Rooney where the budget would stand if one police officer and a clerical employee were hired, with no furlough days at all. Mr. Rooney said that, in that case, the tax rate would be 4.91%. Furlough days amounted to $258,000.00 and $54,650.00 for one police officer and one clerical employee, which totals $312,650.00. Ms. Mailander said that the 4.92% would result in an additional $248.15 per year for taxes for the average homeowner. Mayor Vagianos said that there was approximately a $238.00 annual tax increase from 4.06% to 4.92%. Councilmember Reynolds said that she wanted to know the difference between 4.33% and 4.91%, which she believes is approximately a $1.70 per month difference. Mr. Rooney said that her calculations were close.


Mayor Vagianos said that according to the comparison between municipalities regarding tax rates, there were four towns below Ridgewood and four towns above Ridgewood. Deputy Mayor Perron remarked that the Village Council does not know what the Board of Education (BOE) is doing with their budget. Councilmember Reynolds stated that the Village Council can only concentrate on their own budget, and Deputy Mayor Perron said that was true but that everyone needed to be cognizant of the fact that the BOE’s budget would affect residents’ taxes as well.


Mr. Rooney stated that the BOE and Bergen County develop their own budgets and don’t really worry about what the Village Council is doing. He felt that the Village Council should not concentrate on what either the BOE or County is doing, because they are not providing the same services that Ridgewood does. Mr. Rooney stated that his goal was to maintain the services that Ridgewood provides, and they have already decided not to eliminate backyard garbage pickup or to close the Recycling Center on Saturdays. He stated that he was not in favor of furloughing employees.


Ms. Mailander added that services will also be reduced to residents if Village Hall is closed on Fridays during the summer months (5 days total). Councilmember Reynolds added that this would affect garbage collection as well, and Ms. Mailander said that the schedules for garbage collection would have to be adjusted if Village offices are closed on Fridays. She added that bulk pickup schedules may have to change as well.


Mr. Rooney said that he wanted to go on record as stating that all of the numbers presented this evening are preliminary numbers and are subject to change. Some of the numbers have not yet been confirmed and some numbers relating to revenues may have to go through an ordinance, which must then be adopted. Mr. Rooney added that the budget also has to be reviewed and approved by the State; if it is not approved or delayed, the final numbers will be impacted.


Mayor Vagianos stated that the Village Council should not worry about the BOE or County budgets. However, as pointed out by Deputy Mayor Perron, residents’ taxes are going to be affected not only by the Village Council municipal budget, but also by the budgets of the BOE and County, and therefore the Village Councilmembers need to look at the “big picture” on a long-term basis and keep those other budgets at the back of their minds. He said that a .05% increase does not seem like a lot, but those incremental increases accumulate year after year, sometimes forcing families out of their homes. He concluded by stating that he is fine with the budget as it presently stands, with a 4.33% municipal tax rate.


Councilmember Reynolds asked Mr. Rooney if the Village would be in trouble if an emergency arises. Mr. Rooney said that the Village could account for an emergency which is a “true” emergency. He cited the example of a garbage truck, which broke down last year, and a $300,000.00 emergency appropriation had to be made. What he did not want to see occur was a Department Director coming to him in September and telling him that they have $40,000.00 in bills which they cannot pay through their departmental budget. In that case, there may not be sufficient funds available to do fund transfers to pay for those bills. He said that he cannot transfer monies from department to department until November. Mr. Rooney said that each Department Director is going to have to watch their funds very closely and not spend money unnecessarily.


Mr. Rooney explained that when appropriations lapse due to the funds not being spent, he is able to use those funds in the Surplus Fund the following year. He stated that he was approximately $250,000.00 short last year. He said that he was using $4.5 million surplus in this year’s budget, which is probably more than he should use, but he is using those funds to maintain an acceptable tax rate. Ms. Mailander added that a 4.91% tax rate would allow for more breathing room. A discussion ensued about not having to furlough any employees if the tax rate was 5%, as well as enabling Village Hall to remain fully staffed and open every day of the week.


Councilmember Weitz stated that he was more concerned with the “human factor” rather than the fact that Village Hall may have to close a few days during the summer, which would merely cause an inconvenience to residents. He said the main issue is how to balance the tax impact to residents versus the sacrifices that would have to be made by furloughed workers.


Councilmember Reynolds asked Tony Merlino, Director of the Building Department, how his department would be impacted by the proposed furloughs, given the fact that his office is already short staffed. Mr. Merlino had requested that two part-time employees be hired to assist in the Building Department. Councilmember Reynolds stated that residents are waiting a long time for permits to be issued or approved and for inspections to take place. She said that closing the Building Department for five days will create havoc. Mr. Merlino stated that he and his staff would just need to work harder.


Councilmember Weitz asked Mr. Rooney if the furlough days could be rescinded in the event the budget seemed to be doing better than projected during the year. Mr. Rooney deferred to Ms. Mailander, since she is the one who would need to file paperwork with the Civil Service Commission for the planned furloughs.


Ms. Mailander replied that the paperwork could be filed with Civil Service and the numbers could be reduced afterward. Civil Service would first have to approve the furloughs, but the Village could request that the number of days be reduced if it was found that the Village had sufficient funds to pay employees for more days. In addition, the unions would also have to “buy into” the furloughs. Facing layoffs, the unions would probably prefer furloughs. However, realistically, the Village must show what measures were undertaken to avoid having furloughs at all. In addition, although Ridgewood Water employees are not paid out of the Village’s tax base, these employees would also have to be furloughed, due to the fact that they are in the same unions as other Village employees (Blue Collar and White Collar Unions).


Ms. Mailander said that she did not know what would change in the budget during the year, which would affect the amount of furlough days. Councilmember Weitz stated that a budget could be passed that would include furlough days and then a decision could be made later in the year to not enforce the furloughs. Mr. Rooney stated that a budget with a 5% tax rate could be introduced with no furlough days, with an introductory hearing, and then the budget could be amended before final adoption. However, once the budget is adopted, it cannot be changed. Ms. Mailander concurred.


Councilmember Weitz said that he was actually asking the opposite question. He had asked whether the furlough days could be rescinded, after a budget is adopted with furlough days contained within it, if it appeared that the budget projections were high and monies became more fluid. Ms. Mailander said that she highly doubted that this would occur. Mr. Rooney explained that if an employee is being furloughed for six days beginning July 1 (six Fridays), he would like to reduce employees’ pay for those furlough days over the remaining pay periods through the end of the year. Therefore, he does not see a way where the furlough days could be rescinded, since the Village Council would have already committed to that change.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked if a budget amendment could be done after adoption of the budget. Mr. Rooney said that the only time a budget can be amended after adoption is if the Village files a Chapter 159, when a source of revenue offsets an appropriation. A governing body must adopt a resolution requiring approval of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services for the insertion of any special item of revenue from any public or private source that was unknown at the time of adoption of the annual budget. However, Mr. Rooney explained that the tax rate calculation can never be changed once the budget has been adopted. Ms. Mailander added that the Bergen County Division of Taxation ends up striking the final tax rate for Ridgewood once all three (municipal, BOE and County) budgets are finalized.


Councilmember Weitz asked if someone could explain what happens after tonight’s budget meeting. Mr. Rooney explained that if the Village Council agrees that the tax rate will be 4.33%, he will start developing his state budget, check it to make sure all numbers are correct, and then would send the budget to the State for approval. The State will contact Mr. Rooney with any amendments which they feel need to be made to the budget. There are some statutory requirements regarding certain amendments, where a public hearing may be mandatory. In the meantime, the Village Councilmembers will set dates for both introduction and adoption of the budget. An announcement notifying the public of the date of the final budget adoption by the Village must be published ten days before the hearing date. On that date, members of the public are permitted to speak about any issues that they are concerned with, regarding the budget. If the Village Councilmembers feel that some of these issues are valid and need to be addressed, then the Village Councilmembers have an opportunity to amend the budget accordingly. If a line item changes by more than 10%, a hearing must be held and an amendment adopted. If a line item changes by less than 10%, then the change can be made on the night of the budget adoption meeting. If there are no changes, then the budget is adopted and a tax rate is struck.


Ms. Mailander said that the budget introduction is scheduled for March 30, 2023 and the budget Public Hearing and final adoption is set for April 27, 2023. If it is determined that a budget amendment is needed, which changes a line item by more than 10%, at the April 27th meeting, then another Public Hearing would need to be scheduled before adoption of the budget. Ms. Mailander added that the State still needs to approve the proposed budget, and in the past, such approval was not received until as late as 4:00 P.M. on the day of the final budget adoption meeting.


Councilmember Reynolds asked Ms. Mailander if she has ever been employed by the Village when furloughs occurred. Ms. Mailander replied that she has worked for the Village during a time when there were layoffs, but not furloughs. She stated that, in the eyes of Civil Service, a furlough is the same as a layoff and the same paperwork is required for both. Ms. Mailander stated it is a laborious process, including: submitting a racial makeup of the employees being furloughed; describing what measures were taken to avoid the furloughs; and obtaining a sign-off from the unions that they were notified of the proposed furloughs. The Civil Service Commission then has time to review and approve the furlough plan or ask for further clarification. All employees are then notified in writing that the furloughs will take place for a certain number of days, and there is an additional statutory time period that is required, before the furloughs take place.


Councilmember Reynolds asked Ms. Mailander if she had any idea how many hours it would take her to prepare the furlough paperwork for Civil Service. Ms. Mailander estimated that it may equal 35 or 40 hours of work. She said that it was a very lengthy and complicated process. Ms. Mailander, Mayor Vagianos and Councilmember Reynolds thanked all departmental staff for coming to the meeting this evening.


It was decided by consensus, except for Councilmember Reynolds and Councilmember Weitz, that the budget would be put through with a 4.33% municipal tax rate. Ms. Mailander asked Councilmember Reynolds what changes she would like to see in the budget. Councilmember Reynolds said that she would like to see no furloughs and wanted Mr. Rooney to be comfortable with the budget in the event of an unforeseen emergency. In addition, she wanted to see priorities more aligned with what she feels should be the job of the Village Councilmembers, regarding issues of public safety, trees, and stormwater management. She feels that these priorities are not being addressed with the budget as it now stands.


Ms. Mailander then asked Councilmember Weitz what he would like changed in the budget. Councilmember Weitz said that he is uncomfortable with a 4.33% municipal tax rate, but he is also uncomfortable cutting anything further out of the budget. He said that he would like to see the municipal tax rate near 4.33% while avoiding furloughs. He said that the public is not going to be happy with tax increases and the employees are not going to be happy with furloughs, so the Village Councilmembers need to make some hard decisions. Upon further reflection, Councilmember Weitz said that he thought the Village Council should move forward with the budget at a 4.33% municipal tax rate.


Ms. Mailander next asked Deputy Mayor Perron if there was anything she wanted changed in the budget. Deputy Mayor Perron said that with a 7% inflation rate, she feels that a 4.33% municipal tax rate is reasonable. She said that she was impressed with the solution of five furlough days. She said that when she worked for the Federal government, she and others would be furloughed for two weeks at a time, with no “smoothing out” of the loss of income. Deputy Mayor Perron said that she was in favor of using the $169,000.00 left over in the Capital Budget for tree plantings.


Ms. Mailander then asked Mayor Vagianos what he thought about the budget, and he replied that he did not like the budget at all. However, he said that he will live with the 4.33% municipal tax rate. He said that the furloughs were distasteful, but were less distasteful than layoffs.






Anne Loving, 342 South Irving Street, began by thanking Deputy Mayor Perron for sending her the link for the streamed Village Council meeting, since it had been unavailable most of the day. Ms. Loving said that she had heard someone mention that they were thinking about closing Graydon Pool for the season. She stated that Graydon Pool generates revenue and she cannot understand why closing the pool was even brought up.


Ms. Loving recalled a question by Councilmember Reynolds this evening asking where the funds would come from, in order to hire a legal consultant for the Schedler property. Ms. Loving said that there was no answer forthcoming to this question, and she assumed that the hiring of the legal consultant would be for the purpose of overturning the historical designation of the Schedler house and property.


Ms. Loving said that she cannot believe that the Village Councilmembers have included furloughs in the budget, which she stated was unacceptable and disgraceful. She said that residents are paying taxes for services, which will be diminished, and the furloughed employees have bills to pay and families to support. Ms. Loving said that it doesn’t “ring true” when three Councilmembers say they do not like furloughs but that it must be done. She said that the furloughs cannot occur, particularly in light of the fact that the Village Councilmembers are obsessed with spending large sums of money for a larger field at the Schedler property.


Boyd A. Loving, 342 South Irving Street, said that what the public is going to remember from this evening is the fact that the Village Councilmembers authorized the sum of $60,000.00 for the purchase of new garbage cans, which he called “someone’s pet project.” The public is also going to remember the expenditures of $500,000.00 for the development of the Schedler property and $225,000.00 for a new Village Manager. The public will also remember the furloughs and the fact that the furloughs became necessary due to these large expenditures. Mr. Loving said that it was disgraceful and unacceptable that the Village Councilmembers would continue with projects like the garbage cans and field when Village employees are being furloughed five days.


Nancy Brennan-Hill, 136 Doremus Avenue, echoed the comments of Mr. and Mrs. Loving. She wondered whether the Village Councilmembers could look at the budget again to see what could be eliminated, such as the items identified by Mr. Loving, which represented large sums of money.  She wondered if these items were taken out of the budget, if furloughs could be avoided. She said that the Village should remain true to their employees, and she sees no need to hire a lawyer for the Schedler property, especially since the neighbors in that area would be very happy with a beautiful park and a smaller field.  She recalled that Ridgewood resident Linda McNamara spoke extensively in the past about the dangers of artificial turf. She thanked the Village Councilmembers who spoke about water, clean air and trees, which are some of the essentials of life.

There were no further public comments.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked the public to keep in mind that a significant chunk of the Village’s tax revenue comes from Village businesses, particularly those located in the Central Business District (CBD). She said that if the CBD “looks crappy,” those businesses will suffer. She said that the existing garbage cans look terrible and she has received many complaints about them. Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that it is important for the Village Council to help the businesses thrive, so that tax revenues can be maintained from the business community, and residents do not have to absorb the taxes that the businesses would have paid to the Village, if they remained open. For those reasons, Deputy Mayor Perron does not feel that the purchase of new garbage cans is a “pet project.”


Councilmember Reynolds said that she disagreed with Deputy Mayor Perron and thinks that the $60,000.00 allocated for the purchase of new garbage cans can be better spent on other priorities. She said that there was nothing wrong with the current garbage cans, although she acknowledged that some might need to be replaced.


Councilmember Reynolds also wanted to clarify that the Village is not hiring a lawyer. The Village paid for two notices last week and the week before, but those notices were improper because the Village Councilmembers thought that Peter Primavera was a lawyer and he is not. He is a consultant. To the best of her knowledge, Councilmember Reynolds indicated that Mr. Primavera will appear publicly before the Village Council, where the Councilmembers and hopefully members of the public can ask him questions. As far as she knows, Mr. Primavera has not yet been hired by the Village.


5.         ADJOURNMENT


There being no further business to come before the Village Council, on a motion by Deputy Mayor Perron, seconded by Councilmember Weitz, and carried unanimously by voice vote, the Village Council’s Special Public Budget Meeting was adjourned at 7:02 P.M.





                                                                                                Paul Vagianos





                     Heather A. Mailander

             Village Manager/Village Clerk

  • Hits: 164





Mayor Vagianos called the meeting to order at 5:12 P.M. and read the Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.  At roll call, the following were present:  Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos. Also present were Heather Mailander, Village Manager/Village Clerk; Robert Rooney, Chief Financial Officer; and Olivia Dimitri of the Finance Department.  Councilmember Weitz arrived to the meeting at 5:13 P.M.


Mayor Vagianos led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.  He asked for a moment of silence in honor of Ridgewood resident, Michael Fidanza, who passed away recently. Mr. Fidanza once owned a restaurant on Broad Street and participated in Dad’s Night, Jamboree performances, and coaching.




Andrew Lowry, 441 Hawthorne Place, stated that he is on the Shade Tree Commission.  He stated that the proposed budget for 2023 presented this evening by the Parks Department is an “aggressive” one.  They managed to refurnish 90 tree wells in the Central Business District (CBD) and plant 190 shade trees throughout the Village last year.  However, Mr. Lowry stated that the emerald ash borer still exists, which is destroying many ash trees in the Village (at least 100 trees per year).  He feels that they have gained a lot of momentum this year, and stated that it was important to “build upon” this, indicating that he was confident there would be a lot of “positive feeling” by anyone visiting the CBD and recognition of all of the work done by the Parks Department.  Not only should trees be recognized as part of the infrastructure of the Village, but trees should also be cared for and maintained.  Mr. Lowry said that it was critical to water these trees every week for the first two years, so that they may take root and thrive.  Mr. Lowry stated that the staff of the Parks Department is “stressed” and that more staffing is needed in that department in order to get all the work done.  He thanked the Village Council for their support.


George Wolfson, Sterling Avenue, said that he has always found budgeting to be a daunting task, which requires identifying the necessary items and “slaughtering a few sacred cows” occasionally.  He was speaking this evening to request that the Village Council not repeat past mistakes and to reasonably staff the Parks Department with adequate full-time employees.  He said that the Parks Department has been the “whipping boy” of budgetary cuts in the past, where funds allocated to them initially have been redistributed to other departments. 

Mr. Wilson stated that, prior to 1950, the Shade Tree Department had a staff of 23 people to maintain 15,000 trees, which had been planted.  Today, the department has “dwindled down” to a part-time department barely capable of maintaining Village assets.  He stated that manpower is frequently diverted to other tasks, such as general cleanup, leaf removal and snow removal.  He said that the current state of the shade tree inventory reflects years of poor maintenance and insufficient replacements.  Mr. Wilson said that, in 2022, approximately $300,000 was spent on new plantings, and he expressed the hope that this replacement program would continue for many years.  He concluded by stating that adding more staff to the Parks Department will not only protect the Village’s investment, but will also ensure the environmental benefits provided by a vibrant and healthy tree canopy.


Nancy Brennan Hill, 136 Doremus Avenue, stated that she felt the Village was “falling far short” of what it needs to do in order to maintain its trees.  A tree inventory, which is 85% completed, revealed that the count is down by approximately 4,000 trees.  Planting 600 trees a year for 10 years would bring the tree canopy up to par.  She asked the Village Councilmembers what they planned to do about the shortfall.  She stated that someone should be tasked with the sole job of managing the tree inventory; otherwise, the Village of Ridgewood will not look the same as it did in the past.


Marilyn Jacoby, 165 Glen Avenue, indicated that she supports all of the previous comments made this evening.


There were no further public comments.




Ms. Mailander began by stating that this evening’s meeting is the first of several budget meetings that will be held by the Village Council.  The next two budget meetings will be held on February 23 and February 24, 2023, beginning at 5:00 P.M.  If necessary, there may be a final budget meeting on March 6, 2023 at 5:00 P.M.


Ms. Mailander explained that the budget process started in July, when budget sheets were distributed to every Village department.  These sheets must be completed and submitted to Bob Rooney, Chief Financial Officer, by September.  Multiple meetings are held in the fall and in the beginning of the following year, so that preliminary budget figures can be discussed at the first budget meeting.  At that time, additional budget cuts are usually made.


Mr. Rooney said that, as in the past, the Village will be faced with some challenges this year, and some cuts will have to be made in order to arrive at a budget that will result in an acceptable tax increase.  He said that the figures presented this evening by various departments are currently 11% over the final adopted budget for 2022.  The challenges include some fixed costs that cannot be altered, such as pension costs which have increased almost 13%, utilities which have increased about 31%, and insurance, which has increased, by 25%.


Mr. Rooney then spoke about the Capital Account, which began with $19 million in overall budget requests from Village departments.  After the departments made concessions, this left $11.1 million in overall capital requests.  His target is $7.5 million, which is consistent with the past several years, leaving $3.6 million in cuts, which still have to be made.






                        1.         PARKS DEPARTMENT


3.         GRAYDON POOL


Ms. Mailander stated that present at this evening’s meeting were Nancy Bigos, Director of the Parks and Recreation Department; Katie Frey, Recreation Supervisor; and Matthew Andreula, Supervisor of the Shade Tree and Parks Divisions.


Regarding the Operating Budget for 2023, Ms. Bigos stated that the needs of her department change as the needs of the Ridgewood community and the world change, based upon conditions such as climate change, increased flooding or the Covid pandemic, the latter of which demonstrated an increased need for both passive and active recreation.  Ms. Bigos indicated that there is a notable increase in the desire for open space, including parklands, facilities and amenities.  She stated that the Parks and Recreation budget was developed with a “frugal mindset,” acknowledging the challenges facing the Village this year.  She said that their budget has remained flat, with the exception of salaries.


Ms. Bigos said that staffing in her department is her top priority.  On September 21, 2022, staffing requests were sent to Ms. Mailander, outlining the needs of the Parks and Recreation Department. Due to the greater demand for special needs programming, continued expansion of programs and weekend events, people having more time for recreation since many now work from home, and people also desiring a healthier lifestyle, Ms. Bigos said that they would like to hire a Recreation Program Specialist.  This would be a professional Civil Service position, starting with a low salary of approximately $52,000.00. This employee would assist the department with programming, special event management, and technology (especially as the Board of Education’s Master Library software is merged with the Village’s field scheduling software, so that it becomes just one platform).


The maintenance of restrooms, facilities, fields, the Kasschau Shell, the View on Crest Road, and the Central Business District all place demands on her department.  Ms. Bigos said that as more people participate in recreation, more trash is left behind and more fields get worn down. Ms. Bigos stated that a Grounds Maintenance Worker 1 is required in her department as well.  The requirement to maintain a healthy tree canopy is of the utmost importance.  The lack of funding in previous years has created a serious condition in the Village.  Two Tree Maintenance workers are requested within the Shade Tree Division, who will perform inspections, tree pruning, sidewalk work, removals, treatment, as well as watering and feeding of the 15,000 trees within the Village, so that a healthy tree canopy can be maintained.


Ms. Bigos said after given directives to reduce costs regarding Other Expenses (OE) by either 5% or 10% (10% of which would be $24,000.00 or 5% which would be $12,000.00), they decided that reducing their request for horticultural supplies would be the best way to solve that problem. These supplies would include grass seed, fertilizer, seasonal plantings, and shrubs.  Regarding any reduction in salaries and wages, Ms. Bigos stated that any reductions in this area would be “crippling” to the Parks and Recreation Department.  Reducing salaries and wages by 10% ($115,000.00 total salaries and wages), would result in the elimination of the three positions which she is requesting this year for her department. 


A 10% reduction in OE for the Recreation Division would amount to $10,579.00.  Ms. Bigos indicated that she and her staff thought that this could be accomplished by eliminating summer bus transportation for the Summer Day Camp Program.  Ms. Bigos stated that, in past years, 350 children used this service, Monday through Friday, during the six-week program.  A 5% reduction in this OE line item would amount to $5,289.50. A reduction in temporary and seasonal salaries and wages within the Recreation Division would automatically result in a reduction in participants, staff, and revenue.


Councilmember Winograd asked how many children participate in the summer program, and Ms. Bigos replied that there are 600 children.  Ms. Bigos explained that transportation is provided to these children from the elementary schools to Maple Park East, with a return trip back to the schools afterwards.


Councilmember Weitz asked what the average ages of the children were, and Ms. Bigos replied that the children who reside in Ridgewood are entering grades 1 through 6 in the fall.  She stated that the transportation assists working parents. 


Councilmember Reynolds asked Ms. Bigos what percentage of the children use this transportation, and Ms. Bigos replied that approximately 80% or 350 children (out of the 600 who participate) use these services. 


Mayor Vagianos asked what the bus transportation costs.  Ms. Bigos replied that it was difficult to answer this question, since they are waiting to see what the participation will be this year, after attendance dwindled both during and after the Covid pandemic.  However, she stated that $18,000.00 was budgeted for this line item for 2023.


When questioned by Councilmember Winograd, Ms. Bigos replied that each family has the opportunity to elect the busing option.  When asked if the cost of the camp is still as reasonable as it had been when her children attended, Ms. Bigos replied that it is.


Councilmember Weitz said that his children attended the Summer Day Camp as well, and he remembers it being very affordable.  He asked if Ms. Bigos has considered charging more for families who elect to use the bus transportation, and Ms. Bigos replied that they could certainly consider doing so moving forward.


Mayor Vagianos stated that the proposed budget of the Parks and Recreation Department as presented this evening has already been trimmed significantly and, if left intact, would result in an unacceptable 11% increase in the Village’s tax rate.  He stated that trimming the budget by just 1% would amount to $750,000.00.  In order to reach the goal of a minimal 2% tax increase, the entire budget would need to be trimmed by approximately $7.5 million.  He stated that the Parks and Recreation Department's proposed budget includes an additional $250,000.00 request for salaries and wages.


Councilmember Winograd said that it was her understanding that part-time employees would not receive entitlements, and Ms. Bigos confirmed this fact.  Councilmember Winograd asked Ms. Bigos if she could use two part-time employees rather than one full-time employee.  There was a discussion about the duties and responsibilities of an employee in the Shade Tree Division versus those of an employee in the Recreation Division. Ms. Bigos stated that tree maintenance workers possess a special skillset, with knowledge of operating equipment and vehicles, cuts and weights, measurements, fallout, roping, rigging, and sharpening of saws.  Councilmember Winograd asked if any of the tree work could be outsourced.  Ms. Bigos said that this is currently being done within their Capital Budget.  When asked how much is being budgeted this year for outsourcing, Ms. Bigos replied that it is approximately $100,000.00 for treatment and removal of trees.


Councilmember Weitz asked if Ms. Bigos had calculated what the benefit costs would be for each new employee.  Mr. Rooney replied that 30% should be added to the $52,000.00 to determine what the total cost would be if that employee were to be hired.  Ms. Bigos replied that the three positions within the Parks Division would start at a salary of $42,000.00 each.  Adding the 30% in benefits, Councilmember Weitz estimated that each new employee would cost between $52,000.00 and $55,000.00 with salary and benefits.  Councilmember Reynolds recalled Ms. Bigos indicating earlier that the starting salary for the Recreation Program Specialist would be $52,000.00, and Ms. Bigos confirmed that this was correct.  The $42,000.00 starting salary would pertain to the two Tree Maintenance workers, as well as the Grounds Maintenance Worker 1.


Mayor Vagianos noted that the Tree Maintenance workers were listed at $49,488.00 in the budget documents. Ms. Bigos recalled that the salary range went from $42,000.00 to $49,000.00, so she said that she would have to recheck these figures.  Mayor Vagianos stated there would be an additional 30% added to the salary figures for benefits, and he asked if this 30% were included in the proposed budget.  Mr. Rooney replied that it was not and would not come into play until next year.  Ms. Bigos corrected herself by saying that $49,488.00 would be the base starting salary for the two Tree Maintenance workers, $42,000.00 for the Grounds Maintenance Worker I, and $52,000.00 for the Recreation Program Specialist.


Regarding the Capital Budget for the Parks Division, Ms. Bigos remarked that their priorities would be those items related to the Shade Tree Division.  These items would include the Mason dump truck and the plow.  Ms. Bigos stated that the scope and size of the work done by this division is substantial, and that is why this line item amounts to $108,000.00.  The second priority deals with two utility vehicles, which Ms. Bigos stated are well beyond their lifespan.  One vehicle is the Project Pride cart that was taken off the road and deemed inoperable by the Fleet Division at the end of last fall, and they are unable to order replacement parts.  The other vehicle is a 2014 utility vehicle used for field maintenance, performing small jobs around the parks, transporting equipment, grooming the sand at Graydon Pool on a daily basis in the summer, as well as sidewalk plowing during the winter months.  Replacement costs for these two vehicles is estimated to be $120,000.00.


For the benefit of the public, Mayor Vagianos explained that there is a proposed $11 million Capital Budget, which needs to be reduced to approximately $7.5 million to avoid a high tax increase.  He explained that Ms. Bigos is currently detailing to the Village Council what she cannot live without, and any cuts will be done at the end of the budget process.


Ms. Bigos said that the most important items for the Parks Division staff in the Capital Budget are the Mason dump truck and the plow.  Following those items, the next most important would be the two utility vehicles:  the chip truck and the hook.  Councilmember Reynolds asked if this line item came to $295,000.00, and Ms. Bigos replied in the affirmative.  They are next looking to replace the chipper for $102,000.00.


Ms. Bigos stated that included in this budget request is replacement of the discharge pump for Graydon Pool at a cost of $200,000.00.  The main discharge pump is located under the 12-foot diving dock.  This is used to pump the water out of Graydon Pool at the end of the season and discharge it into the sanitary sewer line, which ends up at the Water Pollution Control Facility.  Ms. Bigos stated that this pump is part of an “age-old infrastructure” that came with the original facility, probably in the 1940s. 


Councilmember Reynolds asked if a new pump could also be expected to last 80 years, and Ms. Bigos replied that the existing pump is “band-aided” right now and there are times when it will not operate at all.  She would prefer that the pump be replaced pre-season rather than have it break down in the middle of the summer.  Councilmember Reynolds remarked that the lifespan of the existing pump was remarkable.


Mayor Vagianos asked why this discharger pump, which is being held together with Band-Aids, is her number five priority and not her number one priority.  Ms. Bigos stated that it is her number one priority for Graydon Pool.  She said that she has priorities within each of her four divisions:  Shade Trees, Parks, Recreation and Graydon Pool.


Regarding the Shade Tree Division, Ms. Bigos indicated that her priority would be looking at tree removal regarding the emerald ash borer, as well as application of the second treatment to those ash trees, which can be saved, in the sum of $129,000.00.  This work would be outsourced.  The next priority would be a fall tree replacement program, at $100,000.00. 


Councilmember Reynolds pointed out that $100,000.00 is listed under “Shade Tree Planting,” and that priority number 11, Fall Street Shade Tree Planting, has an amount of $264,000.00.  She wondered if that was an error.  Ms. Bigos replied that she attended a Directors Meeting on Friday to review the Capital Budget with the CFO and Village Manager, and she stated that those items have already been reduced (originally $264,000.00, but reduced to $100,000.00).  Ms. Mailander explained that there was a meeting with Department Directors, at which time the Capital Budget was reduced from $18 million to $11 million. 


When asked how much one tree costs, by Councilmember Reynolds, Mr. Andreula replied that it depends upon the situation.  It costs more to plant a tree in the CBD, because the existing tree must be removed and the tree wells have to be prepared for the new planting.  When planting street trees at the requests of residents, it does not cost as much.  He estimated that it costs approximately $500 to $600 per tree if planted on the street, and about $1,200 to $1,500 per tree if planted in the CBD.  When questioned by Councilmember Reynolds, Ms. Bigos indicated that approximately 120 residential trees would be planted if the monies were allocated ($100,000.00).


Ms. Bigos indicated that they are requesting $42,000.00 to finish the tree plantings in the CBD (side streets of Oak and Walnut Streets).  She stated that there is also a watering contract in her Capital Budget request in the amount $45,760.00, which she indicated was crucial because of the large investment already made planting shade trees.  The new trees must be watered sufficiently so that they do not die.  Ms. Mailander remarked that the watering contract has been moved to the Operating Budget.

Ms. Mailander indicated that there are other items, for which money needs to be allocated.  One is the Maple Park turf replacement sinking fund, into which $50,000.00 is placed every year, so that monies are available when the turf needs to be replaced.  She mentioned that this is the fourth year that this has been done. 


Councilmember Winograd asked if anyone had ever spoken with the sports groups regarding a per player fee (contribution to the sinking fund).  Ms. Mailander replied that this is the first time she has ever heard of such a proposal, and Councilmember Reynolds said she has never heard of it either.  Councilmember Winograd explained that after the field was re-turfed, there was a discussion that the people utilizing the field, particularly the travel teams, would pay a per player fee, which would go into the sinking fund.  Ms. Bigos said that she would follow up on that conversation.  Councilmember Winograd asked how much money is currently in the sinking fund, and Ms. Bigos replied that there is currently $200,000.00 in the sinking fund.


Ms. Mailander continued by saying that another item for which monies should be allocated is the Phase II construction of the playground at Habernickel Park ($75,000.00).  She explained that the additional money will be required, because the price has gone up.  There are also monies to be allocated for the pavilion and dock that goes into the water at Kings Pond.  This is part of the diversion plan, which was provided to Green Acres for replacement of the recreational facilities, which were inadvertently removed from the South Broad Street playground area.  She mentioned that the Village is very close to satisfying the diversion, stating that it is now in Final Phase #1.  There will be a Final Phase #2, after which time it will be submitted and hopefully approved.


Mayor Vagianos asked if the $75,000.00 allotted for the playground at Habernickel Park is part of the $11 million proposed Capital Budget or whether it has already been taken out.  Ms. Mailander said that it has already been removed.  Councilmember Reynolds asked about #6 and #8 (pickup truck with plow).  Ms. Bigos indicated that those items were eliminated from the Capital Budget. Ms. Mailander added that the awning at the Stable was also eliminated.  Councilmember Winograd asked that item three (pavilion) be highlighted, since the diversion will be discussed in Closed Session, and Ms. Mailander said that this would be done. Mr. Rooney indicated that in the front of the budget binders is a summary of the items which were eliminated and the balance of what is left (column titled “Modified by Village Manager and CFO).”


Ms. Bigos thanked the Village Council for their support and for the opportunity to serve the Ridgewood Community.  Mayor Vagianos thanked Ms. Bigos for her wonderful service to Village residents of all ages.  He asked her to please prioritize her Capital Budget requests (department wide) so that the Village Council is aware of what is at the top of the list and what is at the bottom.  He said that he would like to see this either this evening or at the time of the next budget meeting.


                        4.         PROJECT PRIDE

                        5.         COMMUNITY CENTER


Ms. Bigos indicated that she did not include Project Pride and the Community Center in her presentation. She stated that Project Pride and the Kasschau Shell are volunteer-run organizations, which seek support from the Village for supplies and programming.  These two committees administer these programs.  She said that the Community Center has Other Expenses and salary for a Program Coordinator. 


Mayor Vagianos felt that the proposed budgets for the Community Center, Project Pride and Kasschau Shell were rather succinct and self-explanatory, and the amounts were the same as last year.  He asked if anyone had any questions, and there were none.


                        6.         ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT

                        7.         PLANNING BOARD

                        8.         ENGINEERING


Regarding the Operating Budget for 2023, Christopher Rutishauser, Director of Public Works and Village Engineer, indicated that he had some budgets sent to him this afternoon but was unable to print them because the Engineering Department is out of toner for the printer.  Mr. Rutishauser said that the Zoning Board of Adjustment is a “busy board,” holding meetings two to three times a month (if there is a fifth Tuesday in a month).  The Planning Board has been slow, and a number of meetings have been cancelled due to a lack of applicants.  Mr. Rutishauser said that he does not see much changing in terms of the volume for the Planning Board.  However, he said that the Zoning Board has a multi-month backup on applications.


Mayor Vagianos asked about line item 028, Other Professional Services, where there was a dramatic increase from last year.  The actual expenditure was $12,500.00 for last year, and this year they are requesting $27,000.00.  Mr. Rutishauser explained that Other Professional Services usually encompass the fees charged by Mr. Whitaker, Board Attorney, and John Barre of Heyer, Gruel & Associates, Professional Planners, in the Zoning Board of Adjustment’s budget.  The new planner’s fees are higher than those of the former planner, and the former planner has retired.  Mr. Rutishauser stated that some of the applications that the Zoning Board has been receiving are very complex, for example, an auto body shop on South Broad Street.  There has already been one hearing regarding that application, and he anticipates that there will be at least two or three more hearings, with expert testimony being heard.  Mr. Barre has been asked to attend those meetings.


Regarding the Capital Budget for Engineering, Mr. Rutishauser explained that it contains a request for paving funds.  Ms. Mailander remarked that $2 million has already been allocated for paving.  Mr. Rutishauser reported that the bid document for the Village’s capital paving has been advertised and four packets have already been picked up by contractors.


Councilmember Reynolds asked what is involved in the drainage improvements at Morningside Road and Fairmont Avenue.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that there is an undersized pipe in that area, which causes backwater flooding onto private property.  They want to increase the size of the pipe.  He said a large majority of the Village’s stormwater drainage pipes are undersized and made of poor quality material (corrugated metal piping).  Deputy Mayor Perron asked why they chose to do work in this particular area rather than somewhere else.  Mr. Rutishauser said that he has received many complaints from neighbors in this area.  He relies upon residents to notify him of any failures in the drainage system.


Ms. Mailander pointed out that the work at Morningside and Fairmont has been taken out of the Capital Budget.  She read off the items that are currently being presented to the Village Council:  concrete sidewalk and drainage repairs of $50,000.00; $2 million which has already been appropriated for paving; $1 million for construction of sidewalks on West Glen Avenue; $10,000.00 for the pedestrian beacon light/radar repairs; and $500,000.00 for improvements at Schedler Park.


Mayor Vagianos asked if the $500,000.00 for Schedler Park improvements would complete the project.  Mr. Rutishauser clarified that these monies would be added to funds which are already encumbered, and all of the funds should cover what is being proposed at the February 1, 2023 Village Council meeting.  Mayor Vagianos asked if those plans included a small-sided grass field.  Mr. Rutishauser said that he felt they could be “close enough” to construct one of the larger fields on the Schedler property. When a question was raised by Councilmember Winograd as to what specific elements of the project would be covered by these monies, Ms. Mailander replied that the additional $500,000.00 would be strictly allocated to the proposed field.  


Ms. Mailander indicated that other items presented for consideration by the Village Council this evening included drainage improvements along the walking track at Veterans Field, security cameras at The View on Crest Road, and drainage improvements on Hope Street.


Regarding the sidewalks on West Glen Avenue, Councilmember Reynolds asked what would be done with the $1 million which is proposed to be allocated towards this project.  Mr. Rutishauser stated that they are at the most expensive stage of the project, because they have to construct retaining walls at various adjacent properties. Jovan Mehandzic is currently designing the retaining walls.  They are in the process of choosing a rock material to be used for the walls, which will hopefully be approved by the property owners, and then negotiations will begin with the residents so that the project can proceed. 


Councilmember Reynolds asked if any part of the $500,000.00 includes work on the proposed sidewalk construction from Maple Avenue to the train trestle on West Glen Avenue.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that they are currently concentrating on the properties from the train trestle up to Monroe Avenue.  He referred to a request made at a Citizens Safety Advisory Committee (CSAC) meeting pertaining to the East Glen sidewalks, which Ms. Mailander indicated has been removed from the proposed budget.


Councilmember Reynolds asked if the residents had to pay for any of this sidewalk work, and Mr. Rutishauser replied that they do not.  All expenses will be paid for by the Village.  She asked what would happen if one of the neighbors decided they didn’t like the stone picked out for the retaining wall.  Mr. Rutishauser indicated that, in that event, he would discuss the issue of eminent domain with Ms. Mailander and Mr. Rogers.  Councilmember Reynolds felt that the ultimate decisions regarding the material used for the retaining wall should be made by the Village.  Mr. Rutishauser agreed, but stated that some of these neighbors have created their own little parking spots along that portion of West Glen Avenue, and they are trying to accommodate both the sidewalk needs for the Village and the parking needs of the neighbors. 


Councilmember Winograd asked if any of these spots are located within the right-of-way, and Mr. Rutishauser stated that they were.  She asked if this phase of sidewalk construction went all the way down to Oak Street, and Mr. Rutishauser reiterated that it only went from the train trestle up the hill to Monroe.  Councilmember Winograd asked if people will have to walk on the grass in the area from the train trestle down to Maple Avenue, and Mr. Rutishauser replied that that area is slated for a future project.  Mr. Rutishauser added that a sidewalk cannot be constructed outside of what used to be 141 West Glen Avenue, which currently has two homes on that site, because there is an open ditch in that location  which is considered “Open Waters of the U.S.”  He has had conversations with the NJDEP about the possible installation of a pipe, and the NJDEP steadfastly refused to give approval for that.  When questioned by Deputy Mayor Perron, Mr. Rutishauser confirmed that this proposed work (sidewalks from the trestle to Monroe) was only going to be done on the south side of West Glen Avenue.


Mayor Vagianos asked if the Village has to start the sidewalk construction this year, and Mr. Rutishauser replied that that was up to the Village Council.  Ms. Mailander added that they want to finish the project, since sidewalk construction on the other side of West Glen Avenue was completed in 2022. 


Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Rutishauser to explain the 2023 street resurfacing and reconstruction for $2 million.  Ms. Mailander replied that these monies have already been appropriated via a Bond Ordinance.  Councilmember Winograd asked about the sidewalks on the north side of West Glen Avenue.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that the sidewalks on the north side, or westbound direction, were constructed from Monroe down the hill to Alpine Terrace.  He explained that the section from 141 West Glen Avenue to Heights Road will have no sidewalk because of the streambed. Under this new appropriation of $500,000.00, they want to continue sidewalk construction in the eastbound direction down to South Hill Road.  Councilmember Winograd asked what would occur at South Hill Road, since that location was a “disaster” for pedestrians trying to cross the road.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that they are looking to improve crossing in that area with a flashing pedestrian crossing sign.


Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Rutishauser if there is a corresponding sidewalk on the opposite side of West Glen Avenue where this new sidewalk construction is contemplated, and Mr. Rutishauser replied that there is not.  He explained that the two lots at 141 West Glen, which used to be one lot, have a “boulder ditch” in front of the two existing homes, along with a bridge over a stream which is used as ingress and egress to those properties.  Sidewalks cannot be constructed in this location, but there are sidewalks on the opposite side of the street.


Councilmember Winograd stated that the south side of West Glen Avenue is very hazardous for walking, particularly around Heights Road.  She asked if pedestrians should be encouraged to walk on the north side. Mr. Rutishauser said that people can walk on the north side or westbound direction, around the Alpine Terrace area where sidewalks were constructed two years ago.  Concerning safety, Mr. Rutishauser said that he would look into establishing some crosswalks on West Glen Avenue.  However, he pointed out that West Glen Avenue is a road owned by Bergen County.  He said that if some pedestrian-activated crosswalk warning signs were to be installed, these would need to be approved by the County, especially if the Village were to bear the expense.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked Mr. Rutishauser if he was confident that the “steep slope” in front of some of the homes on West Glen Avenue would not be undermined if they cut into the south side of the road.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that the slope would not be undermined and he was confident that adequate retaining walls could be built.  Deputy Mayor Perron then asked if the NJDEP would allow the construction of a walking bridge over the open waters located by 141 West Glen Avenue. Mr. Rutishauser said that he can ask the NJDEP again, but stated that when the 141 West Glen Avenue project came before the Planning Board, the United States Geological Survey “quad sheet” showed that the ditch represented “Open Waters of the U.S.”


Councilmember Winograd asked if there was any financial relief that could be obtained from Bergen County for this sidewalk construction.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that the County considers West Glen Avenue a public road from curb face to curb face.  Anything beyond the curbline is the responsibility of the municipality.  Councilmember Winograd asked if there were curbs on West Glen.  Mr. Rutishauser said that if the Village wants to install curbs on a County Road, the Village must perform the work and bear the expense.  Councilmember Winograd asked how high the retaining walls would be.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that they would range from four to five feet tall.  Once the design is completed, it will be brought before the Village Council for consideration for a Title 59 Resolution, before discussion with the affected residents.

Councilmember Reynolds asked about the $100,000.00, which was taken out of the proposed budget for replacement of the Kingsbridge Lane Bridge.  Mr. Rooney replied that these monies were allocated for evaluation of the bridge.  Mr. Rutishauser further clarified that an engineering firm was retained, which indicated that they would be able to prepare plans and specifications to repair the bridge rather than replace it. This firm has provided him with a signed and sealed statement indicating that the bridge, in its current configuration, does not need to be retrofitted in order to make it ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) accessible. This firm is in the process of preparing the bid documents. Mr. Rutishauser recalled that it cost approximately $40,000.00 to retain this engineering firm. He stated that it will cost the Village a lot less to repair the bridge, than to replace it. 


Councilmember Reynolds wondered if any monies were to be allocated in 2023 for the bridge.  Mr. Rutishauser said that he did not think so, but that he believes monies were budgeted in prior years for this purpose. Councilmember Reynolds recalled that the sum of $100,000.00 was allocated last year, out of which $40,000.00 was spent on the engineering firm, so there should be a balance left of $60,000.00.  Mr. Rooney confirmed this and stated that if the bid comes back in an amount less than $60,000.00, they will be able to move forward with the Kingsbridge Lane Bridge repairs.  Councilmember Winograd asked if there was a time limit within which the bid has to be sent out, stating that this area is related to the Schedler property discussion the engineering firm to find out their timeline.


                        9.         TRAFFIC & SIGNAL


Regarding the 2023 Operating Budget for Traffic & Signal, Mr. Rutishauser explained that some expenses have increased for materials and supplies due to inflation.  They are going through a lot of signs and sign blanks. There are some signs which are faded throughout the Village, and there is now a resident who is bringing those signs to their attention.  There is also a significant expense for conferences and meetings, since the staff in the Traffic & Signal Department were not able to get certified in the repair of traffic signals during the Covid pandemic, and they must catch up on their training.  Mr. Rutishauser stated that the training and certification are critical.  There are 18 traffic signals in the Village, and certification of staff is critical whenever litigation occurs.  If a traffic accident occurs as a result of an allegedly faulty traffic signal, it is important that he be able to prove that Village employees are properly trained and certified to adjust the timing of traffic lights and to repair the signals.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked about item 026, Maintenance of Other Equipment in the Traffic & Signal budget, in the amount of $19,400.00, stating that last year the same line item was only approximately $2,000.00.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that he is not sure if all of the bills from 2022 have been paid.  He indicated that he just signed a stack of vouchers, many of them related to 2022.  Bills are still being received from vendors, which will be processed by his department and then forwarded to the Finance Department for payment.  He is hoping that these are reflected in the “2022 Actual.”


Richard Tarleton, Supervisor of Traffic & Signal, indicated that Jim O’Connell, the former Supervisor of Traffic & Signal, has retired, and he was doing inspections of the fire alarm systems in the Village.  Therefore, Mr. Tarleton has put money into the budget for interior fire alarm inspections and fire extinguisher inspections under the Building Maintenance Account. Mr. O’Connell previously did these inspections, but since his retirement, the inspections can no longer be done in-house.


Councilmember Winograd asked how many employees in the Village have commercial driver licenses (CDLs).  Mr. Rutishauser said that he would have to look up that information, since he is one of the three Designated Employee Representatives (DER) of the Village. The other two are Nancy Bigos and Rich Calbi.  The reason this title is so “exalted” is that, if someone fails a urinalysis test, one of the DERs has to deal with it on behalf of the Village.  He will research the answer to Councilmember Winograd’s question and report back to her.  Ms. Mailander added that the majority of Blue Collar Union employees in Ridgewood do possess a CDL. Mr. Rutishauser agreed, citing employees of the Signal, Water Pollution and Streets Departments.


Mayor Vagianos noted that the proposed 2023 budget increases salaries for the Traffic & Signal Division employees by approximately $150,000.00, which he stated was quite significant since the salaries last year amounted to approximately $562,000.00 and the salaries for 2023 amount to $712,000.00.  Mr. Rutishauser explained that two new full-time employees were hired in mid-2022, replacing a number of part-time employees.  These employees started working for the Village in approximately October.  Mr. Tarleton added that there are “title changes” which were made for the employees, and stated that there is an amount of about $12,000.00 for these title changes.  He said that the exact numbers are not known yet, so that is the reason for the $12,000.00 line item in the budget.


When asked by Mayor Vagianos how much these new employees are paid, Mr. Rutishauser replied that “Laborer First Step” employees are paid $52,000.00.  Mayor Vagianos asked how much part-time staff are paid.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that there is one permanent part-time employee (limited to 28 hours per week), who started working for the Village in August 2022.  No new employees will be hired in 2023 for the Traffic & Signal Division.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked if the overtime costs of $40,000.00 in the Traffic & Signal Division could be reduced in any way.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that a lot of that overtime was incurred, unfortunately, when drunk drivers damaged traffic signals.  He stated that these accidents generally occur after work hours or on the weekend, which necessitates three or four employees being called in to repair the damage during off hours.  Deputy Mayor Perron also asked whether the on-call cost of $32,000.00 could be reduced.  Mr. Rutishauser explained that there is an employee on call to respond to emergencies (two hours a day, seven days a week).  Ms. Mailander added that this is contractual.


Regarding the 2023 Capital Budget for Traffic & Signal, Ms. Mailander stated that the items which were left in the proposed budget are litter cans for the CBD ($60,000.00), Street Services building fire escape, Recycling Center bathroom upgrade (heat), Police & Fire radio upgrade, thermal line striping, one traffic signal controller, two crosswalk flashing signs, and radar speed signs.  She indicated that the Councilmembers should look at the list designated as “Presented to Council.”


Councilmember Winograd stated that the litter cans in the CBD have not held up well and asked Mr. Rogers if there were any legal remedies that the Village could pursue against the vendor, which sold the cans to the Village.  She wondered if the Village could get any “reclaimed value” for the existing cans and then upgrade to a better quality can.  Mr. Rogers indicated that he would first need to see the original invoices.  Councilmember Winograd was concerned about the uniformity of the trashcans in the CBD, and Ms. Mailander stated that this will be discussed at a Village Council meeting.


When questioned by Councilmember Winograd, Mr. Rutishauser replied that between 70 and 80 trashcans would be needed, just in the CBD.  He said that the trashcans at Maple Park have held up pretty well (heavy black wrought iron can with a rounded top).  When asked if the trashcans would be bolted in place, Mr. Rutishauser said that he would have to study the locations to see where the cans can be bolted down.  He will double check with the Police Department regarding the new proposed trash cans.  He recalled that the Police Department previously recommended the lighter weight cans, which have not held up as well as expected.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked if the staff can lift the heavy black cans at Maple Park.  Mr. Rutishauser replied that the lid opens up and all they need to do is reach in and remove the trash bag.  The physical container is not lifted at all.


Councilmember Winograd asked whether or not furnishing some recycling cans in the CBD has ever been discussed.  She feels that there should be more of a presence of public recycling in the CBD.  Deputy Mayor Perron asked if this would just be greenwashing (the act or practice of making a product, policy or activity appear to be more environmentally friendly).  Councilmember Winograd said that partnering with the businesses and perhaps furnishing two to three recycling cans would be a good first step.  Ms. Mailander mentioned that she was not sure there was any money budgeted this year for that purpose, unless the Village Council decided otherwise.




            10.       BUILDING MAINTENANCE


Mr. Rutishauser explained that Building Maintenance includes the custodial services for Village buildings.  There are two custodians who take care of Village Hall as well as the Lester Stable.  He explained that the custodians will break down and set up for Village Council meetings and then will set it up for Municipal Court hearings. They also clean and maintain the aging infrastructure. Mr. Rutishauser mentioned that several employees are very good at working on HVAC systems, and the HVAC system at Village Hall is having problems, due to its age.


                        11.       WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY


Regarding the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) Operating Budget for 2023, Mr. Rutishauser explained that there is no request for any additional hires in the 2023 budget, since staffing is at a good level.  He said that many costs are related to maintenance of the plant.  Mr. Rutishauser stated that the plant was last upgraded and finished in 2005 and is fast approaching the 20-year mark.  He said that the 2005 upgrades cost approximately $18 million.  He said that WPCF staff is constantly trying to fix as much of the infrastructure as possible, before outside vendors are brought in. However, they had to use an outside vendor for the bar screens that were damaged during Hurricane Ida, and some digester shaft mixers need to be repaired.


Councilmember Weitz noted some big increases for contractual services and chemicals.  Mr. Rutishauser said that prices for chemicals have gone “through the roof.”  He said that 2023 would have been the second year of a two-year bid, and they usually ask the vendor if they would like to continue for the second year of the contract.  Mr. Rutishauser said that this vendor refused to provide chemicals for the second year of the contract, because prices increased significantly.  Therefore, it was rebid and the amount of that bid is what is reflected in the 2023 budget.  Regarding Other Contractual Services, Mr. Rutishauser said that he believed this reflected sludge disposal costs.  He stated that one to two loads of sludge per day are trucked to Passaic Valley and that tolls are incurred during each trip. Councilmember Weitz noted that there was a $110,000.00 price increase, and Mayor Vagianos noted that this cost basically tripled.


Deputy Mayor Perron remarked that these costs were $45,000.00 in 2022, and for 2023, it is $152,000.00.  Mr. Rutishauser explained that “sludge” was usually listed as a separate line item, but they added the charges for the approximately 56 homes in the Village that go to the Northwest Bergen County Utilities Authority (approximately $28,000.00).  Mr. Rooney stated that he would find out where this was posted in the budget last year, so that the Village Councilmembers may better compare this charge year over year.  He stated that the sludge hauling may have been attributed to a different department.  Mayor Vagianos asked if the costs for sludge hauling tripled, and Mr. Rutishauser said that he is aware the costs have increased, but wasn’t sure whether it had tripled.


Mr. Rutishauser indicated that they are also renewing the plant-operating permit, and he estimated that this would come to approximately $7,500.00.  Laboratory analysis services are also included in the budget, which are sent out to bid.


Regarding the Capital Budget for 2023 for the WPCF, Ms. Mailander asked the Village Councilmembers to look at the list under “Presented to Council.” She mentioned that most of the items need to remain in the budget, because the items deal with work on pumps, digesters and screens.  Mr. Rutishauser said that they are seeking $1.5 million for the second part of their new bar screens. The plant’s bar screens were severely damaged by the rapid inflow caused by Hurricane/Storm Ida.  Plant staff have tried to do “workarounds” as much as possible. They have contracted with a vendor to provide the screens, and this $1.5 million will satisfy the second half of the contract. 


Mr. Rutishauser indicated that they are also requesting $200,000.00 for addressing copper contamination.  They have noted such contamination at the WPCF in the effluent and, after extensive research and testing, their Lab Manager has determined that the source of the copper comes from Graydon Pool.  Mr. Rutishauser has noticed the correlation in the rise of copper contamination at the WPCF when Graydon Pool discharges water to the wastewater treatment system.  The reason for this is because copper sulfate is used to treat the water at Graydon Pool.  They are requesting funding so that a precipitating agent can be introduced to settle the copper into the sludge, so that it is not detected in the final effluent readings of the water that discharges into the Ho-Ho-Kus Brook.  If this is not done, the NJDEP will “slap their hands” and fine the WPCF for exceeding the acceptable levels.  In that event, the WPCF will not be able to accept any more discharge from Graydon Pool.


Ms. Mailander stated that the other big item is the replacement of Truck #50.  Mr. Rutishauser explained that Truck #50 is a 2011 heavy duty pickup truck which is used for snow plowing.  It suffered some damage last winter during a snowstorm.  It has been repaired but is not “top notch” anymore.  He indicated that once the order is placed for a new truck, they do not expect to obtain possession of it until 2024.


Ms. Mailander said that the other items include a spare primary sludge pump, replacement doors on the screenhouse, replacement of a kitchen oven range, and pumps for the sludge boiler.  She mentioned that all of these items need replacement, since they are now past their life expectancy.  Mr. Rutishauser gave a shout out to Jeremy, a very skilled welder who works in the Signal Division, for his efforts in repairing the sludge boiler.




Mr. Rutishauser explained that the proposed Operating Budget for Fleet Services contains costs for supplies and parts, which have increased considerably since last year.  He said that tires have also gotten more expensive. Mayor Vagianos asked about the cost for Police Vehicle Maintenance, stating that it was zero in 2022 and rose to $150,000.00 for 2023.  Mr. Rutishauser explained that police cars are some of the most difficult vehicles to maintain, since they are used 24/7/365.  A number of Chevrolet Tahoes are in the fleet, which have not performed as well as expected.  They seem to need a lot of engine work, and seats are being replaced at 40,000 to 50,000 miles, which are expensive.  Mr. Rutishauser added that bodywork is required if one of the police cars is involved in an accident, some of the cost of which is reimbursed by insurance if the other driver was at fault.


Mayor Vagianos again asked why there were no expenses for same in 2022.  Mr. Rutishauser said he was not sure, but stated that Fleet Services is always fixing police cars.  He said that a new engine had to be installed in the police undercover car in 2021.  Mr. Rooney added that, in 2022, these costs were “buried” in other pieces of the budget and that it was listed as a separate line item this year because it has gotten so expensive to fix these vehicles.  Mr. Rutishauser mentioned that Michael Junta, Supervisor of Public Works, told him that a lot of the work on the police vehicles was covered by warranty in the past, but that these cars will be out of warranty very soon.  He stated that the Police Department has been very proactive and are waiting to see how well the recently purchased Durangos perform for them.


Deputy Mayor Perron noted that, in 2022, the purchasing of tires cost $7,326.00, and in 2023, there is $82,000.00 being budgeted for tires.  Mr. Rutishauser stated that he felt the number for the prior year is inaccurate, and that probably close to $40,000.00 was spent for tires in 2022.  Mr. Rooney added that there are some bills that have not been included in the budget, because they were received after their departmental budget was submitted to the Village Council, so that number will be higher.  Mr. Rutishauser indicated that loader tires cost approximately $4,000.00 each, depending on what machine it is.  The tires on the loaders are beginning to wear down and they anticipate replacing many of them this year.


Councilmember Winograd asked about the Professional Services and Dues line item, which shows a negative figure on the proposed budget.  She asked if he is anticipating any bills to be received.  Mr. Rutishauser indicated that some mechanics in Fleet Services belong to a couple of organizations, and they may ask for reimbursement for their dues.


Regarding the Capital Budget for Fleet Services, Ms. Mailander indicated that there are no items to be considered at this time.


                        13.       YARD WASTE RECYCLING


Mr. Rutishauser explained that yard waste is picked up curbside, and it consists of brush and grass clippings, during the season.  This is separate from the leaf collection program.  Grass clippings, which are picked up, must be disposed of within a day or two, as mandated by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).  Yard waste and grass clippings are hauled to a receiving facility in West Milford.


Regarding the Operating Budget, Councilmember Weitz asked why there is such a large increase in salaries.  Mr. Rutishauser stated that no new employees were hired in 2022, and they actually had trouble finding available workers.  Councilmember Reynolds noted that the salary category was up almost $100,000.00.  Mr. Rooney explained that two part-time employees became full-time employees.  This year’s proposed budget reflects the salaries for two full-time employees, plus $95,000.00 for part-time employees.  Mr. Rutishauser said that he would like to continue doing what they have done in the past, which is to hire part-time workers, anticipating that they will have better success this year in finding people who want to work.  He anticipates that Tom Landers, a retired Ridgewood Police Captain and one of their truck drivers, will return this year.  He works for the Village about nine months out of the year.  The advantage of hiring a part-time employee is that the Village does not have to pay benefits. 


When questioned again by Mayor Vagianos, Mr. Rooney said that he believed that the $95,000.00 can be taken out of the budget, because that figure is included in the full-time salary line item.  Mr. Rutishauser stated that he would like to use the $95,000.00 to hire two part-time workers to collect yard waste.  He said that the part-time salaries have increased.  Drivers with a CDL are paid $20.00 per hour, and those without a CDL are being paid $18.00 per hour.  It was decided that the $95,000.00 figure would be reduced by $45,000.00.


Councilmember Winograd asked what would happen if the Village did not pick up yard waste or leaves.  Mr. Rutishauser said that yard waste consists of grass clippings, brush, and bush trimmings.  He mentioned that many Ridgewood residents employ landscapers who provide that service to them.  Councilmember Winograd asked Mr. Rutishauser if he could estimate how many homes require yard waste pickup, and Mr. Rutishauser estimated that approximately 40% to 45% of residents required municipal yard waste pickup.  He said that the costs for brush and yard waste pickup can increase dramatically after a storm event.


If leaves were not picked up by the Village, he said that he is not sure what the residents would do with the leaves. Mr. Rutishauser stated that Ridgewood is densely populated with trees, and about 28,000 cubic yards of leaves are picked up every fall.  If the leaves are just left as is, he felt that the Village would look quite unsightly.  He mentioned that some towns such as Allendale and Wyckoff have wooded lands separating homes, and many times residents dispose of vegetative waste in those areas for decomposition.  He said that the lots in Ridgewood are smaller, and there are not as many areas where this could be done in the Village.


Mayor Vagianos noted that disposal fees increased from $76,000.00 in 2022 to $107,000 in 2023.  Mr. Rutishauser said that this was bid out and there are not a lot of companies that perform this type of service.  He said that he has to make sure that the vendor has a proper and valid NJDEP permit.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked how necessary the purchase of Department of Public Works (DPW) equipment is, for $29,000.00.  She mentioned that she was having difficulty understanding the “detail” for this line item.  Mr. Rutishauser stated that they are currently in negotiations to replace the mill in the tub grinder, which is damaged, and that will cost approximately $34,000.00.  Mr. Rooney pointed out that the individual listings for 2022 are components of the tub grinder; they were put on one line for 2023 rather than breaking down all of the components.  This line item represents what they anticipate repair costs to be for the tub grinder.  Mr. Rutishauser said that the components consist of the hammer and flails, which get worn down as materials are processed with the tub grinder. 


Mr. Rutishauser explained that, currently, leaves are processed under an arrangement with Downes Tree Service (DTS), because the Village tub grinder is inoperable and has not worked for the last two months.  He said that the NJDEP has been pressuring them to get the leaves processed.  DTS should finish processing the leaves hopefully by the end of this week.  Mr. Rutishauser said that the tub grinder needs to be repaired, before the next yard waste season.  The yard waste is run through the tub grinder, which results in mulch-like material, which the receiving vendor will accept.


14.       STREETS     


Mayor Vagianos asked about Other Contractual Services in the Streets Operating Budget, which went up $150,000.00.  Mr. Rutishauser stated that, fortunately, there has been no accumulation of snow during the past few months.  However, provisions have been made in Other Contractual Services for snow removal. So far this year, nothing has been spent regarding snow removal.  For this winter season, they did not bid out supplementary help for the plowing workforce.  Instead, they are enlisting the help of employees from Ridgewood Water to help with plowing.  Mr. Rutishauser believes that there will be enough staff on hand in the event of a snowstorm.  This system worked well for a number of snow events last year, so use of the outside plowing contractor was minimized.


Mayor Vagianos asked if the entire sum of $186,000.00 was budgeted for snow removal.  Mr. Rutishauser explained that this budget item includes the winter weather service (that is shared with Ridgewood Water), snow removal, County reimbursement, and other things.  They no longer bid out for the collection of leaves in Area B.  It was bid out this year, but the bid received was very high (about $120,000.00).  They determined that it would be less expensive to perform these services in-house with overtime (about $48,000 per Mr. Junta).  He said that figure might increase, because money must be spent on overtime for employees helping DTS to process the leaves on Saturday.  Mayor Vagianos asked if $130,000.00 would be saved if it does not snow at all this winter.  Mr. Rutishauser said that some money would be saved, but he would recommend that any money not used for that purpose be put into a Snow Trust account, to be used during a season when there is excessive snowfall.


Councilmember Winograd asked where the balance is indicated in the Snow Trust, and whether or not the balance just rolls over from year to year. Mr. Rooney replied that this will be reviewed at the final budget meeting.  He is unsure of what the balance in the Snow Trust is at the current time, but he will get her that information.


Regarding the Capital Budget for Streets, Mr. Rutishauser indicated that they are seeking funding to replace one of their International hooklift trucks.  He stated that the International series of trucks, which the Village has purchased over the past few years, have had very poor service lives and frequently break down.  This truck is used for snowplowing, salting with a salter body, and for leaf collection.  Mr. Rutishauser said they initially sought funding for two trucks, but it was whittled down to one truck during the budget discussion process.  Mr. Rutishauser added that both International hooklift trucks are currently inoperable and will be sold as scrap on GovDeals.com shortly.


Ms. Mailander said that the other vehicle is a Mason dump truck for which they are seeking funding.  Mr. Junta stated that the Mason dump truck they currently have is a 2011 model with 90,000+ miles, and it is used to pull the “hot box” around and for snowplowing and leaf collection.  The truck is quickly approaching an inoperable condition.


                        15.       UTILITIES AND GASOLINE


Mr. Rutishauser stated that a lot of diesel and regular gasoline is used by the Village fleet and that Ridgewood is subject to the economy just like everyone else.  However, he stated that the Village is fortunate not to have to pay motor fuel taxes on the diesel fuel and gasoline which is used in vehicles owned by the Village, since it is a government entity.  This saves the Village approximately 50 to 70 cents a gallon.


Deputy Mayor Perron pointed out that the “actuals” were so much less in 2022 than what was budgeted this year for telephone, petrol and street lighting.  She asked if the proposed budget figures for 2023 could be reduced, based upon the actual numbers in 2022.  Mr. Rooney indicated that he still has invoices to process, stating that they are usually a month behind.  He also stated that costs have increased drastically over the past couple of months, so he anticipates that the costs will be higher than the actuals for 2022. Regarding the telephone detail, Deputy Mayor Perron pointed out that it indicated $142,000.00 for emergency services.  She asked why that was the only department that is listed in the proposed budget. Mr. Rooney replied that they just did not do a breakdown by department.


Councilmember Winograd asked what the carryover is for invoices, whether it was 30 days or quarterly.  Mr. Tarleton replied that departments are encouraged to submit invoices in a timely manner.  There is a process for requisitions that are put into the system, referred to as “blanket orders.”  If $4 million is budgeted for petrol, he asks departments to submit a $1 million “blanket order” which is “eaten away at” as time goes on.  However, when there are significant jumps in the cost of fuel, the blanket order is depleted quickly.  Mr. Rutishauser added that the Village has underground fuel storage tanks, each with a capacity of approximately 12,000 gallons.  From experience, he has learned to keep an eye on the weather.  If there is an impending hurricane, he will instruct Mr. Junta to “top off” the underground tanks.  This was useful during Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Irene.  Fuel was lent to Valley Hospital for their emergency generators during those hurricanes.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked about the detail for street lighting, which is described as “gasoline” at the top, which she did not understand, because she thought lighting would be generated by electricity.  This was determined to be an error.


Mayor Vagianos called a ten-minute recess.  A roll call was taken after reconvening, and the following were present:  Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos. Also present were Heather Mailander, Village Manager/Village Clerk; Robert Rooney, Chief Financial Officer; and Olivia Dimitri of the Finance Department.


                        16.       M.I.S.


Dylan Hansen, Director of IT, reviewed his proposed Operating Budget for 2023.  He indicated that the biggest increase in his budget is for Other Contractual Services.  These monies will partially be used for the creation of a new website, with migration of all data.  The other funds are all subscription-based fees.  He noted that the cost of each of these subscriptions has risen approximately 1-1/2% to 2% each year.  These subscriptions are for Spatial Data Logic (SDL) software (permit software previously known as “Municipality in a Box”), used for Health Department foodservice inspections, and dog and cat licensing, and for the Building Department.  They will also begin using it for fulfilling Open Public Records Act (OPRA) requests as well.  They currently have 25 licenses.


Mr. Hansen indicated that he spoke with Dawn Cetrulo, Director of the Health Department, and they are looking to purchase additional licenses through a grant, which will hopefully offset the cost of SDL software.  Mr. Hansen further explained that SDL is a software program that integrates all Village departments together, including information from the Tax Assessor’s Office.  When the Health Department does foodservice inspections, they are able to indicate their findings on the iPad they carry with them, whereupon the data is uploaded directly to the main computer at Village Hall. The Building Department also uses this system for all building permits.  The software allows a homeowner to log into the portal to check the status of their permit application, thereby freeing up employees to perform other tasks rather than having to deal with phone inquiries.  He is seeking to expand the software to the Village Clerk’s Office and the Engineering Department, so that the progress of road paving can be tracked.  The software also integrates with the Village’s GIS system.


Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Hansen why this line item increased by $100,000.00 over last year. Mr. Hansen replied that the subscription for virus protection is coming due, and there is a request for $38,000.00 for revamping of the Village website.  There is now an added expense for the new phone system that was installed last year. The phone system runs on a program called VMware, which costs $6,000.00 for a yearly subscription. Mr. Hansen added that his department is scheduled to do penetration testing this year, which was supposed to have been done last year.  This testing of the Village network ensures that the system is up to standards, so that the network cannot be hacked.


Mr. Hansen explained that the renewal costs for Laserfiche also increased this year because more licenses were obtained. This enables easy search and access to Village ordinances and resolutions, right on the portal.  There is a program called “Track-It!,” which is the Help Desk that he and his team utilize to track reports of broken computers, failed software or network issues, and renewal for this is $20,000.00.  Mr. Hansen stated that the cost for SDL is $55,000.00.  Solar Winds and Land Sweeper are programs that he uses to monitor the Village network.  It shows him who is accessing the network and the configuration of the equipment, which is basically the “topology” of the entire network in real time.  This helps him to troubleshoot I.T. problems more efficiently.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked why Microsoft Office 365 is not being used this year.  Mr. Hansen said that he has been purchasing computers in bulk with a Microsoft Office license already on them.  He gets group licenses through the Open License Program when he purchases through Dell.  In this way, a subscription for Microsoft Office 365 is not needed.


Mayor Vagianos noted that the IT Operating Budget for 2023 has increased by $200,000.00, close to double what it was last year.  He asked Mr. Hansen which items he would cut from his budget if that was what he had to do.  Ms. Mailander said that one item would be the revamping of the Village website, since various requests from the Village Council for website improvements have been done by the Village’s I.T. staff. She felt that other changes and additions could also be made to the website without a problem. She mentioned the digital calendar, which is now on the website.  Ms. Mailander said that the final decision rests with the Village Council, but stated that she was not sure what an outside company could do which could not be done in-house.


Mayor Vagianos said that removing the revamping of the Village website was a reasonable suggestion. Councilmember Winograd asked whether the $38,000.00 quote came from Gov.com.  Mr. Hansen replied that there are four companies that do websites.  He said that the back end of Gov.com is not very intuitive.  He said that the cost of each website package is based upon the population of the municipality. A smaller town will end up paying half the price of what Ridgewood would have to pay.  Based upon the 26,000 residents in Ridgewood, the website packages range between $23,000.00 and $30,000.00, and this would not include the transfer of data.  Mr. Hansen indicated that the Village has a lot of old data on its system that people still refer to, and he would like to migrate as much of that data as possible over to the new system.


Councilmember Weitz echoed Mayor Vagianos’s question and asked Mr. Hansen what he would cut from his budget if necessary.  Mr. Hansen said that he could possibly hold off on the Dell server warranties of about $25,000.00 (this would extend the warranties on a couple of servers).  This expense is listed under Maintenance of Other Equipment. 

Councilmember Winograd asked why there was a significant increase regarding Conferences and Meetings and Office Supplies.  Councilmember Reynolds noted that Office Supplies last year was almost nothing, and this year it is $12,000.00.  Mr. Hansen replied that, in 2022, there were three employees using one office; however, now they have a larger office, so they are trying to purchase supplies to furnish it, such as memory sticks, portable hard drives, copy paper, toner, and ink.  He added that they don’t use a lot of toner and ink because they normally store everything digitally.  For Miscellaneous Office Supplies, they would like to purchase floor mats and desk equipment.  He said that they could make do with what they have now, if the Village Council wanted to decrease that line item.


Councilmember Winograd asked what the difference was between Materials and Supplies and Office Supplies, since both have significant numbers.  Mr. Hansen replied that the portable hard drives are important, since the Police Department uses them for evidence.  He purchases them in bulk to save costs.  He uses them for transfer of data or server backups.  Each hard drive is usually one terabyte and costs approximately $200.00.  He said that once the Police Department hands over the hard drive to the Prosecutor, the IT Department does not get them back.  A fee is charged for the cost of the hard drive or thumb drive when an attorney picks up a video for a particular court case.


Regarding the Capital Budget for the IT Department, Ms. Mailander reminded everyone to look at the items listed under “Presented to Council.”  These items include server replacement, Toughbooks for the Police Department, desktop replacements (replaced every five to seven years), network equipment, and printers for various departments.  Ms. Mailander pointed out that many of the requests have already been reduced. 


Mayor Vagianos asked what items the Village Councilmembers could reduce or modify.  Mr. Hansen replied that the Toughbooks for the Police Department has already been reduced to $60,000.00, and this includes the car mount and the power supplies.  The ones that are being replaced, are no longer supported by the operating system.  The Police Department has a fleet of approximately 20 cars, so Mr. Hansen stated he would like to replace these as soon as possible.  He said that if a laptop in a police car becomes inoperable, there is no replacement laptop that the police can use.


Mr. Hansen said that if he had to make a choice of what to take out of his budget, he would choose the desktop replacements and he could reduce the number of servers for the Village infrastructure.  He said that the network is growing quickly with the amount of data that is being generated by Village departments, along with Geographic Information System (GIS) Mapping, all of which is taking up more and more space.  Mr. Hansen said that he could reduce the desktop replacement request to $30,000.00.  He stated that the servers cost approximately $24,000.00 a piece, fully set up with redundancy.  He said that this request has already been reduced from $100,000.00, and the allotted $50,000.00 would only allow for the purchase of two servers.  Mr. Hansen indicated that he could probably get by with one server for this year and then request another one in 2024. 


Mr. Hansen stated that the request for network equipment of $100,000.00 should remain, since it is the primary backbone of the entire infrastructure.  He said that he is down to three switches and, although the cost for the switches has risen astronomically, he really needs them.  They used to cost between $3,000.00 and $4,000.00 and now they cost $13,000.00 each, with transceivers.  The switches and other network equipment support the entire security system, the data between buildings, and the phone system.  In addition, the lead time for printers and switches is ridiculous.  He stated that it took eight months for him to receive printers that he had ordered.  He said that he really needs the printers as well, since there are many old printers, which are not being supported by the new operating system.


Ms. Mailander summarized by stating that the desktop replacement request would be reduced to $30,000.00 and the servers to $25,000.00.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked Mr. Hansen if there was anything on his request list, which would make the Village website faster.  Mr. Hansen replied that he plans to put the Village website on a dedicated connectivity system this year, as well as a subscription from an offsite host, which will increase the speed of the website.  In addition, if a consultant were retained to redo the website, it would be less expensive than going to a preset template, cookie-cutter style company. In this way, a lot of the old code on the website could be cleaned up, which would increase the speed as well.


                        17.       HEALTH DEPARTMENT


Dawn Cetrulo, Director of the Health Department, presented the Operating Budget for the Health Department.  She explained that the request for salaries and wages has increased, because she has three new employees who were hired through a grant.  She has had this grant since 2020, and she has a letter, which states that the salaries for these employees will be paid through June 30, 2023.  Ms. Cetrulo indicated that she has been informed that there will be another grant, and she expects to receive a new grant application in March.  She anticipates receiving the award letter by June 30, 2023.  She said that 50% of the salaries and wages shown are paid for through the grant.  Bob Rooney, CFO, indicated that when the budget is introduced, there will be a section for this grant that lists these three employees.


Mayor Vagianos asked Ms. Cetrulo how confident she is that this second grant will be approved. Mr. Rooney replied that the salaries will be paid by the existing grant through June 30, 2023, so half of their salaries for 2023 are guaranteed by the grant.  He has been informed that the grant will continue for another year until June 30, 2024.  Ms. Cetrulo added that 10% of her salary has also been paid for through the grant (maximum allowable).  Mayor Vagianos said that he calculated this grant is paying for salaries in the amount of $190,000.00.


Councilmember Winograd asked what the parameters are regarding the grant. Ms. Cetrulo explained that the grant started in 2020 and there were certain requirements after receiving the grant, considering that it was during the time of the Covid pandemic. She stated that 2023 represents the third year she has received the grant, and that the requirements of the grant change every year.  Through June 30, 2023, she is required to have a Covid Generalist and a Vulnerable Population Outreach Coordinator.  She is unsure of what the requirements will be for the new grant.  The requirement of the original grant was to hire only one person, and the requirement for the second year was to hire two employees. 


Ms. Cetrulo explained how tedious it was to apply for this grant, and said that many municipalities are not continuing with the grant because of the amount of time that is required to apply for it.  Ms. Cetrulo stated that she has applied for another grant for $139,000.00.  Although she has not yet received the Notice of Grant Award (NGA) letter, she has received verbal approvals via email.  The hiring of the Social Worker was enabled through this new grant.


Mayor Vagianos assumed that this grant would cover additional services but would not cover existing services provided through the Health Department.  Ms. Cetrulo said that the original grant for the three additional hires does not cover existing services.  Through this new grant which she anticipates receiving, she will be able to hire a part-time Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS), but cannot apply the grant monies to an existing employee’s salary.  Mayor Vagianos thanked Ms. Cetrulo for all her efforts in applying for these grants.  Ms. Cetrulo indicated that she intends to use these monies towards mental health and outreach services.


Councilmember Winograd said that she felt it has been very beneficial to Ridgewood to have a dedicated Department of Health during the Covid pandemic. She said that she was very impressed with the amount of work Ms. Cetrulo has done to obtain grant monies.

                        18.       TAX ASSESSOR


William Palumbo, Tax Assessor, first congratulated the new Village Councilmembers and Mayor Vagianos.  Mr. Palumbo said that his requested Operating Budget for the Tax Assessor’s Office is similar to the budget for last year, since his department does not have a lot of expenses.  Mayor Vagianos pointed out that his proposed budget went from $138,000.00 in 2022 to $245,000 in 2023.  He noted that there were no monies placed in reserve for tax appeals in 2022, but there are some monies requested for it in 2023.  Mr. Palumbo said that this figure had originally been placed in the budget for 2022, but it was subsequently removed, and he feels that it could be removed this year as well.  The funds held in reserve would be used if there was a tax appeal by a property owner and a refund had to be made on taxes already paid.  He indicated that since the real estate market has been very good over the past couple of years, it has been very helpful to his department.


Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Palumbo if he had to make many adjustments on taxes in the past year.  Mr. Palumbo replied that he received 17 appeals in 2022, as opposed to receiving over 100 appeals in 2021. When questioned by Mayor Vagianos, Mr. Palumbo replied that it was reasonable to expect that the $75,000.00 allotted for tax appeals would probably not be spent.


Councilmember Reynolds asked how many people were successful in their tax appeals in 2022. Mr. Palumbo replied that he made three small adjustments going forward, but that there were no reimbursements necessary. Bergen County also made one adjustment, so 4 out of the 17 appellants were successful.


Regarding the Capital Budget for the Tax Assessor’s Office, Ms. Mailander indicated that there was one item: a request for a Ford Bronco Sport.  Mr. Palumbo said that he spoke with Mr. Junta of Fleet Services and they tried to figure out the lowest-priced SUV.  He mentioned that his department does not even have a vehicle and he needs a vehicle because he does inspections five days a week.  He is currently sharing a 2006 Ford Ranger with another individual.  He had been driving a 2007 Ford Ranger earlier this year, but the transmission died.  Councilmember Weitz remarked that $30,000.00 seems a bit low to purchase a new truck.  Mr. Palumbo said that that was what he priced out last year, but he is uncertain as to how much this particular vehicle would cost this year.  He said that the Ford Bronco Sport has no bells or whistles, but would be a safe vehicle for him to drive if there is snow or ice on the road.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked Mr. Palumbo if he had looked at any of the hybrid vehicles.  Mr. Palumbo replied that he and Mr. Junta did not look at electric or hybrid vehicles, which can be priced between $50,000.00 and $60,000.00.  He also did not research electric vehicles because there are no available EV charging stations.


Councilmember Winograd asked what would happen, insurance wise, if this vehicle were lost during a flood.  She wondered whether the Village would be reimbursed a lower cash value for the vehicle.  Mr. Palumbo replied that the car he had been using was lost during a flood in 2019, but he is unsure as to what insurance paid, if anything, for that loss.  Mr. Rooney replied that any insurance proceeds would go into the general revenue stream.


                        19.       FIRE DEPARTMENT

                        20.       EMERGENCY SERVICES


Chief John Judge of the Ridgewood Fire Department, and Will Kievit, Volunteer Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Coordinator, presented their Operating Budgets for 2023.  Chief Judge indicated that the budgets for both the Fire Department and EMS were drawn up as one budget.  Regarding Other Expenses (OE), Chief Judge explained that this amounted to $63,000.00 in 2022, because the majority of those funds went towards hydrant rentals.  They pay Ridgewood Water between $72,000.00 to $73,000.00 a year for hydrant rentals.  Under Contractual Services, this figure has increased due to the hiring of legal services to assist in the transition of Emergency Medical Services to the Fire Department ($36,000.00 for the entire year).  In addition, there is a request for $400,000.00 to replace air packs, which cost approximately $9,000.00 each (a firehouse grant of $4,500.00 per air pack will offset this request by approximately $280,000.00).  There is the amount of $1,500.00 for a nondestructive aerial test, a special test performed on their aerial ladders every five years.  Chief Judge indicated that most of the other numbers are relatively the same.  He explained the differences between the appearance of last year’s budget and this year’s budget, where certain items were put into different categories.


Mayor Vagianos asked about the $550,000.00 increase in salaries.  Chief Judge deferred to Mr. Rooney, stating that this sum represented a projection of a potential contractual raise as well as salary steps within a salary range.  Mr. Rooney explained that he is still working on finalizing the exact numbers.  The figure of $200,000.00 indicated for fire salaries and wages will cover salary step increases that the firefighters are entitled to contractually.  The exact numbers will be arrived at by the time of the next budget meeting.


Chief Judge said that there are other things contained in Other Expenses for 2023 that he put off doing last year, including radio repair, hydraulic tool repair, and aerial maintenance.


Councilmember Winograd asked how many firefighters there are currently in the department.  Chief Judge replied that there are 45 career firefighters, which includes fire prevention personnel, and six volunteer firefighters.  Councilmember Winograd asked how many of the 45 firefighters get the EMT stipend.  Chief Judge replied that between 39 and 41 firefighters receive the stipend.  Councilmember Winograd then asked when the grant monies referred to would be received.  Chief Judge replied that they have already applied for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) and he hopes to receive the grant monies by the end of the year.  Councilmember Winograd asked if he knew how much the grant would be, and Chief Judge said that it would be approximately $278,000.00.  He mentioned that 45 air packs have to be replaced, at a cost of $8,937.00 per pack, for a total of approximately $400,000.00.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked if there were two positions Chief Judge was trying to fill.  Chief Judge replied that they would like to hire one full-time Administrative Firefighter.  He said that the new hire could do many things, one of which would be to make application for the Ridgewood Fire Department to become a Certified Fire Department, which would reduce the amount paid for insurance through the Joint Insurance Fund by $5,000.00 per year. Another initiative would be to obtain a Class I ISO Rating, which would reduce insurance costs for businesses and residents.  More grants could be applied for as well.  In addition, this person would be available for QA, Pre-Billing and Collections on EMS calls.  He feels that this position will easily pay for itself.  Ms. Mailander explained that this would allow an existing firefighter to move into an administrative position and then a new firefighter would be hired to fill his place at the starting salary.


Councilmember Winograd asked who writes the grants for each department.  Chief Judge said that grant applications for the Fire Department are very specific, and the grant writer needs to know about firefighting protocols, procedures and equipment.  Ms. Mailander explained that, when applying for the AFG grant, they hired a specific company with expertise in this area to write that particular grant.  The grant monies will far exceed what the grant writer is paid, so it is worth applying for the grant through a grant writer in the long run.  She stated, however, that all Community Development Block Grants (CBDG) and Department of Transportation (DOT) paving grants are done in-house, as are the Open Space grants, Historic Preservation grants, and Police Department “Click It or Ticket” grants.  There was a grant writer employed by the Village for 2-1/2 years and they provided exposure to the different grants that were available from nonprofits and corporations. 


Ms. Mailander indicated that the Village obtained its first Special Needs Recreational grant through the efforts of the grant writer, and since the Recreation Department became aware of this grant, they have been applying for this grant in-house.  Ms. Cetrulo is applying for grants in-house as well, for the Health Department.  However, when it comes to large Federal grants, a grant writer with more expertise and more time to write the grant is utilized.  Ms. Mailander indicated that she would like to contract with a grant writing company again, at a cost of approximately $38,000.00 per year.  She said that local grant writers do not take a percentage of the grant received, but rather charge a flat fee.  There was further discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of using a grant writer.  Ms. Mailander indicated that, with the approval of the Village Council, she could reach out to some grant writers to get some quotes. 


Councilmember Winograd agreed with Ms. Mailander that she should reach out to some grant writers.  Mayor Vagianos said that Deputy Mayor Perron has raised this issue a couple of times, and he thought this was an excellent suggestion, especially since grant writers are more aware of available grants than Village staff.  Councilmember Winograd said that she would like to review the last contract entered into with a grant writer.  Ms. Mailander indicated that she would provide her with the contract, and that she would reach out to get some quotes from grant writers.  The monies for such a contract would be included in the Village Council budget. 


Chief Judge added that he has a list of EMS and fire grants, but there is not enough time for staff to apply for them.  He mentioned that there is a retirement imminent on his staff, so this would make room for the salary of a new hire in the Fire Department.


Regarding the Capital Budget for the Fire Department, Ms. Mailander explained that reductions have already been made.  Chief Judge stated that the budget was originally $555,000.00 and it was reduced to $325,000.00, and their current capital requests total $230,000.00.  Firefighter gear is the first on the list, year two of a four-year project (perhaps less than that because of the grant that has been received).  There is a request for funding for SCBA hose and equipment, which Chief Judge indicated was a “catch-all” for foam, meters, portable monitors, hoses, air cylinders, and nozzles.  He mentioned that the prices for all of these items have become more expensive.  An air cylinder costs $1,300.00.  The radio project is part two of a two-year project, and this is for the House Watch Dispatch Area.  The funds for the garage doors, which are 30 years old, are also part two of a two-year project.  The front door motors and antennae were replaced last year, so these requested monies will finish up the project. 


Chief Judge said that the requests for purchasing apparatus and fire engines have been cut. Fire engines that used to cost approximately $500,000.00 now cost $900,000.00, and there is a two-plus year wait until they are received.  He had wanted to establish a Sinking Fund to purchase a fire engine in the future, but that has been removed for this year. The air packs request was reduced due to the grant received.  The portable radios were described by Chief Judge as a public safety cost, stating that they were the lifeline of the Fire Department but are also incredibly expensive.  A single EPX 8000 costs $8,000.00, and he would like to start putting money aside to purchase these portable radios because the life expectancy of their existing radios is quickly being reached.  These are tri-band radios which capture UHF, VHF and the County frequencies.


Councilmember Winograd asked if the County ever gives his department free radios.  Chief Judge replied that they borrow them from time to time.  Mr. Kievit remarked that the County does loan out a cache of radios to them for major events, such as Memorial Day and Fourth of July events.  For emergency purposes, it is too time consuming to get them from the County for an emergent situation.  Chief Judge added that the portable radios they have now can access UHF and VHF frequencies, but they cannot access the County frequency. 


Regarding Operation Blue Angel, which provides a lockbox on elderly and disabled residents’ homes, to be used in case of emergency, Chief Judge indicated that he has already spoken with the Police Chief about some safety concerns and they are working on this. The renovation/restoration line item pertains to some small repairs that need to be made at Fire Headquarters (more training props on the fire tower, finishing the gym floor, and replacing awnings that are 30 years old).


Mayor Vagianos reiterated that the Village Council must reduce an $11 million proposed Capital Budget down to $7.5 million.  He asked Chief Judge what he could live without on his list of capital requests.  Chief Judge stated that the Fire Department/EMS Capital Budget represents only 3% of the total proposed budget.  He said that he can hold off on repairing the rear garage doors until next year and the renovation/restoration line item can be reduced down to $6,000.00, from $15,000.00.


Regarding Operation Blue Angel, Councilmember Winograd asked Chief Judge if they partner with Age-Friendly Ridgewood or any similar group to see if they could assist in obtaining a grant for the aging population.  Chief Judge said that this topic came up in a Stigma-Free Committee meeting and that is how he learned of Operation Blue Angel.  He will look into it again, but stated that, at that time, no one knew of any relevant grants for which they could apply.  He said that the locks themselves cost approximately $30.00 to $35.00.  However, Chief Judge indicated that if the program is initiated and 200 people sign up, there is no allocation in any departmental budget to purchase the necessary hardware.  He has obtained a sample from Amazon, but will see how much it will cost in bulk.  When questioned by Councilmember Winograd, Chief Judge indicated that he does not know at this time how much interest there will be in the program.


Mr. Kievit presented the Operating Budget for Emergency Services.  He stated that, in 2022, the amount for salaries and wages amounted to $75,000.00, and it has increased to $106,500.00 this year, largely because they did not have a salary position for the leader of the department in 2022.  Volunteer incentives have been increased by 7% to incentivize instructors to perform training for the community and for other Village departments.  Outsourcing this in the public sector would cost approximately $35.00 to $45.00 per hour.  EMS members are currently performing these services for free, sometimes two to three days in a row.  He wants to be able to reward them for their time and incentivize them to do more community outreach, in order to create awareness for the services provided by EMS and attract more volunteers.


Mr. Kievit said that some items were mis-categorized in 2022, so some items have been shifted around in the budget. He pointed out some obligatory items, such as insurance costs for ambulance drivers and attendants and Other Contractual Services for the ambulance billing service. He said that this latter cost is a percentage of billings, so it can be variable, and any revenue generated from same does not go to his department but goes directly into the General Fund. Mr. Kievit indicated that training covers the cost of training for not only volunteer members, but also for fire, police and other departmental personnel.  The materials and supplies line item covers all of the Village’s medical and first aid supplies across all departments, such as gloves and gauze.


Regarding the Capital Account for EMS, Ms. Mailander indicated that the items include replacement of the automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and portable radios.  Included in the budget already are funds for the LUCAS chest compression/decompression devices.  Another capital line item is renovation of the sleeping quarters for $52,000.00.  Mr. Kievit indicated that there are two rooms in the back of their headquarters that have bunkbeds.  Due to Covid and the varying ages and genders of their members, the quarters are not conducive to a four-member crew anymore as it had been in the past.  The modifications would encompass the same footprint but four smaller separate rooms would be constructed.  He said that this was high on his list of priorities to enhance morale as well as to attract and retain volunteers. 


Regarding the AEDs, Mr. Kievit explained that this year is year three of a four-year project to replace all of the aging AEDs.  His department maintains the AEDs for all Village departments, including public access.  Over the next two years, they will be concentrating on furnishing AEDs to the Police and Fire Departments.  He pointed out that some capital funds previously allotted have not been used, because the AEDs that they were using were out of stock and unavailable.


Regarding the portable radios, Mr. Kievit indicated that there is a request to allocate funds for the purchase of 60 additional radios this year.  These radios are used in emergency vehicles, and the equipment is rotated in their field communications unit.  They keep an inventory of different radios with different bands, which can be distributed during various events.  He said that Graydon Pool staff has indicated that they would like to have radio upgrades.  He said that it was important to order these radios earlier rather than later, because they can only be obtained through one manufacturer and the lead-time in receiving them can take up to a year.


Mr. Kievit indicated that there is a request for stair chairs (originally requested three but cut back to two).  These are chairs that are used by emergency personnel to bring patients down stairs and into the ambulance.  They are expensive due to their durability and the fact that they have treads which allow easy transport down stairs.  These allow first responders and paramedics to carry patients up and down stairwells and other tight spaces, where using a stretcher is not the best option.  One of the chairs, which they already have, is constantly malfunctioning and needs repairs.  They would like to replace this chair and designate the old one as a spare.


Regarding building storage, Mr. Kievit recalled a study done approximately five years ago regarding building safety and storage.  The study offered recommendations to perform some storage modifications to the EMS headquarters.  He said that, since that time, their storage problem has grown and storage of equipment has resulted in very narrow pathways throughout the building.  He stated that there is also Office of Emergency Management (OEM) equipment being stockpiled in a public storage unit in the area for PPE and other supplies.  These funds are being requested to purchase a prefabricated mezzanine system, which could be installed in the ambulance bays in their building, which would afford a second-tier level where equipment can be stored.  There would be a climate-controlled environment below it, using HVAC to protect the stored supplies.  This would free up space in their building, which would enhance safety and enable all of the equipment to be stored in one location.


Councilmember Reynolds asked how much they pay per year for the outside storage unit, and Ms. Mailander replied that it costs $5,700.00 per year for the storage.  Mr. Kievit added that there are some efficiencies in storing supplies and equipment in one location, one of which is the enhancement of stock management (so that the stock can be rotated to ensure that older supplies are used up first).


Deputy Mayor Perron asked Mr. Kievit what he would choose, if he had to choose, between the renovations for the sleeping areas and the storage space.  Mr. Kievit replied that he would choose renovating the sleeping quarters over the storage space.  He said that all of the items he mentioned earlier were given in priority order.


Councilmember Winograd asked whether or not the younger members of EMS were allowed to sleep at home.  Mr. Kievit replied that, since Covid, they have decided to have everyone onsite.  He said that this was important because it has avoided a lot of different contaminants from entering their environment and has enhanced response time dramatically. Councilmember Winograd recalled that the request for the LUCAS chest compression devices were contained in the Bond Ordinance that was just approved by the Village Council.  Ms. Mailander clarified by stating that the request in the 2023 budget for the LUCAS devices was taken out because monies have already been appropriated for the purchase of these devices.


Mr. Kievit indicated that the next request pertained to radio console upgrades.  They have a console in their operations room, which gives them access to the radio frequencies in the area. Their building serves as a backup Emergency Operations Center (EOC) site.  The console gives them the ability to communicate during an emergency situation and to act as a backup dispatch site if needed. The existing console, which is approximately 20 to 30 years old, has been malfunctioning, and repair technicians have had to be called to come out to fix it.  Mr. Kievit said that this item could be delayed for another year, but he would not want to wait too long to perform the upgrades.  He said he was requesting $130,000.00 this year to perform a portion of the upgrades, with another $50,000.00 request in 2024 to complete the project.


The final request pertained to the eventual replacement of an almost 20-year-old vehicle in their department.  Mr. Kievit said that he would like to begin establishing a Sinking Fund for the eventual purchase of a newer vehicle.  This will probably be pushed out to a subsequent year.


Mayor Vagianos said that it seemed as though the upgrades to the radio console could be put off for another year, and Mr. Kievit agreed, although he stated that there will probably be additional repair costs that will be incurred in 2023 for the radio console, if the hardware does not fail altogether.  Mayor Vagianos said that although the storage renovations sounded like a much-needed item, he wondered if that could also be put off for another year.  Mr. Kievit agreed that it could be delayed for another year. 


Councilmember Reynolds asked Mr. Kievit if he has already gotten an estimate on what the storage renovations would cost, and Mr. Kievit said that he personally priced out the cost of a prefabricated mezzanine and estimated labor, but it was not obtained through a bid.  He pointed out that $45,000.00 in capital funds were approved in 2022 for repairing and coating the floors in their building, but they have delayed this work until the requested storage hardware can be installed, since it would interfere with the work to be done on the floors and could possibly cause damage during installation.  Another reason the floor project has not yet been completed is because they underestimated the costs of this work. 


Councilmember Reynolds asked if those funds could be used instead for the sleeping quarters renovations.  Mr. Rooney advised her that, in that case, Bond Counsel would need to be consulted, since a change in useful life changes the purpose of the allocation, and the funds cannot be used.  The money could be reappropriated, but this would need to be done through the adoption of another Bond Ordinance.  Mr. Rooney said that he would look into this and get back to her.  Mr. Kievit indicated that the $45,000.00 could be used towards renovations of the sleeping quarters and the floor project could be delayed for another year.


Councilmember Winograd asked if there are any other allocated funds, which have not been used by the EMS Department and whether there was any “wiggle room” in any other category.  She said, for example, that the storage project would offset the annual expense ($7,200.00) of having to pay for an offsite storage unit, and it would provide benefits to the community because stock management would be more efficient. Mr. Rooney indicated that there is already a Bond Ordinance to cover the floor project, together with an additional $10,000.00 to replace building carpeting and flooring, for a total of $55,000.00.  He was not sure whether this latter work was ever performed.  Mr. Kievit replied that he had planned to do the carpeting and flooring work in conjunction with the other floor work (repairing and coating).  Mr. Rooney indicated that if Mr. Kievit wanted to use the $55,000.00 for the storage project, he would have to find out if it is interchangeable.  Mr. Kievit said that he had assumed that the monies allocated for carpeting and flooring could be used as part of the sleeping quarters renovations.  Mr. Rooney reiterated that he would research whether or not the funds already allocated can be used for another purpose.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked if the Police, Fire and EMS Departments are all looking for radios, whether or not it is all written into one Request for Proposal (RFP) or whether each individual department has to submit separate RFPs.  Mr. Rooney said that one RFP could be sent out if all of the requested radios are of the same type, such as three-band radios.


                        21.       BUILDING DEPARTMENT


Anthony Merlino, Director of the Building Department and Construction Official, said that his proposed Operating Budget for 2023 is fairly simple, since he does not have any Capital requests.  Most of his Operating Budget deals with salaries and wages.  He is requesting funds to hire two additional part-time staff members to make his office more efficient.  One of the positions is for an Electrical Inspector.  For many years before he retired, there were three Electrical Inspectors and three Plumbing Inspectors. Currently, there are three Plumbing Inspectors, with one working only one day per week and the other two each performing between 8 and 12 inspections per day.  Mr. Merlino explained that the Subcode Official also performs plan reviews.  Planning review for plumbing permits are currently caught up, but electrical planning reviews are lagging behind.  An Electrical Inspector performs between 12 and 14 inspections per day.  He said that less inspections could be put on the schedule, but that would only cause a backlog.  Mr. Merlino indicated that hiring an Electrical Inspector to perform inspections could “free up” the Subcode Official to perform plan reviews.


Mr. Merlino continued by stating that the other personnel request is for an administrative staff member.  There are presently two employees who accept permits at the counter, issue permits, answer the telephone, and schedule inspections.  He feels that one additional administrative staff member would improve office efficiency. Mr. Merlino said that his office is constantly busy.  He indicated that he has been pushing commercial applications ahead of residential applications, since they take much longer to complete due to the amount of paperwork that is required.  He emphasized the fact that he cannot sign off on any work that is not code compliant, and there are constant changes in the code.  Mr. Merlino pointed out that there is an increase in his budget for the purchase of codebooks, because New Jersey just adopted the 2021 Codes and he needs to buy a slew of new books.  He said that his office has been able, for the most part, to comply with the 20-day window between permit application and issuance.  Mr. Merlino said that the hiring of two part-time employees would add a notch of efficiency to his department.  He pointed out that the revenue generated from permit fees has enabled his office to be self-sufficient, since the revenue covers their expenses.


Councilmember Reynolds asked Mr. Merlino what the respective wages would be for each part-time employee.  Mr. Merlino replied that he believed the white-collar wage for the administrative employee would be $20.00 an hour, for 20 hours per week (spread over five days a week).  Ms. Mailander replied that the rate would be $22.00 an hour.  The wages for the Electrical Inspector would be $40.00 an hour on a part-time basis (20 hours per week, spread over four days).  Mr. Merlino reiterated that an Electrical Inspector would take a big load off of the Subcode Official.


Councilmember Winograd asked what was being stored for the sum of $6,000.00.  Mr. Merlino replied that records are being stored, since there are not many documents that he can destroy.  Some plans can be thrown out after 10 years, but he keeps them because he feels that plans are a very important part of their recordkeeping and they cannot be stored on the computer.  The records are stored at Glen Rock Storage, across the street from the car wash.  Mr. Merlino pointed out that the storage fees have increased from approximately $5,796.00 annually to $6,000.00 annually.


Councilmember Winograd asked why car washes were included in his budget.  Mr. Merlino indicated that Ridgewood Car Wash no longer gives discounts to Village employees.  He felt that it was important for their vehicles to look good.  He added that the monies requested for this line item could probably be decreased.  Mr. Merlino asked Mr. Rooney about the $6,000.00 request for overtime wages, which was put into the budget during the time when the three residential housing units were being constructed in Ridgewood.  He said that no one was ever hired in his office and indicated that the overtime wages line item could be pulled from the budget. 


When Councilmember Winograd pointed out that the amount was actually $9,000.00, Mr. Merlino explained that if the Code Enforcement Officer needs to go to court for an hour, he will have him come in an hour late to the office rather than pay him overtime.  He said that the prior Code Enforcement Officer was paid overtime when she had to appear in court.  Mr. Merlino indicated that he would like to keep at least $3,000.00 in the budget as a cushion, in the event one his staff members needs to appear in court.   Councilmember Winograd agreed that it was always good to have a buffer. 


Regarding conferences and meetings, Councilmember Winograd asked if the increase in this category (from $75.00 in 2022 to $2,500.00 in 2023) was due to the fact that there were no conferences and meetings during the Covid pandemic.  Mr. Rooney said he believes the fees of $1,200.00 pertain to the Building Safety Conference.  Mr. Merlino replied that he still attends this conference, which he stated was very important for Building Code Officials to attend, but that he took out the fee for the League of Municipalities.  Councilmember Winograd pointed out that the sum of $1,600.00 was budgeted for conferences and meetings, but that only $75.00 of those monies were actually used.  Mr. Rooney thought that no one attended conferences because of Covid in 2022.  Mr. Merlino stated that the first in-person conference was held in 2022, which he did not attend. 


When questioned by Councilmember Winograd as to whether or not the sum of $2,900.00 was too high in this category, Mr. Merlino said that he could reduce the regional meetings.  He indicated that he attends all meetings of the Bergen-Passaic Municipal Inspectors Association (BPMI).  He stated that he is past president of the association and still sits on its Board.  Ms. Mailander asked if this line item could be reduced by $1,000.00 (to $1,900.00), and this was agreeable to Mr. Merlino since it would cover the Building Safety Conference and regional meetings.  Mr. Merlino pointed out that the $1,200.00 would probably not be used for the Building Safety Conference if it were held far away, such as in California, because it would entail travel and lodging expenses.


Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Merlino about the status of commercial and residential permit applications, in terms of timing.  He said that he understood the delay of a permit being issued pending receipt of certain documentation from architects or other professionals. Mr. Merlino replied that he just reviewed the applications for plumbing, electrical, building and fire permits.  He said that the building permit applications are all caught up and that, for the most part, everything is being done within the 20 business day window. 


            B.        WRAP-UP AND NEXT STEPS


Ms. Mailander indicated that the next Budget Meeting will be held on February 23, 2023.  There will be presentations of budgets from the other Village Departments.  On February 24, 2023, Mr. Rooney will give an overview of his accounts.  Another Budget Meeting may be held on March 6, 2023, depending upon whether a Budget Meeting needs to be cancelled, due to ice or snow, as well as whether there is a need for further budget discussions. Paperwork containing the additional budgets to be discussed will be provided for insertion into the existing budget notebooks.


Councilmember Winograd asked when the budget paperwork would be made available to the public and whether or not public announcements are made of the budget meetings.  Ms. Mailander said that she usually waits until the final budget is introduced, which would be on March 8, 2023.  When asked again whether the public would be notified of the March 8, 2023 date, Ms. Mailander replied that it is usually included in her Manager’s Report but that she could certainly notify the public in another way.  Councilmember Winograd felt that people are usually shocked when they first hear about the budget and that the public should be notified that budget meetings are underway.  Ms. Mailander said that she would include such an announcement in the E-notice, which she plans to send out tomorrow.  




Nancy Brennan Hill, 136 Doremus Avenue, pointed out that the budget for tree planting is totally inadequate. She said that the tree inventory is “down” thousands of trees and that it costs, on average, about $600.00 to plant one tree. She asked the Village Council to make some adjustments in the tree budget so that they do not fall “further into the hole.”


Councilmember Winograd indicated that the Village Council is still trying to determine how much leftover capital funds for trees are available from 2022. She said that the budget figures discussed this evening do not include any fund balances that the Village may still have on hand.

Carolyn Jacoby, 160 Godwin Avenue, expressed the hope that more money would be allocated to the Shade Tree Commission, so that more trees can be planted this year.


There were no further public comments.


6.         ADJOURNMENT


There being no further business to come before the Village Council, on a motion by Deputy Mayor Perron, seconded by Councilmember Weitz, and carried unanimously by voice vote, the Village Council’s Special Public Budget Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.







                                                                                                Paul Vagianos










                     Heather A. Mailander

             Village Manager/Village Clerk

  • Hits: 262





Mayor Vagianos called the meeting to order at 5:14 P.M. and read the Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act. At roll call, the following were present: Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos. Also present were Heather Mailander, Village Manager/Village Clerk; Robert Rooney, Chief Financial Officer; and Olivia Andreula of the Finance Department.


Mayor Vagianos led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.












Robert Rooney, CFO, explained that the Court Administrator, Kim McWilliams, was unable to attend the meeting this evening, since she recently underwent surgery. He stated that Other Expenses increased by approximately 5%, and salaries have increased by approximately 14% (due to the hiring of a part-time employee toward the end of 2022). He pointed out the expense for the Shared Services Agreement with Glen Rock, under which Ridgewood pays for half of Ms. McWilliams’ annual salary. Ms. Mailander clarified that the parties to the Shared Services Agreement are Ridgewood, Glen Rock, and Wyckoff. Mr. Rooney said that this agreement has been in place for approximately three years and has proven to be very cost effective. Mr. Rooney added that most of the Other Expenses are submitted to the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) for their approval. Some of the expenses have already been “blessed” by the Attorney General’s Office. He said that he would answer any questions to the best of his ability in Ms. McWilliams’ absence.


Councilmember Weitz asked about the 12/31/22 actual figure of $211,000.00 for full-time wages, which includes a “credit carried over” of $53,000.00. Mr. Rooney explained that the $211,000.00 probably reflects the full- and part-time salaries that were paid in 2022. He said that salary and wage budget credits are seen in every department, which represents an allocation of costs that may go to other departments. He said that if a percentage of the court’s time is determined to be 10% related to parking, a credit of 10% of the monies collected would be allocated to the Parking Utility budget. Councilmember Weitz said that there was a significant increase of 17-1/2% for salaries and wages for 2023. The actual spend for 2022 was $161,000.00 and the 2023 budget request this year is for $186,000.00. Mr. Rooney said that since Ms. McWilliams has been out of the office for several months, some bills may not have been processed yet and the “actual” is probably lower than it should be right now. When those bills are finally processed, they will get charged against this year and there will be no impact on anything else.


Councilmember Weitz said that the sum of approximately $186,000.00 was appropriated last year and the sum of $220,000.00 was being requested for 2023. He said that was a significant increase and wondered if it was all attributed to salaries. Mr. Rooney said that the salaries went up 15%, due to the addition of a part-time employee at the end of 2022, and the Judge’s salary. The line item for employee salaries went up 2%. Mr. Rooney asked Councilmember Weitz whether the version of the budget he was looking at had a total of $212,000.00 or $219,000.00, and Councilmember Weitz replied that his paperwork shows a total budget for 2023 of $219,000.00. Mr. Rooney explained that a revision was sent to the Village Councilmembers the other day, so the correct number should be $212,000.00.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked what the term “Regular Sessions” meant. She said that salaries seem to be a separate line item. Mr. Rooney said that the explanation indicates that this was due to an increase in labor contracts (46 sessions, estimated at $140.00 per session). He said that he could not properly answer this question and would have to find out the answer. Police Sergeant Jay Chuck said that he assumes that this line item refers to actual court sessions, which number approximately 40 per year, plus special sessions required for trials involving DWIs and domestic violence. When asked by Mr. Rooney to whom these monies are paid, Sergeant Chuck replied that these monies are paid to white-collar employees for overtime, in addition to their regular salaries.


Regarding the $35,000.00 that is being proposed for this year, Deputy Mayor Perron asked whether $30,000.00 represents the prosecutor’s salary. Mr. Rooney indicated that he would have to find out the answer to that question. Ms. Mailander remarked that the prosecutor’s salary is approximately $25,000.00, and he is paid extra for special sessions. The prosecutor attends about three or four court sessions a month, since the Village no longer has an assistant prosecutor.


Councilmember Winograd asked whether the $48,000.00 increase in Other Expenses was due to the Covid pandemic, since she noted significant increases in telephone expenses. Mr. Rooney replied that the telephone expenses are large because only 56 cents was charged in 2022 and some telephone bills have not yet been processed. Regarding conferences and meetings, Mr. Rooney stated that Ms. McWilliams indicated that there is training, which needs to be adhered to by Court Administrators, and none of this training was done in 2022. Therefore, monies for same are being requested this year. The $1,400.00 sum for “Maintenance of Other Equipment” deals with the maintenance of the metal detector used to screen people during court sessions at Village Hall.




Ms. Mailander stated that Police Chief Jacqueline Luthcke, Captains Forest Lyons and William Amoruso, and Sergeant Jay Chuck were present at the meeting to present the 2023 budget for the Police Department. Chief Luthcke stated that of their “high budget items” this year pertains to the hiring of more staff, which will become necessary due to the many employees who will be retiring this year or who have already retired. She stated that at least five more police officers should be hired in 2023; because with five planning to retire this year, and with only two being trained at the academy, the police force will be depleted, and Chief Luthcke indicated that she has been trying to play “catch up” for quite some time regarding staffing levels.


Councilmember Weitz asked if this would be “backfilling” or adding more staff to the department in contemplation of people leaving. Chief Luthcke replied that it was a little of both. She said that, in law enforcement, it takes a full year before an officer is counted in staffing levels. Therefore, people need to be hired before those contemplating retirement are fully retired. She stated that eight people retired a few years ago and they have not been replaced, which resulted in astronomical overtime wages. There will be overlap when an employee is hired to replace another employee who would not be retiring until the end of the year.


Councilmember Winograd asked Chief Luthcke how many personnel are currently employed in the Police Department. Chief Luthcke stated that there are currently 45 police officers, three of whom are retiring and two of whom are still training at the academy. By year end, if no other officers are hired, there will only be 44 police officers. She reiterated that the two people in the academy will not count in staffing levels until January 2024, leaving only 42 officers at the end of 2023, even though the salaries will represent pay for 44 officers. Chief Luthcke stated that this represents a significant loss of personnel for the Police Department.


When questioned by Councilmember Reynolds, Chief Luthcke stated that she would like to hire five more police officers in 2023, which will get the Police Department up to par temporarily, since there will be more people retiring in 2024. She stated that the minimum staffing numbers should be 48 and, ideally, should be 52 in order to get the bigger-ticket items and agendas met. Chief Luthcke explained that after a candidate graduates from the academy, they must go through a one-on-one field training program, which gets difficult as the numbers of new Police Officer being hired increase, because it creates wear and tear on the officers training these new recruits (12-hour shifts at a time).


Councilmember Weitz said that $7.6 million was spent last year, and this year there is a request for $9.9 million, a sizeable jump. He noted that there was a huge increase in the “Office and Clerical” line item. Chief Luthcke replied that she hopes to hire another person, a civilian, to help with office and clerical work. With the advent of technology, Chief Luthcke stated that they have “lost” one detective so far, since his job deals strictly with computer-related duties, such as fulfilling Open Public Records Act (OPRA) requests and discovery requests, as well as burning videos for legal counsel from police car and body cameras.


Councilmember Weitz stated that there appears to be a 20% increase in salaries. Chief Luthcke stated that this increase pertains to contractual obligations with officers. Councilmember Weitz asked how much the contractual raises amounted to, percentagewise. Mr. Rooney stated that the contractual raises are 3%, based upon base pay and step raises. Councilmember Weitz asked how much of the $2.3 million was attributable to contractual obligations. Chief Luthcke replied that some of this amount pertains to “retro checks” or retroactive pay employees received after contract negotiations were settled. Mr. Rooney said that the “Effective and New Hires” pertains to two new employees hired in January 2023 ($80,000.00) and the five new positions effective July 1, 2023 ($100,000.00), for a total of $180,000.00 for the seven positions. The remaining monies reflect salary wage increases based upon longevity, base and step raises.


Councilmember Reynolds asked Chief Luthcke if she had also requested to hire an administrative person in 2022, and Chief Luthcke said that she had, but that this request was cut out of the budget.


Regarding the American Recovery Act, Councilmember Winograd asked if those monies were reflected in the Police Department budget this year, since $1.3 million was received last year. Mr. Rooney stated that, in the state budget, whatever was appropriated was allocated to fire and police ($2.6 million). It is reflected on the revenue side of the budget.


Councilmember Weitz noted that in 2022, the sum of $6.5 million was allocated for salaries and wages, and the request for same this year is $7.3 million, with approximately $1.2 million attributable to raises. This was corroborated by Chief Luthcke. Councilmember Weitz noted that the “Office and Clerical” line item includes the additional hire ($31,000.00), and he asked if approximately $1.5 million of the $2.3 million represents salaries. Mayor Vagianos said that it is $1.6 million plus.


Councilmember Reynolds asked what the intended salary would be for the civilian clerical employee. Chief Luthcke stated that the $31,000.00 indicated for “Office and Clerical” did not look right to her, because she has more civilian employees than that. Mr. Rooney stated that $50,000.00 was put into the budget for the hiring of a discovery clerk, and he added monies for civilian hires (three people in total, two at $40,000.00 and one at $50,000.00).


Chief Luthcke added that they are looking towards achieving accreditation this year for the Police Department, which would entail adding a civilian clerical position. This employee would take care of the huge amount of paperwork that the Police Department has, due to changing legislation and the amount of mandatory reporting which must be accomplished. Hiring such a person would avoid assigning police officers to perform these tasks, so that they may spend their time patrolling the Village. Captain Lyons explained that an arrest entails approximately four to five hours of paperwork. He added that there is currently one detective on the force, who is working full time just doing redactions on body camera videos.


Mayor Vagianos added that, from a budgetary standpoint, it is less expensive to have civilians perform these administrative tasks. He stated that the Police Department is the largest department in the Village and, while all Councilmembers would like to fulfill all requests, he stated that these requests amount to 22% of the entire budget. He said that the Village Council is trying to arrive at a budget that will not result in a huge tax increase for residents. He said that fulfilling all of the requests from the Police Department would have a negative impact upon all of the other smaller Village departments and would result in a big tax increase. He asked Chief Luthcke if she could try to reduce her budget significantly.


Chief Luthcke said that there were many items contained in her budget, including fees for the shooting range and fees for connection to the County network system, which must be paid and which have increased. Printing and binding costs have increased by almost $5,000.00. The phone system was changed, including the police phone number, creating the need for new business cards. Using the old cards with the wrong number would be unprofessional, but Chief Luthcke stated that she has no problem handing out business cards with the old number crossed off and the new number handwritten on the card. Not hiring additional personnel would reduce the budget, since new uniforms and radios would not have to be purchased for them and their psychological and medical exams would not have to be performed. Medical exams for new hires cost $1,200.00 each. She said that as the force is reduced through attrition, then overtime costs rise and their revenue-making capability decreases.


Chief Luthcke continued by saying that due to the road jobs they had to supervise last year, and due to the increase in car fees, administrative fees and filing fees, $621,000.00 in revenue was generated for the Village. This revenue cannot be realized if there are not enough employees to perform these tasks. Mayor Vagianos agreed, but reiterated that the budget requests were unsustainable. He again asked Chief Luthcke what she thought could be cut from her departmental budget.


Chief Luthcke stated that the Other Expenses were equivalent to 10% of the salary line item. She remarked that during the year when they were short by eight employees, $850,000.00 was incurred in overtime, despite actively managing the personnel in an attempt to cut down on as much overtime as possible. Mayor Vagianos stated that it would be better for Chief Luthcke to tell the Village Council where cuts could be made, rather than the Village Council telling her what cuts should be made, since she is more aware of the needs of her department. Chief Luthcke said that the only way the salary line item can be reduced would be to reduce the number of hires, which would affect other line items such as Other Professional Services and Materials and Supplies. She added that outsourcing the school crossing guards results in significant savings. Chief Luthcke said that they have encountered difficulty hiring Parking Enforcement Officers.


When Councilmember Weitz asked if the salary line item would decrease next year due to the retirements this year, including Chief Luthcke’s retirement. Chief Luthcke replied in the affirmative, but she stated that this would depend upon the actual dates on which people retired.


Councilmember Winograd asked whether the Village is reimbursed by the Board of Education for the School Resource Officer, and Ms. Mailander replied that the Village and the Board of Education each pay $100,000.00. Councilmember Winograd said that she does not want paper business cards, so Dylan Hansen, Director of IT, gave her a QR code, which enables information to be added to contacts when the QR code is scanned with a smart phone. She wondered if the Police Department could utilize this type of system, rather than having new business cards produced. This system would also reduce waste. Pictures and logos can be added to the QR code as well. She added that she will miss Chief Luthcke next year after Chief Luthcke’s retirement, and Mayor Vagianos echoed her sentiments.


Chief Luthcke said that cell phones for police officers are in the Capital Budget and Operating Budget, along with stipends for the officers ($10,800.00) and Verizon service ($20,000.00) included in the Operating Budget, with the purchase of cell phones for $25,000.00 contained in the Capital Budget. Since so much of their technology is dependent upon these phones, it would be much easier for police officers to tag their body cam videos in their cars. Personal cell phones cannot be used due to OPMA (Open Public Meetings Act) and OPRA (Open Public Records Act) issues. She said that she would be amenable to using QR codes in lieu of business cards.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked about the cell phone stipends (36 times $25.00 a month), for a total of $10,800.00. She stated that this sum comes to $900.00 when she does the math. Chief Luthcke explained that the $900.00 then must be multiplied by 12 months.


Mayor Vagianos reiterated that it would be better for Chief Luthcke to once again review her budget, to see what could be cut, rather than this being done by the Village Councilmembers. Chief Luthcke said that the request for vehicle-defeating barricades in the Capital Budget for $25,000.00 is necessary, so that they can be used during special events held in the Village, such as the pedestrian plaza. Similarly, body armor replacements are also required, and weapons need to be updated. Portable radios are their lifeline and must be maintained and upgraded as new technology is developed. The purchase of vehicles has already been reduced.


Regarding building improvements, Chief Luthcke stated that nothing has been done in this area since they moved into their offices at Village Hall. Their processing room needs to be subdivided and the whole area could use a coat of paint. Their arsenal is very small. The purchase of a new variable message board could be cut out, although the one they currently use is very old and usage requests are sometimes denied because the board is not working. Chief Luthcke replied that the requests in her budget are items that are minimally necessary, in order to run the department.


Mayor Vagianos said that he understood what Chief Luthcke was saying, and added that the “tools of the trade” are incredibly expensive for the Police Department. Ms. Mailander reminded everyone that the Capital budget is still $3.5 million above where it needs to be and, therefore, many departments will have to make sacrifices.


Councilmember Winograd asked if the necessary funds are contained in the budget for enforcement related to the parking zone changes. Chief Luthcke replied that they are still trying to get the PEOs on some sort of handheld license plate reader device, but this item is not included in this year’s budget.




Ms. Mailander stated that Jeremy Kleimann, Office of Emergency Management (OEM) Coordinator, would present his department’s budget. Mr. Kleimann stated that this has been a quiet year, with no major disasters, such as flooding or hurricanes, as has been the case in the past few years. His budget is designed around planning for, responding to, and mitigating natural disasters. Previous budgets have revolved around responses to manmade disasters, such as mass shootings, active shooter situations, terrorist events, and train derailments. Mr. Kleimann commented how taxing it was for his department during the Covid pandemic. Last year, they focused on the faulty lightning detection system, on which a maintenance contract was entered into to cover repairs. This cost is shared with the Board of Education, although the OEM Department is responsible for the performance of maintenance and repairs. This year, they have been able to complete some disaster exercises with the nursing homes and Valley Hospital, revolving around some recommended scenarios from the Department of Homeland Security. They also updated their special needs registry by adding 25 residents.


Councilmember Winograd asked Mr. Kleimann if his office would be educating the public about the lightning alert system, especially those families with members who play sports, through the new communication system. Mr. Kleimann said that he thought this was a great idea, but stated that the messaging regarding the lightning alert system usually comes from the Parks and Recreation Department. He explained the components of the lightning detection system: one component that controls the system itself, such as detecting lightning in the local area, and the other component, which is the messaging piece. He stated that this latter component is very labor intensive, since new residents must be added to the database manually. Mr. Kleimann stated that he would like to streamline that system and stated that he will send out announcements for the lightning detection system through the new communications system. Councilmember Winograd offered to assist in this regard, if assistance were needed.


Regarding the Capital Budget, Mr. Kleimann indicated that the only capital request this year is for a supplemental appropriation for the camera trailer, which was authorized in 2022. Last year, they priced out a stand-alone unit. However, after speaking to the Prosecutor’s Office and Bergen County OEM, he realized that it would make sense for the Village OEM to be on the same system as Bergen County. In this way, when additional camera trailers are borrowed from Bergen County, they can be integrated into the same platform. All cameras can be viewed and controlled remotely through a cell phone or tablet.


Mayor Vagianos asked about the storage container. Mr. Kleimann explained that they currently rent a storage unit at a place in Glen Rock. He described this as a difficult commercial relationship, and they pay a monthly storage fee of approximately $600.00 per month. He said that he would like to get away from being dependent upon storing equipment there, citing a couple of situations where the storage unit owner stated that he did not appreciate the process for government-issued payments. If a payment is late, Mr. Kleimann said that the owner is quick to padlock the storage facility, which creates problems if he or his staff need to access equipment late at night during an emergency. He would like to purchase a shipping container with heating and air-conditioning, which could be owned and controlled by the Village.


Mayor Vagianos remarked that it costs the Village about $7,000.00 a year to rent the storage unit, yet a shipping container could be bought for $16,000.00, with the investment paying for itself after a little over two years. Mr. Kleimann stated that the rental fees amount to $6,800.00 per year. When asked by Deputy Mayor Perron where the shipping container would be placed, Mr. Kleimann replied that they are thinking of storing it at the Signal/Water Pollution Control location, in the area that is not in the flood zone.


Ms. Mailander reminded everyone that Will Kievit of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) had requested some mezzanine storage hardware to be installed at the Douglas Place facility in his budget, and if the storage container is purchased by the OEM, then they could possibly share it with EMS. However, Mr. Kievit made the refurbishment of the bedroom areas a priority, rather than the storage equipment. Mr. Kleimann indicated that he did not think there would be adequate room at Douglas Place to house the shipping container. He stated that he has spoken to Mr. Kievit about this and stated that the mezzanine-type storage hardware would be ideal for Mr. Kleimann’s needs and it would be advantageous to have all special operations supplies and equipment stored in one location.


Councilmember Winograd asked how much the storage equipment would cost, and it was determined that Mr. Kievit requested the sum of $50,000.00 in his budget for this item.


                        4.         LIBRARY


Rebecca Rubenstein stated that this year is the third year that she has served as a Library Board Trustee and her first year serving as Board Treasurer. Lorri Steinbacher stated that she is the new Director of the Ridgewood Public Library, ever since last month, but she has worked for the library for over ten years. Alexander Wasenda stated that he has been the Business Manager for the Ridgewood Library for the past two years.


Ms. Rubenstein indicated that New Jersey municipal libraries are legally entitled to funding based upon what is called a “one third mill rate.” This is calculated as 30 cents on each $1,000.00 of equalized value of all assessable property in the Village. She stated that equalized value is the estimated market value of one’s home as compared to the assessed value, which is the value of one’s home, reflected on the tax rolls of a municipality. Ms. Rubenstein said that, in past years, the Village generously gave the library more than the one-third of a mill rate. However, since equalized valuation numbers have skyrocketed, the New Jersey one-third mill rate has gone up substantially (by 12%). Therefore, they are not requesting any monies above the one-third mill rate this year.


Ms. Rubenstein stated that for operating revenues, aside from the Village appropriation, the library has budgeted a modest contribution from Pease Library rental income. There are currently two tenants at the Pease Library building: Northwest Bergen Central Dispatch (9-1-1) and Bohler Engineering. She stated that the library has significant capital expenditures this year, due to this new tenant lease, which will materially reduce their net rental income. Other than this, the library is limited in the ways it can generate revenue. Ms. Rubenstein stated that most libraries are not charging fines anymore. Ridgewood Library is assessing fines for late returns, but these revenues have decreased, due to automatic renewals. They are exploring the possibility of adding passport services, like the programs at the Waldwick and Mahwah Libraries, which would serve the public and generate some revenue for the Operating Budget.


Regarding operating expenses, Ms. Rubenstein indicated that the library has to budget a large terminal leave payment in 2023, in association with the retirement of a long-time Ridgewood Library Director last year. She stated that they are currently in union negotiations. Ms. Steinbacher clarified that the union contract has not yet been ratified, but they expect an increase in salaries and wages by a certain percentage. Ms. Rubenstein continued by saying that healthcare costs have also increased by $89,000.00, which accounts for a large part of the increased appropriation request. Executive turnover has allowed them to restructure and restore some part-time hours as the library returns to pre-Covid activity. She stated that full-time hiring is on hold, pending the stabilization of healthcare insurance costs.


Regarding capital funding, Ms. Rubenstein stated that they plan on performing some material upgrades at the library this year, using private donations, without closing the building. They plan to replace the aging 24-year-old roof and first floor HVAC, repaint the exterior façade, and refresh the landscaping by using previously allocated capital funds. They would like to hook up the new generator this year, since the generator was recently installed on library property, to service Ridgewood Water, and it can also service the library. This electrical hookup will cost $140,000.00, but this request has been reduced to $125,000.00, given the current budgetary restraints, with the balance of $15,000.00 to be funded out of their Operating Budget. The generator hookup will provide a valuable service to the community, by providing full use of the building in the event of a power outage, as well as allow the library to serve as a hub in emergencies.


Ms. Rubenstein said that she was asked what they would do if their budget were increased by 5% or 10%. She said that library staffing is largely part-time, due to rising costs associated with hiring a full-time employee, although the library would benefit from a full-time adult librarian and an additional full-time staff member in the Circulation Department. The book budget could be returned to historical norms. She said that e-books have added an additional burden to the materials budget. In 2022, the Ridgewood Library Foundation funded almost $50,000.00 in e-books that would otherwise have had to be carried in the Operating Budget.


Ms. Rubenstein said that they were also asked what they would do if they had to decrease their budget by 5% or 10%. She said that the only two areas that could be cut would be materials and salaries. This would result in fewer books, in all formats, in an already diminished materials budget. She stated that the library’s lean budget, due to climbing healthcare costs and inflationary operating costs, has recently affected the materials budget. However, the library used grants, reserves, and gifts from the Friends of the Library and Ridgewood Library Foundation to supplement these expenses.


Regarding salaries, Ms. Rubenstein stated that the library is a three-floor building that requires a minimum number of staff, in order to safely stay open to the public. The library is currently open seven days a week, including four days with operating hours to 9:00 P.M. A 5% decrease could mean the difference between being open on Sundays all year versus reducing Sunday hours. A 10% decrease would result in reducing or eliminating Sunday hours, as well as reducing the number of evenings the library is open until 9:00 P.M.


Councilmember Winograd asked if there was any federal grant money that the library could apply for in order to hook up the generator to the library, since the library would serve as a community hub in the event of a power outage. Mr. Rooney said that he would have to do some research on the availability of any appropriate grants.


Mayor Vagianos asked how many visitors the library gets on a monthly basis. Ms. Steinbacher stated that there are approximately 1,300 items borrowed per day from the library, with 490 to 500 people visiting the library daily. About 150 reference questions are answered daily, and about 1,400 people visit their website daily. On any given day, about 100 visitors will visit the library and stay for two hours to do work or study. On average, about 85 people per day attend library programs, such as story time. They have 75 public computer hours logged per day, and there are approximately 10 hours per day of volunteer service. Mayor Vagianos confessed that he already knew the large number of people who use the library, and he just wanted everyone to hear these impressive numbers. He agreed that the Ridgewood Library acts as a central hub for the entire community.


                        5.         VILLAGE MANAGER


Ms. Mailander stated that the biggest increase in the budget for the Village Manager is the full-time salary for a new Village Manager. Mayor Vagianos mentioned that Ms. Mailander was a “bargain” because she was fulfilling two positions. He stated that he was not even sure a qualified Village Manager could be found to replace Ms. Mailander for the salary amount stated in the budget.


Regarding Conferences and Meetings, Ms. Mailander stated that there is a request for $5,000 to enable various Department Directors to attend his/her association’s national conference. The Department Directors would be given a portion of the attendance fee and would pay the difference out of their departmental budgets or personally. Out-of-state conferences or training seminars are limited, unless the training is only given at a particular location and is mandatory training. For example, sometimes an employee of the Police Department is required to travel to a conference out of state to receive a certain type of training. Ms. Mailander stated that national and international conferences used to be attended by Village staff, since they provide a greater learning experience and offer speakers that are more renowned and networking features. Ms. Mailander stated that this request could probably be cut out of the budget.


When questioned, Ms. Mailander stated that the line item of Community Relations has a request for funds for a picnic and holiday party. She said that the picnic could probably be cut out of the budget, but she would like to see the holiday party remain. She said that it would be nice to have a holiday party so that people could be brought back together after the Covid pandemic. Mayor Vagianos felt that the cost for the holiday party was minimal and would provide much benefit to employees and the community. Ms. Mailander stated that there is no Capital Budget for the Village Manager.  There were no further questions.


                        6.         VILLAGE COUNCIL


Mayor Vagianos jokingly stated that there were no significant salary increases in the Village Council budget. Ms. Mailander stated that there have been no salary increases for Village Councilmembers since the early 2000s. There is a request to hire a grant writer in the amount of approximately $36,000.00. There is no Capital Budget for the Village Council. Councilmember Winograd said that she is looking forward to the time when the Village Council can become paperless, which would save approximately $19,000.00. Mayor Vagianos asked if there were any current training classes that the Village Councilmembers could take to prepare them to view all paperwork electronically. Mr. Rooney stated that the Ridgewood Library holds sessions for people to learn various computer programs, and he said he was confident that arrangements could be made to enable Councilmembers to attend any of these classes. He said that he, Dylan Hansen of the IT Department, or Olivia Andreula in the Finance Department could assist the Councilmembers with any questions they may have. He said that going paperless would make his job a lot easier and would save money.


Councilmember Weitz asked if going paperless would entail sending the Councilmembers a PDF of the entire budget packet, and Mr. Rooney replied that he would submit the paperwork to them in any format they wanted. Councilmember Weitz added that, at work, he receives documents with hyperlinks, which he can click on to go directly to a particular section in a document. He felt that a PDF would be unworkable and difficult to maneuver. Councilmember Reynolds said that she has never used a Village computer, but enjoys using her Apple laptop. There was a further discussion about security, hyperlinks, and inhouse computer training. Mayor Vagianos stated that going paperless will save a lot of money on administrative time and photocopying and would benefit the environment at the same time. Ms. Mailander said that she would research the training programs that are offered.


Councilmember Winograd added that going paperless would also improves accuracy, since information would be presented in real time. She added that she would like to work on a type of orientation packet for incoming Village Councilmembers, to aid them in becoming acclimated to the procedures followed during meetings. She stated that would have been of tremendous help to her this year. Mr. Rooney added that it would probably be beneficial to have an initial training session for any new employees hired in the Village.


                        7.         VILLAGE ATTORNEY


Ms. Mailander indicated that this budget includes salaries for the Village Attorney, Labor Attorney, and Prosecutor. She indicated that a placeholder was put in the budget for union negotiations, just in case the Labor Attorney is needed for any finalization of contract negotiations.


Councilmember Weitz asked what RME stood for, and Mr. Rooney stated that RME referred to the litigation settlement regarding the equipment at the Water Pollution Control Facility. The amount shown on the RME line item represents the monies to be paid to Bond Counsel for their services during that litigation.


                        8.         VILLAGE CLERK


Ms. Mailander said that there was not much change in the budget for the Village Clerk’s Office for 2023. She stated that OPRA requests have significantly increased over the prior year and have become increasingly more difficult to fulfill, particularly requests for emails between certain parties during certain timeframes. She said that there was one request asking for any and all contracts from the 1970s to the present time. In such a case, documents are searched for using certain keywords, and this can entail many hours of work. Ms. Mailander said that there are three people in the Village Clerk’s Office, along with two receptionists, and everyone assists with OPRA requests. She said that OPRA requests have become overwhelming, where sometimes fulfilling these requests is all that the staff does for an entire week.


When asked by Mayor Vagianos how much people are charged for an OPRA request, Ms. Mailander replied that, by statute, the cost is minimal, something like 10 cents or 25 cents per page. She stated that documents are rarely copied and people most often request that documents be delivered electronically, in which case nothing can be charged for fulfilling the request. Councilmember Weitz remarked that this, unfortunately, does not discourage people from “asking for the world.”


Ms. Mailander commented that there is a special service charge imposed if it takes longer than two hours to fulfill an OPRA request or if it involves over 200 pages. The charge is based upon how many documents need to be copied, as well as the hourly rate of the lowest-paid person in the Village Clerk’s Office who will be assembling the documents and redacting personal information from the documents. People making such requests are advised of the charge beforehand, and a 60% deposit is required before they start fulfilling the request. This is required because, in the past, a deposit was not required and people failed to pick up the paperwork once they were advised of how much it would cost.


Councilmember Winograd asked if OPRA requests have decreased, as they relate to the housing market. Ms. Mailander replied that the OPRA requests regarding information on homes have decreased. She said that when the housing market surged, there were many requests from people inquiring about health concerns, environmental concerns, septic tanks, and Building Department permits relating to certain real estate. These OPRA requests are not too difficult to fulfill, since they pertain to a specific lot and block, but it does take time to receive responses from various Village departments in order to fulfill an OPRA request. Sometimes such OPRA requests are time sensitive, since people need the information quickly, if they are in the process of purchasing a home. Even those these types of OPRA requests have decreased, there are still numerous OPRA requests per week, which the Village Clerk’s Office must fulfill.


Mr. Rooney stated that the problem lies in the fact that the Village Clerk’s Office cannot choose which OPRA requests to fulfill, since they must fulfill all requests. Mayor Vagianos asked if there was any legislative initiative regarding OPRA requests. He said that he has heard from many municipalities how fulfilling OPRA requests has become such a tremendous burden. When there is no charge involved, people will ask for everything. Ms. Mailander indicated that she recently received a model resolution dealing with OPRA requests, which can be put on a Work Session agenda for discussion. Mayor Vagianos indicated that this was not an issue of transparency, because people are entitled to public information, but he stated that something must be done because of the far-ranging nature of the OPRA requests.


Ms. Mailander said that it was never intended for OPRA requests to be used for commercial purposes. However, she receives many such requests, such as requests for the number of swimming pool permits issued by the Village, so that people in the pool industry can solicit their services and products to pool owners. A similar scenario occurs with requests for information regarding dog licenses, so that people in this industry (grooming, walking, pet sitting) can send these dog owners their marketing and promotional literature. She said that commercial requests need to be researched, as well as possibly extending the timeframe within which OPRA requests must be fulfilled. The turnaround time is currently seven days.


Ms. Mailander stated that, just within the past week, her office has received between eight and ten OPRA requests. Sometimes they receive between eight and ten requests per day, but the volume is unpredictable. Ms. Mailander stated that some information cannot be released, such as matters involving attorney-client privilege. She stated that she has no problem furnishing information to the public, but it has become an ongoing challenge to fulfill the numerous OPRA requests received. Sometimes a request is made which requires staff to visit a storage facility to locate certain documents.


Councilmember Winograd asked if Councilmembers are notified if they are the subject of an OPRA request, and Ms. Mailander replied in the affirmative, stating that this does not nullify an OPRA request. However, Councilmembers can receive a duplicate set of the paperwork given to the person making the OPRA request.


Councilmember Weitz commented that, although there are many small OPRA requests, the time spent by Village staff to fulfill these requests can cumulatively add up to many hours. He noted that there was a 34% increase in the Village Clerk’s budget for this line item in 2023, when compared to the actual spend last year.


                        9.         ELECTIONS


Mayor Vagianos remarked that the only “big number” he sees pertains to Other Contractual Services. Ms. Mailander explained that Bergen County bills the Village each year for the Primary Election. She said that she never knows what this amount will be, which has ranged from $23,000.00 to $30,000.00+. The amount is based upon the number of absentee mail-in ballots that they received, and upon the County’s costs and expenses. It is apportioned based upon the number of voters. She felt that part of the increased costs was reflective of the rise in postage costs.


Councilmember Winograd said that the League of Municipalities was discussing matching and aligning the voting records between the Village and County. She mentioned that many voters received incorrect ballots during the last election, particularly parents whose children have left home and are living independently. Ms. Mailander said that those people need to contact the County to correct the wrong information. Councilmember Winograd wondered if a tutorial could be developed to help people in this regard, before the next election, to reduce confusion, and Ms. Mailander indicated that this could be done.


Councilmember Winograd asked if all polling locations needed to be open on Election Day, since voter turnout has declined over the years. Ms. Mailander explained that the number of polling locations is based upon the number of voters in each location, and she was not sure how these locations could be equitably consolidated.


Councilmember Winograd asked, since early voting has become popular, whether any discussions have been held regarding the reduction of polling locations. Ms. Mailander explained that there are approximately one million residents of Bergen County, a population which is bigger than the population of some entire states. New ways of voting, such as early voting options, must be phased in over a period of between five to eight years. Bergen County officials decide when this new way of voting will be available in a specific municipality, and the Village has no say in this regard.


Ms. Mailander indicated that she is attending a Bergen County Election session tomorrow and will find out more information at that time. She stated that, eventually, all 70 towns in Bergen County will have the new voting machines, which accommodate early voting. Ms. Mailander felt that this will result in a decrease in polling locations and the need for poll workers. Councilmember Winograd asked Ms. Mailander if she had any idea where Ridgewood’s standing would be in regard to the new machines, and Ms. Mailander replied that smaller towns will probably be grouped together, to avoid larger towns being grouped together. She mentioned that Ridgewood is one of the biggest towns in Bergen County, but the decision ultimately rests with the County.


The Village Councilmembers took a small ten-minute break. After reconvening, at roll call the following were present: Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos. Also present were Heather Mailander, Village Manager/Village Clerk; Robert Rooney, Chief Financial Officer; and Olivia Andreula of the Finance Department.




While waiting for Ridgewood Water representatives to come to the meeting, Mr. Rooney reviewed budget items, which need to be considered in order to satisfactorily reduce the budget by $3.4 million to arrive at an acceptable tax rate. He stated that there was still a $30,810.00 request from the Tax Assessor’s Office for a new vehicle. Mr. Rooney felt that this vehicle could probably be shared, since the vehicle will not be used 100% of the time by the Tax Assessor’s Office. Mayor Vagianos felt that this item should be removed, and the Councilmembers agreed.


Mr. Rooney stated that there is a request by Emergency Medical Services (EMS) for replacement of AEDs and portable radios, which pieces of equipment Mr. Rooney felt were critical to ensure public safety. There was also an EMS request for LUCAS devices, which Ms. Mailander indicated has already been approved. Regarding the request for bedrooms renovations by EMS, Mr. Rooney felt that this item should remain in the budget. The EMS request for stair chairs has already been reduced by $4,000.00. The request for building storage equipment for $50,000.00 was removed, as was the request for radio console upgrades.


Mr. Rooney pointed out the Engineering Department request for concrete sidewalk and drainage repairs of $50,000.00. There is also a request for $1 million for construction of sidewalks on West Glen Avenue. Deputy Mayor Perron said that she would like to delay this project, and Mayor Vagianos and the rest of the Councilmembers agreed. Mr. Rooney said that there was a request for a pedestrian beacon light and radar repairs for $10,000.00. Deputy Mayor Perron asked if the light pertained to a specific location, and Mr. Rooney replied that it pertained to installation of three pairs of flashing lights but the locations were not specified. Councilmember Reynolds stated that she believed one of the locations was at a crosswalk on Glen Avenue, which she felt was absolutely necessary. There was a consensus that this item would remain in the budget.


Mr. Rooney said that there was a request from the Engineering Department for $500,000.00 for improvements at Schedler Park. Councilmember Reynolds asked if these monies pertained to the smaller field or larger field. Councilmember Winograd commented that there are unspent funds (carryover) from the Capital Bond in the amount of $1.9 million. Councilmember Reynolds asked if there is any estimate, regarding how much more money is needed to complete the Schedler project with a small field and how much would be needed if a larger field were constructed. Councilmember Winograd stated that this would probably not be enough money to complete the project, based upon older financial projections, but it would be if Bergen County grant monies became available to develop the land.


Mr. Rooney suggested that the sum of $500,000.00 be removed from this year’s budget and requested in next year’s budget. If it is determined later this year that further monies are required, an allocation could be made at the end of 2023. Mr. Rooney stated that they do not have sufficient information to make a reasonable determination of how much more money will be needed to complete the Schedler property.


Mayor Vagianos is concerned that the Village will not have enough money to complete the project in the event development of the property moves forward in 2023. He does not want progress to be stalled if the Village “falls short” of the necessary funds to complete the project. Councilmember Reynolds asked if the $2.3 million spent on the house was part of the $1.9 million, and Mr. Rooney said that other funds have been set aside for the house and there was no allocation in the $1.9 million for the house.


Councilmember Reynolds wondered how accurate Mr. Rutishauser was when he estimated that $500,000.00 would be needed to finish Schedler Park, and Mr. Rooney said that he did not know. Mayor Vagianos pointed out that this work will be going out for bid, and it is unknown how much the bids will be. He mentioned that some bids have come back higher than anticipated, due to inflation and supply chain issues. He felt that it would be shortsighted of the Village Council to remove the $500,000.00 request for this ongoing project. Councilmember Winograd indicated that the old pricing was calculated before the house and land were designated as historic and before the Covid pandemic. Therefore, she assumed that current pricing would be much higher than previously estimated.


Councilmember Weitz stated that it would be unconscionable of the Village Council to leave the property and house in their current condition for a long stretch of time. He felt that money should be left in the budget for the Schedler development, since too many years have already gone by. He said the longer the Village Council waits to finish the project, the more the cost of materials and supplies will increase. Mayor Vagianos added that money needs to be available in the event the larger proposed field is approved. Councilmember Winograd pointed out that the $1.9 million has remained static, while the Village has been paying the bond rate on it. She stated that the members of the Shade Tree Commission are upset that there is a $1.9 million carryover, which could have been allocated to the planting of more trees.


Councilmember Winograd felt that the $500,000.00 should remain in the budget for this year. Deputy Mayor Perron said she was also in favor of keeping the $500,000.00 request in this year’s budget, as were Mayor Vagianos and Councilmember Weitz. Councilmember Reynolds was in favor of removing it from this year’s budget.


Mr. Rooney said that the next item concerned drainage improvements to the walking track at Veterans Field for $15,000.00. Councilmember Reynolds remarked that the flooding is bad in this location and needs drainage improvements. Ms. Mailander agreed, stating that she sees many people using the walking track in all kinds of weather. Mr. Rooney said that the work would include the installation of a trench drain along the track to direct water runoff into various inlets. It was decided that this item would remain in this year’s budget. There was a discussion regarding the attainment of grants to cover this proposed work.


Mr. Rooney indicated that the next item pertains to security cameras for The View on Crest Road. Deputy Mayor Perron said that these cameras would benefit residents who live on Hillcrest Road. She mentioned that she and others met with neighbors who live beneath The View and the neighbors indicated that people throw garbage, such as beer bottles, at their homes. Deputy Mayor Perron felt that security cameras would help to alleviate this problem. Councilmember Reynolds stated that $75,000.00 seemed very expensive for security cameras and wondered how many security cameras were needed. Deputy Mayor Perron agreed. Mayor Vagianos said that, although he was very sympathetic to the neighbors, he felt that this was a big-ticket item for a “hoped for outcome.” He said that cameras have limitations, as seen on the top floor of the Parking Garage, and do not always capture everything. He felt that this item should be removed. Councilmember Reynolds agreed.


Mr. Rooney said that the next item concerned Hope Street drainage improvements. Mayor Vagianos said that, although he did not know the scope of the proposed work, the conditions of repeated flooding on Hope Street are disastrous and result in a tremendous impact to the residents living there. He recommended that this line item remain in the budget. Mr. Rooney clarified that the work entailed stormwater improvements to alleviate flooding. Councilmember Reynolds stated that $100,000.00 was taken out of the budget for drainage improvements on Morningside Road and Fairmount Avenue, a request for $400,000.00 for Circle Avenue drainage improvements was removed, and a request for $200,000.00 for sidewalks on East Glen Avenue was removed. She said that a total of $1.2 million was removed regarding drainage and sidewalk improvements from this year’s budget.


Mr. Rooney reviewed the process by which the initial budget requests are made and how the budgets are eventually whittled down. He said that some items were removed because the Engineering Department felt that, while the improvements were necessary, they would not be able to do the work this year and that it could be delayed until 2024. Councilmember Reynolds said that she sympathized with people who encounter repeated basement flooding, and she asked if there was such a problem on Morningside Road. She also asked how long the residents have been waiting for this problem to be resolved. Mr. Rooney said that he would ask Mr. Rutishauser to obtain answers to these questions.


Mayor Vagianos said that Mr. Rutishauser prioritized the areas where drainage improvements needed to be performed, and they prioritized Hope Street over the other locations. While Councilmember Reynolds stated that the locations were probably chosen based upon how much it would cost to make the drainage improvements, Councilmember Winograd stated that the deciding factor would probably have been based upon elevation, since Hope Street has a lower elevation than the other locations. Mr. Rooney reiterated that he would ask Mr. Rutishauser to clarify these points.


Mr. Rooney said that the Fire Department had a request for $50,000.00 for purchasing portable radios, which are critical to ensure public safety. He said that Chief Judge agreed to reduce this request to $15,000.00. Similarly, Chief Judge felt that the purchase of air packs could be delayed until next year. Regarding firefighter gear, Mr. Rooney explained that this is the second year of a four-year plan and that it is a statutory requirement that turnout gear be replaced every ten years. Mr. Rooney stated that there were requests for CBA hose and equipment and a radio project. Deputy Mayor Perron asked what the radio project entailed. Ms. Mailander recalled that it involved the purchase of triband radios so that they could communicate on all frequencies, including the Bergen County frequency. Mayor Vagianos said that Chief Judge “made a good case” regarding this purchase.


Mr. Rooney said that there was a line item for the renovation and restoration of Fire Headquarters, which he believes was already reduced from $9,000.00 to $6,000.00. The last item pertained to Operation Blue Angel, which he recalled the Village Council felt was a vital program for resident safety. Mayor Vagianos stated that he was satisfied at the current time with the Fire Department’s proposed Capital Budget.


Mr. Rooney said that there was one line item (line 25, generator hookup) in the Ridgewood Library’s budget, which is up for discussion. Mayor Vagianos stated that he felt this was a big-ticket item, which was not essential. Ms. Mailander indicated that the generator was bought with the intention that it would be shared between the library and the new Ridgewood Water headquarters. She stated that the library did not realize that their connection to the generator, which will cost $140,000.00, was not included in the original price. The library is willing to spend $15,000.00 out of their Operating Budget towards this connection and expressed the hope that the Village would allocate the remaining $125,000.00. Ms. Mailander said that this decision rests with the Village Council.


Mr. Rooney said that the Village typically contributes between $110,000.00 and $120,000.00 a year to the Library’s Operating Budget. Ms. Mailander stated that this sum is above what the library would statutorily receive (one third of mill). Mr. Rooney explained that since the library is getting an increased amount by law, the Village will receive 100% funding to match what the appropriation is, meaning that the library will not receive anything additional from the Village in the Operating Budget. He said that the “tradeoff” they are asking for is that the funds be placed in the Capital Budget, so that they can hook up the library to the generator. He added that the library is not as susceptible to flooding as Village Hall. Mr. Rooney said that the Village offices and staff could be relocated to the library premises in the event Village Hall becomes flooded, and this is where the library hookup to the generator would prove beneficial to the Village and to the community in general, especially after a storm such as Hurricane Sandy.


Deputy Mayor Perron remarked that the generator is an asset, which is not being fully utilized. Mayor Vagianos asked whether Village offices could operate out of the new Ridgewood Water headquarters for several days if there is flooding at Village Hall. Ms. Mailander said that this was certainly an option. She explained some things, which occurred during Hurricane Sandy, when some residents lost power for almost 10 days and were comforted by the fact that Village offices remained open during the storm, even though Village Hall was also without power for a few days.


Mayor Vagianos remarked that the new Ridgewood Water headquarters had not yet been built during Hurricane Sandy, but now that it has been built, Village offices could be relocated there in an emergency. Ms. Mailander agreed, but stated that there is very little room at Ridgewood Water headquarters to accommodate Village staff and the library had much more room. Mayor Vagianos suggested that they ask Ridgewood Library to contribute more towards the generator hookup.


Councilmember Winograd stated that the generator can accommodate a larger square footage and felt that it is a sizable capital investment, which is going to be significantly underutilized. As a former member of the Friends of the Ridgewood Library, as a private citizen, Councilmember Winograd often felt that the Village “punished” the library for running their own capital improvement campaign. She said that the library is an asset of the Village and they “soften” what they need from the Village by running their own capital campaign. Addressing Mr. Rooney, Councilmember Winograd felt that the Village may be eligible for federal grants if they make the library an emergency locale in the event of a blackout or flooding, where elderly and infirm members of the community can go for warmth and necessities. She felt that it would be shortsighted of the Village not to fund the generator connection to the library.


Councilmember Weitz agreed with Councilmember Winograd and said that he does not want to “beat up on” the Ridgewood Library for raising money, since they will then become discouraged from seeking ways to generate revenue, and this will place a bigger burden on the Village. He feels that this request should remain in the budget. Mayor Vagianos stated that he agreed with everything that has been said, but feels that, in this difficult budget year, they should ask the library if they could increase their contribution by $50,000.00 towards this generator connection, with the Village contributing $75,000.00.


                        11.  RIDGEWOOD WATER


Presenting the Ridgewood Water budget were Richard Calbi, Director of Ridgewood Water; Bill Bierwas, Supervisor of Distribution and Treatment; and Jill Fasano, Engineer. Mr. Calbi showed a presentation for the benefit of the Village Council and viewing audience, including residents from the other three towns served by Ridgewood Water (Midland Park, Glen Rock and Wyckoff). Mr. Calbi said his draft budget will be posted on the website, and will be updated as changes are made. He said that Ridgewood Water is governed by the Village Council, which oversees their budget, approves all contracts and purchases, and authorizes any new hires.


Mr. Calbi stated that Ridgewood Water has 43 employees and that there is currently a vacancy for a Business Manager. They are actively interviewing candidates for this position and should be making a decision shortly. In addition to the management team, there are 33 very skilled employees who work in the office and in the field. Mr. Calbi stated that they rely on various Village departments to provide services to assist Ridgewood Water in their day-to-day operations while serving Ridgewood Water’s 61,000 customers. These departments include the Parks and Recreation Department, which assists in landscaping duties; and the Signal Division, which performs maintenance of their buildings and fiberoptic network. Because of their support, there are certain allocations which are made a part of the Ridgewood Water budget that are eventually applied towards those departmental budgets for salaries and wages, as well as operational expenses.


Mr. Calbi gave an overview of the PFAS treatment work which has already been accomplished and which is planned for the future. He said that the Carr and Twinney treatment facilities are in full operation, treating and distributing more than 100 million gallons of PFAS-free water per day. There are interconnections established with the Passaic Valley Water Commission and Veolia Water (formerly Suez or Hackensack Water). These two entities currently have lower microliter (MCL) readings for both PFOA and PFAS in their water. Ridgewood Water is currently working on upgrades at the Carr/Linwood facility (by Graydon Pool), where an additional well will be added, providing an additional million gallons of PFAS-free water to the Carr plant.


Mr. Calbi indicated that Ridgewood Water received bids last week for the Ravine/Marr facility, which is located on the border of Ridgewood and Wyckoff. They are hoping to present this project before the Village Council on March 8, 2023. He said that many bids were received for this project, with two bids being within $10,000.00 of each other. They are continuing to work on the four largest wells, which are the Ames, Prospect, Cedar Hill and Wortendyke facilities, which will hopefully be publicly bid this year, after permit approval is received from the New Jersey Division of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) and the Infrastructure Bank (I-Bank). Ridgewood Water is continuing to develop the final designs for the smaller East Ridgewood, West End, Eastside, Main and Mountain facilities.

Mr. Calbi said that the most important thing to note is that Ridgewood Water has been maintaining an operational strategy. He stated that, from the beginning, they have been favoring the wells and treatment plants that have the lowest levels of PFAS. The wells with higher levels of PFAS are only activated when necessary, mostly during the summer when there is high demand. This past August, the PFAS problem took a turn for the better after 20 treatment plants went live, together with the activation of the interconnection with the Passaic Valley Water Commission. Mr. Calbi stated that there are now days in the off-peak winter months where Ridgewood Water is providing a significant amount of water into the system that is compliant and below maximum contaminant levels for PFOA and PFAS. This operational strategy will continue to be maintained, and water conservation measures will be promoted this summer, in order to maintain that strategy.


Beyond the PFAS issue, Mr. Calbi indicated that Ridgewood Water is also grappling with other issues. In 2021, the State of New Jersey passed a law requiring that all lead service lines be replaced, including water lines owned by the utility (from the main to the curb) and also those lines that are owned by the public (from the curb to the house). Ridgewood Water has begun the process of taking an inventory of those lines, and found several thousand made with unknown materials. They have already begun replacing the lines known to be made of lead, from the main to the curb, which are owned by the utility, with 120 being replaced in 2022. They are expecting to replace over 200 more of these lines in 2023.


In 2024, Mr. Calbi hopes to have a plan in place to not only finish replacing the known lead lines from main to curb, but also the privately owned service lines. Mr. Calbi indicated that Ridgewood Water is working with each of the municipalities it serves to have them enter into Shared Service Agreements. All four municipalities have agreed that the homeowners will be assessed for the improvement on their property (the replacement of the water main from curb to house). This would be a special assessment in addition to their taxes. If the assessment is $10,000.00, they would pay that over the life of that improvement. Because of the way the law is structured, municipalities must notify each homeowner at least three times a year of the work that should be performed on their lines. Homeowners can opt out as many times as they want, but Mr. Calbi said that they will continue to attempt to educate homeowners on the benefits of replacing their lines.


Mr. Calbi showed a slide depicting where the known lead service lines are in Ridgewood, Wyckoff, Glen Rock and Midland Park, with Ridgewood having the majority of them, followed by Glen Rock, Midland Park and Wyckoff. He then showed a bar chart showing the service lines with known lead materials. Mr. Calbi explained the different color codes, with a light tan showing lead lines from curb to building, a darker brown color showing that both lines (main to curb and curb to building) are lead, and a darker tan color showing lines made of lead from main to curb. Ridgewood has 931 known lead lines, Glen Rock has 353, Midland Park has 225, and Wyckoff has 19. There is one Ridgewood Water customer in Paramus without a lead service line.


Mr. Calbi then showed a slide delineating service lines with unknown materials in the system. He said that there are 1,054 unknown services lines in Ridgewood, 556 in Glen Rock, 322 in Midland Park and 21 in Wyckoff. Complete records could not be located for these properties and Ridgewood Water needs to determine if any lead service lines exist for these properties. Employees of Ridgewood Water daily visit properties and do pit excavations with a vacuum excavator to determine the material used in the lines. Available records are researched to determine the material used in the lines on the customer side. About ten properties are investigated per day, and Mr. Calbi estimates that it will take approximately a year to investigate all of the unknowns. He said that, based on experience, 60% of the unknown lines wind up being made of lead, which would then need to be replaced.


Mr. Calbi then gave his budget highlights for 2023. He stated that this budget has been reviewed by Howard Woods, a rate consultant, to verify revenue requirements, expense calculations and rate projections. This is done every year. Mr. Woods performs these services for many large utilities in the state, including the Passaic Valley Water Commission (PVWC). For the third year in a row in the budget, they have separated costs attributed to PFAS treatment, including installation, operations and maintenance. Eighteen percent of the 2023 budget, or $3,582,810 of the $20 million budget, is attributed to PFAS debt and operational expenses.


Mr. Calbi said that, this year, there is an increased budget of 8.6%, mainly due to salary and wages for new personnel. There are two new proposed positions in the budget, one of which is a request to hire a new engineer to assist in the work Jill Fasano and her staff are doing, particularly for the PFAS buildout and the lead service line program. Other factors driving the budget increase include electrical costs, PFAS operational strategy (purchasing water from PVWC to distribute throughout the system, which requires a lot of pumping and has boosted the budget by $1 million), and transmission and distribution for costs associated with lead service line replacements, which require road openings as well as police traffic directors and repaving.  Also included in the budget is $200,000.00 for the Capital Improvement Fund for statutory downpayments. This has become necessary due to the amount of debt, which is now being carried by Ridgewood Water, and they can no longer claim that they are self-liquidating.


The next slide shown by Mr. Calbi showed the 2023 budget highlights. He pointed out how the PFAS treatment costs were separated from the general Operating Budget. This is a $20.1 million budget, which will increase in the future, primarily because of the PFAS issue. There is a budget increase this year of 8.6% for salary and wages ($4.4 million, including allocations to other Village departments) and Other Expenses (includes electricity, chemicals, heating, cooling, paving, insurance and administration, and taxes). Mr. Calbi indicated that Ridgewood Water pays property taxes on the land where Ridgewood Water has its offices and wells. Statutory and deferred expenses include pensions and other statutory obligations such as Social Security and unemployment insurance.


Mr. Calbi described PAYGO Capital, which is capital cash expended for small items through the Operating Budget, in lieu of bonding. Some capital expenditures would include lengths of pipe, fire hydrants, valves, meters, and trailer hitches. He explained that there is debt service in the amount of $3.6 million for the current bonds and notes, and the projected debt service for next year will be close to $5 million. Mr. Calbi described a 5% transfer to the Village Fund, which is a statutory transfer to the Village to fund the risk that the Village absorbs for running Ridgewood Water and investing in its debt.


Mr. Calbi then showed a pie chart, which graphically showed the breakdown of the various aspects of his budget. The salary and wage portion is broken down between Ridgewood Water employees ($3,751,654.00) and the allocations to various Village departments.


Regarding his Capital Budget, Mr. Calbi explained that in addition to the PFAS projects, there are other capital requests in the budget. They are hoping to purchase additional pieces of equipment at a cost of $338,000.00, including a new mini excavator (a smaller version of a backhoe) to use for the lead service line replacement program, as well as GCMS (gas chromatograph mass spectrometer) testing equipment for the laboratory, which will allow them to do more testing inhouse, rather than outsourcing that work, which would enhance quality control and faster turnaround for test results. In addition, Mr. Calbi expressed the hope that utilities in the surrounding area would use Ridgewood Water to provide these services as well if a GCMS were purchased.


Mr. Calbi then described distribution system requirements at various locations at a cost of $5.9 million. They are looking to replace approximately 7,150 linear feet of pipe and construct another 1,750 linear feet of raw water mains, which are mains that feed wells to treatment plants. He stated that Ridgewood Water is required by the Water Quality Accountability Act to do upwards of two miles of water main replacements per year. Mr. Calbi stated that they must continue to maintain their tanks and reservoirs. There is a line item for the Valley View mixer installation and tank rehabilitation in the amount of $104,000.00.


Mr. Calbi stated that there is a request of $390,000.00 for facility improvements at various locations, which is ongoing every year. This includes new fencing and security gates, driveway paving, interior and exterior lighting, roof replacements, and security improvements, some of which are driven by Homeland Security requirements. He said that Ridgewood Water has over 60 facilities, which must be safeguarded and maintained.


The request of $1,040,000.00 regarding PFAS treatment will provide funding for the design of the final plants, as well as permitting and administration (Eastside, Main and Mountain sites). There is also a request for lead service line replacements in the amount of $350,000.00, which would provide funding for engineering design and administration. They need to hire a consultant to develop the plan and construction documents. There are also requests for PAYGO Capital and I-Bank Capital projects for the big buildout in the amount of $70,500,000, of which $60,500.00 has already been approved by Ordinances 3934 and 3935.


Mr. Calbi showed another bar chart, which graphically depicts the Ridgewood Water Capital Budgets from 2016 through 2025. He described the many projects that have catapulted the budget requests this year. Mr. Calbi then described anticipated revenues. The budget adopted in 2022 was $18.5 million. Total revenues in 2022 (unaudited) amounted to $20.3 million, largely due to a significant amount of rents that were collected (cell tower rents, facility charges, water rent and PFAS charges). The excess monies will be placed into surplus.


Mr. Calbi indicated that Ridgewood Water has a very healthy surplus, which is being used to balance the budget and keep rates at a reasonable level. Approximately $2.7 million of that surplus will be used in 2023. They anticipate rental revenues of about $15.5 million, including new rental income in the form of an increase in their volume rate of 3% and the PFAS surcharge. They receive a small amount of revenue for hydrant service. Each town served by Ridgewood Water pays a service fee, for the amount of hydrants located in their town for firefighting. Miscellaneous revenues include rents predominantly from cell carriers (Glen tank) and various charges to customers for turning their water on and off and service calls. Mr. Calbi then showed some pie charts graphically showing the breakdown of anticipated revenues. He said that water usage is very weather dependent and can fluctuate up or down, depending upon whether there is a drought or a season with a lot of rain. Fixed charges remain somewhat stable.


Mr. Calbi explained the PFAS treatment charges, which began in the third quarter of 2021, and are necessary to meet the funding demand for filtering PFAS from the drinking water. This fixed amount is charged by meter size, since people with larger meters use more water. This charge was established because they did not feel it would be fair to excessively raise volume rates, in order to cover the cost of the PFAS treatment. Ridgewood Water is currently seeking insurance recovery and legal recovery, as well as grants. A total of $653,981.00 has been collected through 2022, and it is anticipated that the amount collected in 2023 will be $1,013,865.00. This PFAS treatment charge will continue to increase every year.


Mr. Calbi then explained the volume charge, which is going up 3% in 2023. The Water Utility budget is developed and evaluated against anticipated revenues. Included in this evaluation is the consideration of the funding structure for the utility over the next three years, including anticipated changes in operating expenses, debt service, and maintenance of the surplus balance. Mr. Calbi stated that the volume charge may increase in 2024, depending upon what budget is passed in 2023. The 3% increase in 2023 will help to sustain the revenue needed for 2023.


The next slide shown by Mr. Calbi showed the breakdown of the PFAS treatment charges by meter size per quarter. Over 90% of Ridgewood Water customers have 5/8” meters, mostly residential, and the increased rate for them would amount to $14.12 per quarter, double the amount of what they were paying before. Some homes have ¾” and 1” meters, but the largest meters are usually used for commercial organizations such as schools and municipal buildings. The volume rate is increasing to $5.70 (per 1,000 gallons per calendar quarter). Mr. Calbi showed a slide depicting a comparison of annual residential water consumption. He said that the average user in the system uses about 7,000 gallons per month, resulting in annual water bills of approximately $624.68 in 2022 and an average of $667.20 in 2023 (about a 6.2% increase).


Mr. Calbi showed a slide comparing annual water charges between Ridgewood Water and other water utilities. He said that Ridgewood Water rates continue to be in the mid-range when compared to other major utilities in the State of New Jersey. He pointed out the stark contrast between Ridgewood Water and Montague Water Company and Bayonne MUA. Mr. Calbi remarked that Ridgewood Water remains competitive relative to other utilities. This chart will be published on their website.


Councilmember Reynolds thanked Mr. Calbi for his very comprehensive presentation and stated that she was glad that Ridgewood Water remained “on top of the curve” when compared to other utilities. Deputy Mayor Perron stated that once PFAS levels in the drinking water are under the minimum MCLs, home values are going to skyrocket. Mr. Calbi said that they are greatly ahead of the curve, because they started attacking this problem early, and they are past the halfway point already. Councilmember Winograd said that she loved Mr. Calbi’s presentation. She would like to see the “affordability” aspect promoted more, in addition to the safety aspects.


Mr. Calbi again reviewed his Capital Budget, including the mini excavator and GCMS; distribution system improvements ($5.9 million); tank and reservoir improvements ($104,000.00); facilities improvements ($390,000.00); PFAS treatment for Eastside, Main and Mountain ($1,040,000.00); and lead service line replacement program ($350,000.00), for a total capital request of almost $8.2 million, exclusive of the main PFAS I-Bank investment of $70.5 million.


Mr. Rooney gave an explanation of the non-liquidity of Ridgewood Water. He said that if there are excess revenues over expenditures at the end of a year, they are considered self-liquidating, which means that there is no impact on the Village’s net debt. Up until last year, both the Parking Utility and Water Utility were self-liquidating. The only debt impact is what is in the general obligations. Once the two bond ordinances were introduced, they had to do a calculation going forward as to what the impact would be if debt were issued against those ordinances. The State requires the use of a mandatory 4.5% interest rate. The excess at the end of the year in revenues are then offset against the costs; if those revenues do not exceed it, they are no longer self-liquidating. Until the debt of Ridgewood Water is paid off, it will impact the overall net debt of the Village. This results in necessary budget cuts in the Capital Budget.


Mayor Vagianos asked if Ridgewood Water’s Capital Budget is part of the Village’s Capital Budget, and Mr. Rooney replied that it is separate. Mayor Vagianos said that Ridgewood Water can still pay the financing of its own debt, and he wondered how that impacted upon the other general finances of the Village. Mr. Rooney replied that the law states that municipalities are limited to 3.5% of their last averaged three years equalized valuations. If that 3.5% threshold is reached, the case must be heard by the State anytime the Village wants to issue debt via ordinance. He said that the Village has been entertaining less than 1% for many, many years. Adding Ridgewood Water’s debt to the Village’s budget has caused the percentage to jump to over 2%. The only way to lower this percentage is to pay off the debt or cancel the ordinances. There was further discussion between Mr. Rooney and Mayor Vagianos about this matter. When the Village goes to the bond market, Mr. Rooney said that bond agencies look at a municipality’s net debt. The rate that the Village would get in the bond market has, so far, not been affected, and it will not affect the Village’s rating. Mr. Rooney assured everyone that the Village is not in jeopardy, but that the additional debt has risen closer to the 3.5 limit set by the State.


Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Calbi if there were any items in his budget that could be delayed until next year. Mr. Calbi replied that he has further refined the Capital Budget at Mr. Rooney’s request. In addition, in subsequent years, they are going to cap themselves at $5 million in capital. Mr. Calbi said that there is not really anything they can put off this year. The distribution improvements have been planned and are underway. He said that the only thing that could possibly be removed is the lab equipment. Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that the lab equipment could generate revenue for Ridgewood Water. Mr. Calbi agreed, stating that they will make money on the equipment, it will give them more control, and it will save money by not having to outsource laboratory testing. He added that the mini backhoe is needed for lead service line replacements. If this work is not done inhouse, a contractor would have to be hired. There were no further questions.


                        11.       SOLID WASTE

                        12.       RECYCLING


Sean Hamlin, Supervisor/Superintendent of Recycling and Sanitation, started off by stating that since he has been in his current position, he has not used any Village Hall paper but has instead used paper from the e-waste bin. He said that people throw away printers with unused paper still inside the machines, which he retrieves and uses.


Mr. Hamlin stated that there are 19 full-time employees in the Sanitation Department, including himself, along with three permanent part-time employees who offer coverage during vacations or employee absences. There are eight full-time employees in the Recycling Department who collect recycling curbside, including bottles and cans, cardboard, and mixed paper, and one part-time employee who works at the Recycling Center.


Regarding the Recycling Department, Mr. Hamlin said that his “forever” goal is to eliminate as much waste as possible from the waste stream. He mentioned a Research and Development permit that would allow the use of the Lakeview composting facility to expand the food waste program at the Recycling Center. Mr. Hamlin proudly announced that the Ridgewood Recycling Center received the NJ.gov Recycling Award in 2022 for Outstanding Achievement in Government. He said that the food and Styrofoam recycling programs were a huge part of the reason why they received the award. This award is given out by Governor Murphy every year. There was no monetary prize given with the award. Deputy Mayor Perron wondered if the Village could get credit from Sustainable Jersey for the Recycling Department winning this award.


Mr. Hamlin said that they were asked how their budget would be affected if it were reduced by 5% or 10%. He stated the Operating Budget for Recycling is $51,142.62. There is a full-time employee retiring this year, whose salary is $90,000.00, and they are hoping to replace him with another full-time employee with a salary “at the lower end of $53,000.00” as a Laborer I, saving approximately $37,800.00. He said that the only other way to reduce the budget by $13,000.00 would be to require residents to purchase their recycling containers, if the original one becomes broken. New recycling barrels are currently given out at no charge. Mr. Hamlin studied how many things are given out for free from the Recycling Center, and it amounts to approximately $13,000.00. If the budget were reduced by 10%, then that would mean the loss of a full-time employee, which would be unrealistic, since they are already struggling with the staff they currently have, to keep up with their daily operations. Their workload has increased with all the new housing developments in the Village. He added that the recycling of cardboard has also increased, because many people are buying more and more goods via the internet.


Mr. Hamlin stated that he was also asked to provide a scenario where his budget would be increased by 5% or 10%. He stated that he has been researching the availability of programs that recycle mattresses, of which there are a few. Given the number of mattresses that are picked up curbside on bulk day, he said that it would cost about $7,500.00 to initiate a mattress recycling pilot program. No new equipment would need to be purchased, and they have a container in which they can store the mattresses. The only cost would entail the contract with the recycling vendor. The company would pick up the mattresses at the Recycling Center. The company strips the mattresses down, and the metal wires, wood, and fabric all get recycled. This endeavor would help with the Research and Development permit, to help facilitate the scaling up of their food waste program.

Mr. Hamlin indicated that if his budget went up by 5%, he would like to establish more satellite food waste recycling drop-off centers to provide additional accessibility to residents, especially on days when the main Recycling Center is closed. One of the sites could be located near the HealthBarn. Mr. Hamlin said that the HealthBarn was amenable to having one of the drop-off centers there, and they could also use it for their unwanted vegetation. If the budget could be increased by 10%, he would like to do as he just indicated previously, but he said that with a 10% increase, the potential “would go through the roof.” It might even allow them to do a curbside or front door collection of food waste, which he stated would increase resident participation. Mr. Hamlin said that they are having difficulty finding people to participate in the food waste program because they don’t want to have to travel to the Recycling Center to drop off their food waste, especially with all the roadwork being done in Ridgewood near the Recycling Center.


Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Hamlin if he could do a curbside food waste recycling program for the sum of $100,000.00. Mr. Hamlin replied that they could do curbside pickup for only a limited number of residents. They would have to process the food waste themselves by composting it at the Lakeview facility, which would then be given back to program participants for their own use in gardening. The balance could be used for the community garden or to the HealthBarn to support their gardens. Mayor Vagianos asked how many residents, out of Ridgewood’s 8,000 households, would be able to participate in this food waste program. Mr. Hamlin said that they currently have about 120 participants and, with $100,000.00, they could probably scale that up to 300 or 400 participants.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked if any new machinery would need to be purchased in order to perform the food composting at the Lakeview facility. Mr. Hamlin replied that the only equipment they would need is the industrial tarp that they lay over it and the Windrow machine (which blows air underneath the food waste to accelerate the composting process over the course of 60 days, which reduces tonnage). Deputy Mayor Perron asked if this includes bones, meat and fat, and Mr. Hamlin replied in the affirmative. Mr. Hamlin said that they processed 16 tons of food waste during the first nine months of the program, with less than 100 households participating.


Regarding the Division of Solid Waste, Mr. Hamlin again stated that he would love to avoid mattresses and box springs from ending up in landfills. In 2022, the Village enacted a seven-item limitation on bulk pickup day. As a result, Mr. Hamlin stated that tonnage decreased by 355 tons from the prior year of bulk waste, which would have cost $28,573.00 if that tonnage were trucked to landfills. Ms. Mailander commented that this regulation was easy to impose and most people abided by it, despite initial resistance. More special pickups have been required as a result, which has resulted in more revenue, and the sanitation crew does not have to spend numerous hours at a home which is being cleaned out.


Mr. Hamlin said that his crew does at least 20 pickups of mattresses and box springs on each side of the Village each year, or a total of over 500 mattresses and box springs a year, so he would like to remove this item from the waste stream. He said that if his budget were cut by 5%, it would result in the elimination of all permanent part-time positions, which would create fatigue for the workers and present a hardship during the warmer months when vacations are being taken and there is a shortage of workers, especially when Pete Ward (who cleans the Central Business District) is on vacation. Mr. Hamlin said that the part-time workers are essential in order to keep the Central Business District clean and tidy. If his budget were decreased by 10%, complete systemic change would occur, such as the cancellation of rear yard garbage collection, since many employees would have to be let go.


On the other hand, Mr. Hamlin stated that if his budget were increased by 5% or 10%, he would initiate the food waste program expansion, as indicated previously. This would include purchasing a vehicle to facilitate front-door pickup of food waste buckets. Fewer items in the waste stream results in a reduction in solid waste disposal fees, while also providing a benefit to the community (super-charged compost that can be reused in gardens to improve soil quality).


Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Hamlin if there is a mixed comingled market, and Mr. Hamlin replied that there is not. He said that there was a three-month period last year when his department generated very little revenue from comingled recyclables, and now it has gone “completely south.” Mayor Vagianos asked what is done with comingled recyclables, and Mr. Hamlin indicated that these items are currently trucked to Newark, and they will continue to do so until their material recovery facility in Passaic is back in operation. Bottles and cans go to Waste Management, and the firm in Newark has a huge processing facility where the recyclables are separated and recycled. Mayor Vagianos asked if the Village is paid for the recyclables or if the Village pays to dispose of the recyclables. Mr. Hamlin replied that the current market dictates that the Village must pay to dispose of the comingled recyclable products.


Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Hamlin what the forecast was regarding the comingled recyclables, since he has read in the news that China is no longer accepting same, which has changed the entire recycling market. Mr. Hamlin agreed and stated that the recycling market is there for the “individual pieces,” such as for brown glass, clear glass, green glass, aluminum cans and steel cans. Once these items are mixed, the market is “gone.” Mayor Vagianos stated that if a town has a separating facility, then there is a market for these items, and Mr. Hamlin agreed. However, depending upon how the market is for those items (which is down right now), Mr. Hamlin stated that the Village is basically paying for the processing of the materials.


Mayor Vagianos asked what the scenario would look like if the Village were to establish its own separating facility. Mr. Hamlin replied that everything would change, but it would entail hiring more employees, finding a location in order to carry out the separation of comingled recyclables, and investing in the proper equipment. Mayor Vagianos indicated that he was once engaged in the recycling industry and he would love to see a prospectus regarding the establishment of such a facility, especially since the market has apparently changed permanently for the foreseeable future. He said that he would like to find out the costs involved and what the return on investment would be.


Mayor Vagianos brought up the example of the Styrofoam densifier program, which will generate revenue for the Village through a Shared Services Agreement. Mr. Hamlin said that they have been trying to find a new location for the Recycling Center for a very long time, and the only problem with opening a separating facility would be finding a site on which to operate the facility. Mr. Hamlin said that such a program would indeed be worthwhile looking into, and he will do so and report back to Mayor Vagianos.


Councilmember Winograd said that she plans on joining the food waste recycling program. Councilmember Reynolds stated that she has not participated in the program for a few weeks, because it was difficult for her to get to the Recycling Center due to the amount of roadwork being done on Glen Avenue and Northern Parkway for the Linwood Avenue well. Councilmember Winograd said that she loves the idea of satellite drop-off locations, especially one located near the HealthBarn.


Mr. Calbi indicated that there were two options that needed to be looked at when deciding whether or not to open up a separating facility for comingled recyclables. He said that residents would need to separate the items on their own and put curbside on bulk pickup day, which would be the least expensive alternative. He said that opening a separating facility would be very costly, since equipment is very expensive. He suggested that someone speak to Bergen County representatives about possibly opening up a separating facility on a County level. This would help municipalities, which are forced to recycle by statute, and are now being forced to pay for disposal, due to the current market conditions.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked about the status of the Shared Services Agreement regarding the Styrofoam densifier. Mr. Hamlin replied they are actually hosting three towns tomorrow at noon for a demonstration of the Styrofoam densifier at the Recycling Center. He invited anyone who is interested to attend. Councilmember Winograd asked if he would videotape the demonstration, and Mr. Hamlin replied that they videotape all of their demonstrations. Councilmember Winograd suggested that the video of the demonstration be posted on the Recycling Coach app and also on the Village website or in an e-notice to create public awareness.


Councilmember Winograd praised Mr. Hamlin for the public awareness programs, which he has led when there are new programs at the Recycling Center. Mr. Hamlin stated that, this year, he would like to see an ordinance adopted that would make it mandatory for residents to bring Styrofoam to the Recycling Center for recycling.


Regarding the Capital Budget, Mr. Hamlin stated that they have been exploring ways to improve their collection efficiency. There was originally a proposal for the purchase of an automated side-loader for collection of bottles and cans in 2023 and then the purchase of a second side-loader in 2024. However, after speaking to representatives from Paramus and other towns that have implemented the automated side-loaders, he was told that it was “suicide” to only buy one, because there would be no other vehicle to use for collection if the one truck broke down, since the 90-gallon cans are too heavy to be lifted manually. He said that the request for the purchase of three trucks (one for Sanitation and two for Recycling) was removed from the budget, so that perhaps the request to purchase two automated side-loaders would be approved. Mr. Hamlin said that they presently use the seven older Crane Carrier trucks that they have, two of which are being sold as surplus this year, because they are no longer functional. Of the remaining five trucks, only one is in working condition. He said that some of the trucks are missing maintenance service (such as oil changes), because they cannot be taken off the road, since they have no spare trucks to replace them.


Mayor Vagianos recalled that Mr. Hamlin made a similar request last year and it was removed from the Capital Budget. Mr. Hamlin corroborated that this was correct. Deputy Mayor Perron said at that time, she stated that she would make the purchase of an additional truck for the Sanitation Department her first goal this year. Mr. Hamlin said that two trucks are being taken from Recycling to act as spares, in order to replace the two trucks being declared as surplus from Sanitation. He said that there was a slow learning curve involved in learning how to operate the trucks used for recycling. One truck can take care of 1,000 houses within an eight-hour shift.


Mr. Rooney pointed out that $2.2 million still needs to be cut from the overall Capital Budget. Deputy Mayor Perron asked Mr. Hamlin if these trucks were even available to purchase. Mr. Hamlin said that the sales representative from Mack Trucks indicated that his company is asking him to reach out to towns to see if they can get purchase orders for the trucks. When the Mack Truck representative was asked if the trucks would be available once a purchase order was entered into, he indicated that they would not be available immediately but that “it would go a lot further” if there was a purchase order approved by a town to purchase a truck. Therefore, Mr. Hamlin feels that the trucks would be available and the company is waiting to get purchase orders before manufacturing the trucks.


When questioned by Deputy Mayor Perron whether these trucks are electric, diesel or gas, Mr. Hamlin replied that they are diesel engines. They explored the option of getting one electric-powered truck and one diesel truck. He said that two EV companies were interviewed by Jovan Mehandzic, from the Engineering Department, and representatives from these companies visited the Village to assess its facilities for the purpose of upgrading. Mr. Hamlin said that there was a great opportunity to get the smaller Phase 2 EV (electric vehicle) chargers for smaller vehicles, but it would be very costly to get the Phase 3 chargers for the bigger trucks, probably more than $100,000.00, since PSE&G would have to dig up the street in order to run electricity from the pole to an EV station at the Recycling Center. When questioned by Deputy Mayor Perron, Ms. Mailander indicated that the EV assessment done by the Engineering Department would be presented at the March 1, 2023 Village Council meeting.


Councilmember Reynolds asked Mr. Hamlin how many recycling carts could be purchased for $480,000.00, and Mr. Hamlin said that this sum would enable them to purchase just enough to cover the residents, a little over 8,000. He indicated that the sum of $480,000.00 was received from one vendor, but there are other vendors that could be explored. Councilmember Reynolds summarized by saying that it would cost the Village $1.5 million to equip the entire Village with two automated side-loaders and carts, and Mr. Hamlin agreed.


Mayor Vagianos asked what the cost savings would be to the Village by using side-loaders versus traditional trucks on an annual basis. Mr. Hamlin indicated that using a newer truck would require less maintenance and would be more fuel efficient. In addition, less employees would be required to perform the comingled collections, because the side-loaders are operated by only one person. Currently, one truck with two employees takes care of performing this work. With one less employee, there would be cost savings in salary, pension, and fuel, with less chance of worker injury. Mr. Hamlin said that work quality would increase as well, since these trucks are equipped with cameras. Pictures can be taken of recyclables picked up from residences, so they can keep track of which items are being recycled by residents and which residences have a high contamination rate. Pictures with time stamps can also be taken of homes where a recycling can has not been put out at the proper time, just in case a resident calls for a special pickup and insists that their recycling bin was curbside at the appropriate time.


Councilmember Winograd asked about the new garbage cans for the CBD, since she did not see them in Mr. Hamlin’s proposed budget. Mr. Hamlin replied that those cans are contained in the budget for the Signal Division. Mayor Vagianos thanked Mr. Hamlin and Mr. Calbi for their presentation.


            B.        WRAP-UP AND NEXT STEPS


Ms. Mailander indicated that the next Budget Meeting will be held on February 24, 2023 at 5:00 P.M.  Mr. Rooney will present the Capital and Operating Budget for the Finance Department and other ancillary budgets, which need to be reviewed by the Village Council. She said that there will probably need to be another Budget Meeting held on March 6, 2023 at 5:00 P.M., before the final budget is adopted on March 8, 2023.






6.         ADJOURNMENT


There being no further business to come before the Village Council, on a motion by Councilmember Reynolds, seconded by Deputy Mayor Perron, and carried unanimously by voice vote, the Village Council’s Special Public Budget Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M.







                                                                                                Paul Vagianos










                     Heather A. Mailander

             Village Manager/Village Clerk

  • Hits: 260





Mayor Vagianos called the meeting to order at 5:24 P.M. and read the Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act. At roll call, the following were present: Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos. Councilmember Weitz arrived to the meeting at 5:25 P.M. Also present were Heather Mailander, Village Manager/Village Clerk; Robert Rooney, Chief Financial Officer; and Olivia Andreula of the Finance Department.


Mayor Vagianos led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.












Robert Rooney, CFO, explained that salaries and wages are basically flat for 2023, as compared to 2022. The only change is an amount for overtime. Other Expenses increased approximately 47%, largely due to the intended purchase of a software package from Clear.gov, which Mr. Rooney said would have drastically streamlined the budget process this year; however, Mr. Rooney said that he would be removing this from the budget requests, to bring the overall budget down to a stable number, similar to last year’s budget. He spoke about Other Professional Services, which are mostly contractual in nature.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked about the overtime figure. Mr. Rooney explained that overtime wages are usually incurred during the development of the budget, and any unused monies will be used for transfers at the end of the year.





                        B.        TAX COLLECTOR


Mr. Rooney explained that salaries and wages for 2023 remain flat when compared to 2022. There are no changes in number of personnel. Other Expenses have increased slightly, due to postage and express charges for mailings. Printing and binding are also included in Other Expenses. Mr. Rooney stated that there was no Capital Budget for the Tax Collector’s Office.


                        C.        CAPITAL FUNDS


Mr. Rooney stated that the sum of $2.2 million still needs to be cut from the overall Capital Budget, in order to arrive at a favorable tax rate increase. Councilmember Winograd asked if the $2.2 million still included the request for $1.5 million for the purchase of two automated side-loaders and carts for the Recycling Department, and Mr. Rooney replied in the affirmative. If that is removed, then only $700,000.00 needs to be cut from the Capital Budget. Councilmember Reynolds asked if the current trucks would last another year, since Sean Hamlin, Supervisor of the Recycling Department, indicated at the last meeting that a couple of their trucks were in really bad shape.


Deputy Mayor Perron said that Mr. Hamlin indicated that out of the five trucks currently in their fleet, only one is reliable. Ms. Mailander recalled that Mr. Hamlin said that if the side-loaders were purchased, the trucks used for recycling could be used to pick up solid waste. Mr. Rooney pointed out that there is a budget request in the Solid Waste budget for $400,000.00 for the purchase of a truck.


Councilmember Weitz wondered if there was any way only one side-loader could be purchased instead of two. Ms. Mailander said that the carts that accompany the side-loaders have a 90-gallon capacity, which would be too heavy to be lifted manually. She suggested that perhaps the request could be decreased with the purchase of one side-loader and carts, along with the initiation of a pilot program using the truck in only one section of the Village. However, a problem would arise if the side-loader broke down, in which case there would be no spare truck to use. Councilmember Winograd recalled that the lead time from purchase to actual delivery of the side-loader could take up to a year, due to supply chain issues.


Councilmember Weitz asked if there were any non-side-loader trucks that were less expensive. Mr. Rooney recalled that Mr. Hamlin received some quotes from different companies, but he did not know if Mr. Hamlin explored trucks that were not side-loaders. Councilmember Weitz suggested that this matter be revisited and that other ways to cut the budget be explored, while at the same time consulting again with Mr. Hamlin to brainstorm other creative solutions for recycling and solid waste pickup, at less expense. Mayor Vagianos agreed and said that it would all depend upon how reliable Mr. Hamlin felt the existing trucks were, and how long he thought they would last.

Ms. Mailander said that she would get further information from Mr. Hamlin, hopefully before or during the next Budget Meeting scheduled on March 6, 2023. Ms. Mailander added that even if the $1.5 million were removed from the budget for the purchase of the two side-loaders and carts, the sum of $400,000.00 would need to be added back into the budget for the purchase of a new garbage truck. Councilmember Reynolds said that she would prefer if Mr. Hamlin attended the next Budget Meeting in person, so that he could be asked to answer and clarify some of these questions. Mr. Rooney indicated that the $400,000.00 for the purchase of a new garbage truck would be left in the budget for the time being.


When questioned by Councilmember Reynolds about the items listed under the column marked “Modified by Village Manager/CFO,” Mr. Rooney explained that Ms. Mailander and he met with all Department Directors, at which time some budget requests were either removed or reduced.


Regarding Councilmember Reynolds’ question at the February 23, 2023 Budget Meeting regarding drainage improvements, Mr. Rooney indicated that he spoke with Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer, today and Mr. Rutishauser stated that there has been repeated flooding on Hope Street and that is the reason why the funds for the drainage improvements proposed in that area were left in the budget. The drainage improvements by Morningside Road had money appropriated in 2022 for drainage improvements, which amount is currently being used by the Engineering Department, but they were looking for more funds for this project. In addition, the drainage improvements proposed at Circle Avenue did not need to be completed this year, but a request for same was merely put on their “wish list.”


Ms. Mailander stated that after the Village Council discussed the budget for IT/MIS, it was reduced by $45,000.00. Mayor Vagianos asked about the $290,000.00 that remains in the MIS Capital Budget.


Regarding the purchase of Toughbooks for the Police Department, Mr. Rooney stated that there was a need to outfit the new police vehicles with the Toughbooks, so that they can access all of the necessary data to function properly. In the past, problems were encountered because there were no backup devices in the event one of the devices failed. Mr. Rooney recalled that approximately $60,000.00 was taken out of the original request for network equipment. With the number of Open Public Records Act (OPRA) requests and required paperwork that must be maintained on the servers, the servers are gradually running out of available memory. He said that information cannot be deleted each year, as one can do on a personal computer, since the data needs to be retained. The costs for servers and computer chips are rising because of supply chain issues.


Regarding the request for new printers, Mr. Rooney stated that some of the printers in Village offices don’t function as well as they used to, and new ones should be purchased. In addition, some of the older printers are not compatible with the newer laptops and desktop computers used by Village employees. Councilmember Winograd felt that the request for printers could probably be eliminated, since more and more people are going paperless and are relying more on electronic files. She felt that perhaps some adaptations could be made to the older printers to make them compatible with the newer software on laptops and computers. However, she does agree with the request for network equipment, since the servers are running out of capacity to store data. It was agreed to reduce the printer purchase request to $10,000.00. There was further discussion about how certain documents must be retained indefinitely in paper form by various Village Departments versus going paperless.


There is a request in the budget for the Office of Emergency Management for the purchase of a trailer. Mayor Vagianos stated that the trailer will pay for itself within two years, so he felt that item should remain in the budget. Councilmember Weitz stated that the Department Director made “a pretty good case” in favor of purchasing the trailer. Mr. Rooney reminded everyone that the request is simply for the cost of the container and not the infrastructure required inside the trailer, such as wiring and electronics. Councilmember Weitz said that, in that case, a request should be made next year, which included all the necessary hardware for the trailer.


Regarding the surveillance camera trailer request, Mayor Vagianos said that while he understands the need for it, the Village has lived without it for many years and can live without it for a while longer. Everyone agreed with Mayor Vagianos that this request would be removed.


Ms. Mailander stated that the request for the Maple Park Turf Replacement Sinking Fund is necessary, because sufficient funds need to be on hand in the event the turf needs to be replaced.


Regarding the Mason dump truck request this year, Mr. Rooney said that the Village funded one last year for $54,000.00. He said that he does not know the condition of the rest of the trucks. Mayor Vagianos said that this request is on his list for removal, unless someone tells him that the Village “can’t live without it.” There was a consensus that this item would be removed from the budget.


Regarding trees, Councilmember Winograd stated that the Village should have sufficient funds for tree planting, at the Schedler property and throughout the Village. She said that many more ash trees must be removed, since they are dangerous due to the emerald ash borer, so funds are needed for that, as well. Councilmember Reynolds agreed with Councilmember Winograd, saying that $100,000.00 is not that much money to allocate towards this purpose and that it shouldn’t be reduced any further. Mayor Vagianos agreed. Deputy Mayor Perron was concerned that a lot of these funds get used up for tree removals rather than plantings. Councilmember Winograd said that the Parks and Recreation Department did not monitor their funds closely enough last year, and felt that this department would do a better job of doing so this year. There was a discussion about plantings in the tree wells in the Central Business District (CBD) and elsewhere throughout the Village, to contribute to the vibrancy and beauty of the Village. It was agreed that the $100,000.00 for trees would stay in the budget for the time being.


Regarding the installation of a playground to satisfy the diversion issue, Councilmember Winograd stated that it was her understanding that this playground would be installed at Schedler Park. Ms. Mailander said that it all depends upon when the Village gets approval from the State of New Jersey. The playground must be installed within six months after such approval and, if it is not, then it will not count towards satisfying the diversion. Ms. Mailander said that timing will dictate where the playground would be installed (either at Schedler Park or Kings Pond) to satisfy the diversion. She explained that the additional request for 2023 for the playground was due to rising costs of the playground equipment.


Councilmember Winograd said that she did not agree with installing the playground near a body of water (Kings Pond) and wanted to see this request removed from the budget. Ms. Mailander explained that the money cannot be removed, because the Village will need to have available funds when the time comes to install the playground. Mr. Rooney added that the Village must show good faith by appropriating funds for the playground.


Councilmember Reynolds asked if Ms. Mailander had any idea when approval would be received by the State for the diversion. Ms. Mailander said that she did not know, but it appeared that the second phase of the final application is being brought “up the chain” by Green Acres. She explained the various channels through which the application is approved, including the final step, which is approval, by the Statehouse Commission, which does not meet very often. She said that probably the earliest the application will be heard by them would be in the fall of this year. The Village has six months after approval within which time, the playground must be fully installed.


A discussion ensued about representatives from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) meeting with relevant Village staff at the Schedler property yesterday. Ms. Mailander stated that an update would be given at the March 1, 2023 meeting. Councilmember Winograd stated that she specifically asked to be notified when this site visit would occur, because she wanted to speak with Jennifer Leynes, who works for SHPO, but she was not notified. Ms. Mailander stated that she did not remember Councilmember Winograd saying that she wanted to attend that meeting at the Schedler property, but indicated that the meeting was only for staff directly involved in developing the property. Ms. Mailander added that if this meeting with SHPO had been announced, too many people would have shown up and Village staff would not have had ample opportunity to speak with the SHPO representatives.


Councilmember Winograd stated that the neighbors near Schedler and the Village Councilmembers had a right to know that SHPO representatives were visiting the site. Ms. Mailander apologized, but stated that the main purpose of the site visit was for SHPO representatives to review all of the elements that were proposed for the site. There was more back-and-forth discussion pertaining to why the Village Councilmembers were not notified of the site visit. Deputy Mayor Perron stated that she was glad that Village staff had the opportunity to meet with SHPO representatives.


Moving back to the budget, Ms. Mailander said that there was a line item concerning the installation of a pavilion at Kings Pond. She said that this was a part of the diversion and she would have to check to see if this item for $39,600.00 could be removed from the budget. Ms. Mailander felt that it should be left in the budget for the time being.


Mayor Vagianos stated that the discharge pump for Graydon Pool must remain in the budget. He said other line items include a chipper, chip truck and utility vehicles, totaling about $500,000.00. He asked if any of these items could be removed. Ms. Mailander said the Parks and Recreation Department’s first priorities are the Mason dump truck ($108,000.00), to be used as a primary vehicle, and snow plow, followed by the utility vehicles (Parks Division replacement).


Other line items included the emerald ash borer treatment and the CBD tree wells. There was a conversation about the chipper and chip truck. Deputy Mayor Perron asked if other towns have chip trucks and, if so, she wondered if the Village could lease or rent one from another town to use for a year. It was agreed that the chipper and chip truck would be removed from the budget.


Mayor Vagianos asked if anyone had heard back from the Police Department to see what could be removed from their budget. Mr. Rooney replied that he has not heard back from Police Chief Jacqueline Luthcke. Councilmember Weitz recalled that Chief Luthcke had mentioned that the variable message board was not as important as her other requests. Ms. Mailander stated that the request for cell phones in the Capital Budget could probably be removed, since once they are purchased; maintaining them on a monthly basis is going to be expensive in the Operating Budget. The need for the cell phones was to enable police officers to download their body camera footage into their cell phones. They currently need to go to Police Headquarters in order to do so. Councilmember Winograd said that the police officers are probably afraid to use their personal cell phones. Ms. Mailander said that they cannot use their personal cell phones, but should download the footage at the police station. Mr. Rooney suggested that perhaps this could be a project for next year, and Mayor Vagianos agreed.


Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Rooney and Ms. Mailander if they knew what the priorities were for the Police Department. Councilmember Weitz noted that there was an original request for the purchase of four vehicles ($360,000.00) for the Police Department, and that was reduced to $200,000.00. He asked how many vehicles are being purchased for the $200,000.00. Mayor Vagianos indicated that it would probably cover the cost of two vehicles. Mr. Rooney explained that $200,000.00 was budgeted in 2022, and stated that the Police Department is asking for $400,000.00 in 2023, which was reduced to approximately $300,000.00.

Mr. Rooney felt that the Village has been very proactive in approving the purchase of vehicles for the Police Department for many years, sometimes two or three new vehicles per year. However, he stated that he could not say what the needs of the Police Department are currently. Councilmember Reynolds said that the sum of $360,000.00 would be enough to purchase four vehicles ($90,000.00 each). Two vehicles could be purchased for approximately $200,000.00. Councilmember Reynolds asked what type of vehicles the Police Department was looking to purchase. Mr. Rooney said that they wanted to purchase either Ford Explorers or Tahoes. There was a discussion regarding what size vehicle (SUV versus Prius) the police officers would need. Councilmember Weitz stated that police officers would need a large vehicle because of the body armor and equipment they carry on their person, as well as their ancillary equipment which they need to set up in the vehicles, such as a computer. However, he would be in favor of a less expensive alternative. The cars would come fully equipped when purchased (striping, interceptor engines, radios, and lights). There was a consensus that further information would be obtained as to what the priorities of the Police Department are and what types of vehicles they would like to purchase. These budget items would be held in abeyance until this information is obtained.


When questioned by Councilmember Winograd, Mr. Rooney replied that another $313,000.00 still must be cut from the Capital Budget. He removed the sum of $1.5 million for the side-loaders, $480,000.00 for the recycling carts, $295,000.00 for the chip truck, $102,000.00 for the chipper, $52,000.00 for the trailer, and $20,000.00 for the printers. He added $400,000.00 back in for the new garbage truck. Mayor Vagianos went over his own calculations and stated that he had not removed the $1.5 million for the side-loaders and had not added in the $400,000.00 for the garbage truck. Other deductions he has include printers ($20,000.00), surveillance camera trailer ($52,000.00), chip truck and chipper. According to his calculations, another $230,000.00 needs to be cut from the Capital Budget. There was further discussion about what was removed or kept in the budget, and calculations were compared.


Councilmember Winograd asked about the portable radios and license plate readers for the Parking Enforcement Officers (PEOs). Mr. Rooney indicated that he budgeted for these items in the Parking Capital Budget.

Deputy Mayor Perron recalled that the Village Council wanted to see if the Ridgewood Library could reduce their request from $125,000.00 to $75,000.00 to hook up the generator, which is used by Ridgewood Water at their new headquarters, to the library. Mr. Rooney said that he still needs to discuss this, with Library staff.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked how many tasers the Police Department is requesting. Councilmember Winograd asked how many police officers are licensed to use tasers. Mr. Rooney replied that he thought all of the police officers were licensed for tasers, and Mayor Vagianos agreed. Mr. Rooney also stated that he assumed that tasers would need to be purchased for all police officers on the force. Deputy Mayor Perron suggested that funds for half of the requested tasers be allocated in the budget this year and the rest next year, since not all police officers work at the same time on every shift and the tasers can be shared amongst them. Mr. Rooney indicated that the tasers are connected to each officer’s body camera and, when the officer pulls out their taser, their body camera automatically goes on. This is the reason why the tasers cannot be shared and each taser must be unique to each officer. Deputy Mayor Perron asked if the Police Department is statutorily mandated to purchase these tasers by a certain date. Mr. Rooney said that he did not know.


Councilmember Weitz suggested that these questions be posed to Chief Luthcke, so that perhaps some cuts could be made which would not compromise safety. Mr. Rooney indicated that the State of New Jersey has a mandate on what equipment must be purchased and replaced by police departments, which he stated, was overwhelming. He mentioned that the Village spent $300,000.00 just for body cameras, since it was mandatory. However, he said that he did not know the statutory requirement, if any, for the purchase of tasers. Mayor Vagianos asked Ms. Mailander and Mr. Rooney to discuss these matters with Chief Luthcke to get some answers, and Ms. Mailander said that they will do so.


The discussion then turned to the Streets Division budget. Councilmember Reynolds asked if the request for the purchase of two lift trucks ($395,000.00) was reduced for the purchase of one truck, and Ms. Mailander replied in the affirmative. Councilmember Reynolds asked what a hooklift truck was. Councilmember Winograd asked if such a truck could be shared with the Parks Department, and Ms. Mailander replied that it could not be shared. Deputy Mayor Perron asked why the truck could not be shared, and Ms. Mailander replied that the truck would be used daily by the Streets Division and would have no downtime. Mr. Rooney explained that the hooklift truck would serve as a multipurpose truck, with a box for hauling leaves, snow, dirt, and various other items. It would also come equipped with a salter and a snowplow to use during the winter months. Councilmember Reynolds asked if the Streets Division indicated how many hooklift trucks they currently have, and Mr. Rooney replied that there is no indication in the budget paperwork how many trucks they currently have in their fleet.


Mayor Vagianos indicated that the Village Councilmembers cannot make decisions “in the dark.” Ms. Mailander agreed and stated that each Department Director will be reminded that a certain number of items still need to be cut from the budget, and then they will be asked how they feel about the cuts being recommended by the Village Councilmembers. Mayor Vagianos indicated that the discussions on the Capital Budget would be tabled until the Department Directors could be consulted directly. Ms. Mailander stated that that some items would be taken off of the regular agenda for next week, so that this can be accomplished. One item which could be taken off the agenda, would be the fleet analysis requested by Mayor Vagianos, since it was not time sensitive. Ms. Mailander said that she would move that item to the April 3, 2023 meeting agenda.




Mr. Rooney stated that the 2023 appropriation for Debt Service has decreased approximately $500,000.00 from last year. The sum of $310,000.00 was put into the budget as a result of the note sale held in January, which is close to the sum paid last year. The appropriation for loan repayments is very small. The contingent amount is $25,000.00. Regarding the amount for the Capital Improvement Fund, Mr. Rooney indicated that this sum could decrease slightly if they reach $7.5 million in the Capital Budget. He said that he needs 5% as a downpayment. Regarding Northwest Bergen Central Dispatch, he said that the amount shown is the Village’s share of the 9-1-1 capability. The Capital Improvement Fund shows the appropriation for 2023 as compared to 2022, along with the ending balance in 2022.


Councilmember Winograd asked how Mr. Rooney arrived at the $7.5 million figure, and Mr. Rooney said that it was based upon what has been done in prior years. He tries to determine what the debt service will be every year and tries to maintain it so that there are no significant fluctuations. Mr. Rooney explained that emergencies arise during the year, such as the problem encountered by the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) last year. There was further discussion about the RME litigation and the purchase of assets that were being used by the WPCF, as well as the debt incurred as a result of the PFAS project with Ridgewood Water and the bonding procedure. Mr. Rooney stated that the Village’s revenue streams in the utilities are sufficient to pay for the Village’s debt service and operating costs. Insufficient funds would impact the Village’s bond rating in the General Fund.




Mr. Rooney said that this budget represents the appropriations that are required in 2023 to satisfy any special emergencies that were incurred by the Village over the last several years. He said that there were certain emergencies that required appropriation of funds, revenue deficit funding, and Covid funding. He said there was an emergency authorization at the end of 2022 for utilities and fuel. The $25,000.00 for RME is the amount that was not canceled, but instead represented the downpayment that had to be made on the financing. The $5,000.00 for capital ordinances is an amount that is put into the budget every year to satisfy the Village auditors, to demonstrate that the Village is providing funding for unfunded improvement authorizations.


                        F.         PARKING


Mr. Rooney explained that the adopted budget for the Parking Utility last year was $2.3 million, and there was $2.5 million in revenue in 2022. He said that parking revenues are starting to climb. For 2023, he is seeking to appropriate $2.6 million to satisfy the appropriation requirements. He pointed out the parking appropriations, which were previously provided to the Councilmembers. The biggest change to be noted is a request for the hiring of a part-time Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO). He said that up until the Covid pandemic, there were two full-time PEOs and, at times, three full-time PEOs, along with a part-time PEO. Mr. Rooney indicated that there has not been a part-time PEO since Covid. He spoke with Sergeant Jay Chuck, who felt that parking enforcement has become more critical at the current time, since business establishments have resumed regular business hours. The PEOs enforce parking not only for meter violations, but also for no-parking zones and double parking. The Village has been advertising for a PEO for several months, but Mr. Rooney indicated that they have not had any interest to date.


Mr. Rooney said that another increase over 2022 is an allocation to the Capital Improvement Fund, to aid the Village when seeking any improvement authorizations for capital activity related to the Parking Utility.

Deputy Mayor Perron indicated that she was surprised that a full-time salary for a PEO was $36,000.00, stating that she did not know how anyone could live on such a low salary.  Regarding the budget allocation for Salaries and Wages, she said that she understands that the Parking Utility must allocate funds to other departments for services rendered relating to the Parking Utility, but she wondered what the line items listed under Direct Expenses represented and asked for an example. Mr. Rooney explained that staff from other departments perform services related to the Parking Utility, including staff in the Village Clerk’s Office, Finance Office, and Police Department. Direct Expenses are known expenses, which the Current Fund or another fund picked up on behalf of the Parking Utility. For example, if Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer, worked on developing ordinances over a course of four weeks, which were directly related to the Parking Utility, then a direct charge for his time would be made in the Parking Utility Budget.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked where removal of the parking stanchions was indicated in the budget. Mr. Rooney said that was not in the Parking Utility budget, since he did not have an estimate of cost in order to do so. Mayor Vagianos recalled that this work would be done inhouse and that no additional expenses would be associated with it. Mr. Rooney indicated that this was a very good example of a direct expense. When Village staff removed the parking meter poles from the CBD and performed the necessary work to restore the area, the hours spent by the staff are attributed directly to the Parking Utility Operating Budget. Councilmember Winograd asked if anyone had researched whether the Village could realize some revenue for reclamation of the metal poles, and Mr. Rooney said that they are looking into it.


Regarding the Parking Utility Capital Budget, Mr. Rooney said that there were two requests for portable radios and license plate readers for the PEOs, for a total of $59,000.00. When questioned by Deputy Mayor Perron, Mr. Rooney confirmed that the PEOs already have one license plate reader, which is installed in their car, and the purchase of a second license plate reader would be used in the second PEO vehicle. Sergeant Chuck told Mr. Rooney that the license plate reader has resulted in many summonses being issued, which were not challengeable. Mayor Vagianos added that this is an item that pays for itself.


                        G.        CURRENT FUND REVENUES


Mr. Rooney explained that any highlighted items are still being worked on, and the surplus to be used in 2023 is estimated. He pointed out the revenues received in 2022 and indicated that he is limited to anticipating only the amount of revenues that were collected in the prior year.


Councilmember Weitz asked Mr. Rooney if the Village can charge more for alcoholic beverage licenses, or if the fee is set by statute. Ms. Mailander replied that the Village is charging the maximum fees permitted by statute, which have not been increased for 25 to 30 years. There are 17 such licenses in the Village, with only two that are not in circulation (one consumption license and one distribution license). A discussion ensued about the terms of the licenses, requirements for renewal by Alcoholic Beverage Control, Village Council approval or disapproval, and appeals of adverse determinations.


Mr. Rooney explained the Energy Receipts Tax, with revenue of $97,000.00 realized last year, more than in the past ten years. One grant program for health is included in the 2023 budget. Under Other Special Items, the only significant increase over last year were the administrative charges and vehicle fees for outside services performed by the police. He explained the reserve for debt service of $638,000.00 and revenue from Valley Hospital for bed count, which totals approximately $481,000.00. Mr. Rooney stated that he is not sure how much revenue would be received from Valley Hospital next year, since they are moving the main facility to Paramus. Two items related to the American Recovery Plan totaling $2.6 million ($1.3 million for 2021 and $1.3 million for 2022) are not contained in this year’s anticipated revenue.


Councilmember Winograd asked why the percentage increase on investments and deposits is significantly increased (588%). Mr. Rooney explained that interest rates were bad last year and he is only allowed to anticipate this year what was realized in 2022 (approximately $55,000.00). He said that the Village only realized about 0.05% interest on investments. However, interest rates escalated in 2022, so that is why the percentage increase on investments has increased.


                        H.        SALARY/ACCUMULATED LEAVE

                        I.          STAFF LEVELS


Mr. Rooney explained that the seven-page printout he distributed to the Village Councilmembers delineated the staff levels in the Village and staff titles. In the right-hand column, Mr. Rooney showed what staff salaries would be if they were just hired in 2023. The numbers represent the “asks” from each department.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked if the salary for a civilian administrative clerk (Records Discovery Clerk FT) for the Police Department was included in Mr. Rooney’s figures ($50,000.00), and Mr. Rooney confirmed that it was on the last line in the paperwork. There were also salaries included for the hiring of a Recording Clerk in the Village Clerk’s Office, an additional Engineer in the Engineering Department, and an Electrical Inspector and Keyboard Clerk in the Building Department.


Deputy Mayor Perron recalled that Chief Luthcke has been asking to hire a Records Discovery Clerk for one to two years. She said that she was surprised that the Village Councilmembers approved the hiring of additional police officers before they approved the hiring of the Discovery Clerk. Councilmember Reynolds stated that the hiring of more police officers is a matter of public safety. Councilmember Winograd added that hiring the Records Discovery Clerk will “free up” police officers to perform their required duties. Ms. Mailander added that there are going to be several police officers retiring from the Police Department this year and the staffing levels need to be increased accordingly.


Councilmember Reynolds asked why there were seven spaces for police officers, two of which have $40,000.00 and five of which have $20,000.00. Ms. Mailander replied that the other five staff members are going to be hired mid-year in July, so the salary reflected is for half a year. When questioned by Councilmember Winograd, it was explained that the 49 staff members listed include the members who are planning on retiring this year, but have not yet done so. There will be five retirees, leaving 44 staff members on the police force.


Councilmember Reynolds stated that there were two spots for clerical (Police Desk) and one for Records Discovery, and she asked if the Police Department wanted to hire two clerical staff members. Mr. Rooney clarified that he had suggested the hiring of two clerical staff members many months ago, including one for the front desk, so that police officers would be freed up to patrol the Village. The request was for one Records Clerk and two administrative staff members for the Police Desk (one for night shift and one for day shift). Deputy Mayor Perron said that she would be in favor of hiring the three clerical personnel, and Mayor Vagianos agreed, stating that police officers belong on the streets rather than remaining inside the Police Department doing paperwork.


There was a motion by Councilmember Weitz to suspend the Special Public Budget Meeting Session at 7:02 P.M., which was seconded by Deputy Mayor Perron and carried unanimously by voice vote.


There was a motion by Deputy Mayor Perron to resume the Special Public Budget Meeting Session at 7:35 P.M., which was seconded by Councilmember Reynolds and carried unanimously by voice vote.


                        J.         SURPLUS, CURRENT FUND


Mr. Rooney explained the Surplus Fund Balance. He explained the available fund balances in various categories: General Capital, Water Capital, Parking Capital, General Fund, Water Operating Fund, and Parking Operating Fund. This will be finalized once the Village Council finalizes the numbers for 2023.


                        K.        TRUST FUNDS


Mr. Rooney explained that these are funds that have been specifically identified to be held in trust, for specific purposes. He said that the handout showed the activity for 2022 to the end of this year for all major trust funds. He said that there are funds held in trust for permits and things of that nature, which are not included, because these funds are not accessible to the Village. He explained the statutes pertaining to trust funds and the circumstances during which the Village may spend these monies.


Councilmember Winograd asked about the library tax. Mr. Rooney said that the Village receives the tax funds and then an appropriation is paid to them, so it is a wash. Councilmember Winograd also asked about the Open Space Trust Fund, and whether increasing contributions to that fund would need to be done via a referendum, and Mr. Rooney confirmed that she was correct.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked where the monies for shade trees came from, and Mr. Rooney replied that they came through the Parks and Recreation Department. He stated that he did not know exactly how that worked, but it was mostly likely done through contributions. Adopt-a-Tree and Linda’s Grove were mentioned.


                        L.        OVERALL BUDGET (GENERAL)


Mr. Rooney explained that in the handout he distributed earlier, there was a 2023 tax comparison. The left column showed the adopted budget for 2022. The 2023 column reflects the reductions that were originally made, then two more columns reflecting two more rounds of reductions. He explained that he took a “deeper dive” to cut more items, which decreased the tax rate increase from 10% to 6%. When questioned by Councilmember Reynolds, Mr. Rooney said that the contemplated new hires would not take place this year, based upon these cuts. He added that he did this unilaterally, without first discussing the cuts with Department Directors. However, the Village Councilmembers can decide to add items back into the budget if they so choose. He explained that a 1% tax increase would amount to $367,000.00. Even with a 10% tax increase, Mr. Rooney said that he would have had to cut at least $177,000.00 out of the budget, before he did the “deep dive” into the budget.


Mr. Rooney said that the packet (10 pages) handed out by Olivia Andreula of the Finance Department breaks everything down by department. It contains a salary for a new Village Manager for half a year. On his first and second rounds of cuts, $12,000.00 was taken out of the Operating Budget for Other Expenses in the Village Manager budget. Regarding the Village Council, he took out the request for a grant writer ($36,000.00). Regarding the Police Department, Mr. Rooney left in the request to hire two police officers, in addition to the two trainees currently in the Police Academy. The original request was to hire seven police officers, including the two trainees. The salaries for the two trainees were cut in half, since they probably would not start working until July 2023. There would be a total of four new police officers.


Mr. Rooney stated that he cut back the termination pay by approximately $300,000.00 because, by law, police officers are only allowed to receive $65,000.00 in the first year that they retire. He removed the request to hire a Discovery Records Clerk and two administrative civilian positions for the Police Department. He also cut back Police overtime to what was actually incurred last year. There is a total of approximately $700,000.00 that Mr. Rooney removed from the Salaries and Wages category, in the Police Department budget.

Regarding streets and road maintenance, Mr. Rooney reduced that budget, because there are funds available in the “Snow Trust” which can be used. Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Rooney if he anticipated that there would be no snow this season, since there has been very little snow all winter. Mr. Rooney replied that he did not and was aware that a snowstorm could still occur until the warmer temperatures arrived. Ms. Mailander recalled many snowstorms that occurred in March in the past. Mr. Rooney indicated that the figures he has presented are an educated guess, based upon prior experience. There is an increase in the Snow Trust Fund during some years when there is not much snow, and then some years it is whittled down to nothing because so much snow has fallen.


Mayor Vagianos asked what the driving force was for Mr. Rooney to start with such a large tax increase of 10%. Mr. Rooney explained that there were funds received from the American Recovery Plan in 2022 ($2.6 million) that will not be received in 2023. There are contractual settlements with the Police and Fire Departments representing an increase of approximately $400,000.00. There is a healthcare insurance increase of 24%, or approximately $1.6 million. There was a pension increase of 7% or approximately $800,000.00. Utility costs rose approximately $700,000.00. These increases total about $6 million, and these are things which Mr. Rooney must take into account and which he cannot remove from the budget. He added that the costs for materials and supplies have risen dramatically as well.


Mayor Vagianos recalled a chemical used at Graydon Pool, which used to cost $42,000.00 and now costs approximately $162,000.00. He asked Mr. Rooney what would need to be done in order to get the tax rate below 4%. Ms. Mailander said that they would need to start looking at personnel, which they obviously would prefer not to do. Mr. Rooney said that he has only reduced the requests for new hires and has not touched the salaries and wages of existing Village personnel. Mayor Vagianos asked how many new hires are proposed in the budget as it currently stands, with a proposed tax increase of 6%. Mr. Rooney said that the two Police Academy trainees and the two police officers scheduled to be hired in July are in the budget currently before the Village Council, which results in a 6.5% tax increase. The other new hire requests have been removed. Mr. Rooney stated that, excluding Ridgewood Water personnel, there are approximately 250 full-time employees and 26-part-time employees in the Village.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked if the one hire for police officer could be switched to a new hire for a Records Clerk. Ms. Mailander explained that there are three police officers retiring this year and there were two last year, so the police force has been reduced. Mr. Rooney said that it would cost $50,000.00 to hire a Records Clerk, but only $40,000.00 (half-year salary) to hire two police officers who would start in July. Mayor Vagianos said that police officers do not start at a high salary, but they get step raises contractually. Their salaries would substantially increase over the long term, but the short-term problem facing the Village right now is that the Police Department is short staffed.


Councilmember Winograd said that there cannot be such a huge tax increase, so further reductions need to be made and everyone agreed. Mayor Vagianos stated that in order to reduce the tax rate from 6.5% to under 4%, another $900,000.00 must be cut from the Operating Budget. He suggested that perhaps Ms. Mailander and Mr. Rooney could “huddle” together with Department Directors to see if they can come up with another $900,000.00 in cuts, which the Village Council could then review, which would then result in a 3.96% tax rate.


Councilmember Reynolds asked if the Capital Budget affects the overall tax increase. Mr. Rooney said that the only impact from the Capital Budget is that he needs 5% for a downpayment for whatever the Village Councilmembers decide they want to authorize this year. If a project costs $8 million, then he would need to put a $400,000.00 downpayment into the budget. He indicated that he has already taken $100,000.00 out of the Capital Improvement Fund.


Mayor Vagianos asked everyone how they wanted to proceed. Councilmember Weitz suggested consulting with each Department Director and informing them that they each need to cut their budget requests by a certain percentage.


Deputy Mayor Perron asked Mr. Rooney how all of this would affect the caps. Mr. Rooney explained that there is an appropriations cap and a tax cap (levy), both of which allow for exclusions. He said that the State is allowing increases in pensions, healthcare, fuel costs, and a couple of other items, to be outside of the cap only for this year. He said that there should be no problem in that regard. However, he does not yet have the workbook from the State that will tell him what the cap is for the tax levy. There are exclusions for the tax levy as well, which center on increases in pensions and healthcare, changes in debt service, and other factors which need to be input into the workbook, in order to be able to do the calculations. He also mentioned that he has $700,000.00 in the bank that was left over, which he will use if necessary.


When questioned by Mayor Vagianos, Mr. Rooney explained that, every year, there are calculations done for the tax levy bank and the appropriations bank, through the use of the workbook. He said that if not all of it is used, it is banked. For example, if he is allowed to use 2.5% and he only uses 2%, then the .5% goes into his “bank.” Every third year, this bank expires. He explained that he had credit left over from 2019 totaling $1.9 million, which he lost last year because it was unused. Money is pulled from the bank as necessary. If there are no funds in the bank, then monies can only be obtained through a referendum.


Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Rooney if there was $700,000.00, which could be applied to the $900,000.00 in cuts they still need to make. Mr. Rooney said that it cannot be applied. He said that if he is raising $40 million and the calculation of what he is allowed is $40.5 million, he can take $500,000.00 out of his bank and appropriate $40.5 million. He said that the Cap Law governs this process, which was enacted years ago because people were complaining about high tax increases. Therefore, there is a cap on how much taxes can be increased per year, but the State also allows him to bank what is not used. Deputy Mayor Perron asked if this was in the form of credits or actual money. Mr. Rooney said it was like a credit and not physical money in the bank.


Mayor Vagianos asked how the tax levy increase would be affected, if Mr. Rooney elected to use the credit. Mr. Rooney explained that if he arrived at a figure of $40 million after doing the calculations in the workbook, and the budget comes out to be $40.5 million after cuts, he has two options. There could be a referendum to allow for the additional $500,000.00, or $500,000.00 would need to be cut from the budget so that he can meet that cap. Mayor Vagianos asked Mr. Rooney when he would know what the cap is, and Mr. Rooney replied that he would know by next week sometime.


Mayor Vagianos asked if Mr. Rooney had any clue as to what the cap might be, and Mr. Rooney stated that he has no idea, because of the exceptions to the cap, which just came out by the State. In addition, he needs to close out all of the financial statements so that he feels comfortable with the number he gives to the Village Council. Mayor Vagianos said that he could never support going out for a referendum to go over the cap, and Deputy Mayor Perron agreed.


Mayor Vagianos again asked Ms. Mailander and Mr. Rooney to get together with the Department Directors to see what can be cut from each of their budgets, since $900,000.00 still needs to be cut from the budget, and then the Village Councilmembers need to review all of the budget cuts. Councilmember Winograd said that she would like to explore going further (to lower the tax rate below 4%). She said that she was not comfortable with the $900,000.00 figure and was afraid that the cuts may need to be higher, maybe to reach a 3% tax hike. There was further discussion regarding the amount of money needed to reach a reasonable tax rate increase.


In response to a question by Councilmember Winograd, Mr. Rooney indicated that there are statutory deadlines by which the budget needs to be introduced and adopted. Councilmember Winograd asked if another Budget Meeting should be set, other than the one scheduled for March 6, 2023, before the Public Meeting on March 8, 2023. Ms. Mailander replied that an additional meeting can always be added, but the meeting needs to be advertised properly beforehand. In addition, the budget must be adopted by the end of April. There must be a certain number of days in between the introduction of the budget and its adoption. Mr. Rooney added that 28 days are required in between.


Mayor Vagianos asked Ms. Mailander how much time she and Mr. Rooney would need to consult with the Department Directors and present to the Village Councilmembers two proposals: one with cuts that would reduce the tax rate to 3% and another, which would reduce the tax rate to 4%. After conferring with Mr. Rooney, Ms. Mailander stated they will both meet with the Department Directors next week to see where cuts can be made, and will hopefully have the revised number in time for the next Budget Meeting on March 6, 2023. If the budget is still not ironed out in time for introduction on March 8, 2023, Ms. Mailander said that a subsequent Special Public Budget Meeting can be held on March 15, 2023, at which time the budget could be introduced. If this latter meeting is held, then a Special Public Meeting would probably be held on April 19, 2023 (the third Wednesday in April). Mayor Vagianos asked if a Special Budget Meeting could be held in March, other than on March 6.


Councilmember Winograd indicated that she will not be able to attend a meeting on March 15, and Councilmember Reynolds cannot attend the March 8, 2023 meeting. Councilmember Reynolds suggested having a Special Public Meeting at the regularly scheduled meeting on March 22, 2023. Mayor Vagianos said that the Councilmembers could also hold a meeting on the budget at 5:00 P.M. on March 22. Ms. Mailander indicated that she is unable to attend a meeting on March 22, but Mr. Rooney will be available. There was a discussion about holding the meeting on March 29. Ms. Mailander reminded everyone that attempting to get the tax rate under either 3% or 4% may require furloughing existing personnel, which would affect Village services to residents.










5.         ADJOURNMENT


There being no further business to come before the Village Council, on a motion by Councilmembe Reynolds, seconded by Deputy Mayor Perron, and carried unanimously by voice vote, the Village Council’s Special Public Budget Meeting was adjourned at 8:17 P.M.







                                                                                                Paul Vagianos











                     Heather A. Mailander

             Village Manager/Village Clerk

  • Hits: 191





Mayor Vagianos called the meeting to order at 8:09 P.M. and read the Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act.  At roll call, the following were present: Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos.  Also present was Heather Mailander, Village Manager/Village Clerk. Matthew Rogers, Village Attorney, was absent from the meeting.


Mayor Vagianos led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.




Mayor Vagianos moved that the Bills, Claims, and Vouchers, and Statement of Funds on Hand as of December 31, 2022, be accepted as submitted.  Councilmember Weitz seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None





         A.           2022 MINUTES


Mayor Vagianos moved that the Village Council minutes of December 7, 2022, having been reviewed by the Village Council and now available in the Village Clerk’s Office, be approved as submitted.  Councilmember Reynolds seconded the motion.





Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None

ABSTAIN:   Councilmembers Weitz and Winograd (as they were not yet serving on the Village             Council on December 7, 2022).


         B.           2023 MINUTES


Mayor Vagianos moved that the Village Council minutes of January 4 and January 11, 2023, having been reviewed by the Village Council and now available in the Village Clerk’s Office, be approved as submitted.  Deputy Mayor Perron seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None

ABSTAIN:   Councilmember Reynolds






Councilmember Weitz read the following proclamation:











Deputy Mayor Perron read the following proclamation:






















Councilmember Winograd read the following proclamation.  Several Super Science Saturday representatives were present at this evening’s meeting to receive the “Super Science Saturday” Proclamation.  Their goal is to excite children about science, through various displays and activities, and there will also be presentations by professionals from the Liberty Science Center.  Mayor Vagianos said that the volunteerism shown by everyone involved in these events is what makes the Village such a great community.




















Mayor Vagianos read the following proclamation.  After reading the proclamation, Dad’s Night representatives, Dave Allen from Somerville School and Chris Powers from Hawes School, were present at the meeting this evening to receive the “Dad’s Night Days” Proclamation.  Mr. Allen and Mr. Powers thanked everyone and stated that their mission is to promote family, friends and community.  Mayor Vagianos thanked them for all of their efforts and for all of the monies they raise for the children of Ridgewood.  He added that he was also a Dad’s Night alumnus.



































Matthew Rossi, 516 West Saddle River Road, said that he resides along the property line of the Schedler property.  He voiced his immense concern about the revised plans for the development of this property.  When he purchased his home in this area several years ago, he was excited about the plans that were proposed for the property in 2017.  These plans included the preservation of an historic home, an elegant walking path, preservation of trees, a field for athletics, and a park for children. He said that he felt this was a perfectly balanced plan.  Mr. Rossi stated that the proposed changes to these plans appear very one-sided and were not at all considerate to the surrounding community.  The revised plans include a larger field, lighting, and possible concession stands.  Mr. Rossi said that many of the rooms in his home, including his children’s bedrooms, face the Schedler property.  He said that he could not imagine how his children would be able to sleep with “arena style” lighting shining through their windows.


Mr. Rossi said that the angst these changes are causing in the Village is compounded by the application to erect a huge billboard on Route 17, directly across from the Schedler property, which is presently before the Zoning Board. This billboard would be visible to the neighbors bordering West Saddle River Road.  He said that he and his wife have considered moving, faced with the prospects of having both the lit billboard and stadium lights glaring in their neighborhood.  He applauded the Village Council for considering the flooding of the Village’s fields, but he urged them to consider the prior agreed-upon plans developed in 2017, through an arduous process. 


Mr. Rossi did not feel that a huge field, permanent lights and turf should be crammed onto such a relatively small historic property.  He said that if the Village Council continues along its present path, they were going to incur more years of delay.  He also stated that he was confident the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) would take into consideration the neighbors’ distaste for the revised plans.  He asked if the Village Council had considered constructing a field at the Glen School property, a non-historic site that he stated was currently being used only minimally.  Mr. Rossi concluded by stating that as a resident, business owner and father, he urged the Village Councilmembers to move expeditiously towards completion of the original agreed-upon plans, so that his children will have a park to play in, while they are still children.


Suzanne Ruane, 705 Kingsbridge Lane, said that she was speaking this evening about the Schedler property and the Kingsbridge Lane Bridge.  She said that the footbridge connects residents of Kingsbridge Lane with East Saddle River Road.  She wanted to ensure that the replacement of this bridge remains on everyone’s radar, because she has noticed people walking on the north ramp on Route 17 to get to the Park and Ride.  She stated that this is very dangerous and an accident waiting to happen.


Regarding the Schedler property, she said that everyone was repeatedly promised that this project would be expedited during the last Village Council election, yet now it seems that there are special interest groups “taking over” the plans developed by the Ad Hoc Committee and trying to make the plans their own, without looking at the “full spectrum” of what will happen to the area.  Ms. Ruane stated that West Saddle River Road will not be able to accommodate an increase in traffic.  She feels that everyone is trying to fit too much into too little space, which will render it useless to anyone.  She urged the Village Councilmembers to abide by the original plans drawn up in 2017.  If the original plan is not adhered to, then she would like to see experts, independent of the Village Council, oversee the project so that the property is not developed in a way that would only be beneficial to a few special interest groups.  She said that the neighbors have been waiting for years for this project to be completed.


Leo Ruane, 705 Kingsbridge Lane, thanked Mayor Vagianos and Councilmember Reynolds for meeting with him and his wife this past weekend to hear their concerns.  He had been hopeful that the Schedler project would be completed by spring or summer of 2023, but that that did not seem likely at this time.  He read a comment on social media that said that putting a large field on the property would be like putting ten pounds of potatoes into a five-pound sack.  Mr. Ruane said that a larger field will draw bigger crowds, with resultant traffic and parking issues.  He also said that with the present condition of the Kingsbridge Lane Bridge, the proposed monstrous billboard on Route 17, and the proposed lights on the Schedler property, the properties surrounding the Schedler property become less desirable, including his own.  He and his neighbors would like to see the original plans implemented as soon as possible.


Frettra DeSilva, 521 West Saddle River Road, said that she lives near the Schedler property and is concerned about the wildlife that make this property their habitat, such as deer, foxes, and birds.  She said that this is a fairly quiet neighborhood, even though it is a block away from the highway.  The proposed changes to the park will affect the entire neighborhood and change its character.  She said that the changes will “move Route 17 right into our backyards.”  Ms. DeSilva said that, with limited parking on the property itself, the traffic on West Saddle River Road will become unbearable, with increased team sizes and spectators, if a larger field is constructed.  She is concerned about safety, since one side of West Saddle River Road does not have a sidewalk.  Most of the roads in this neighborhood are either one-way streets or cul-de-sacs.


Ellie Gruber, 229 South Irving Street, said that she was a member of the Ad Hoc Committee, which developed the original plans for the Schedler property and wanted to give some history about how those plans were created.  She stated that the meetings were productive, but she was sorry that they did not take minutes at those meetings and now she must rely on her memory.  There were long discussions during those meetings regarding the fact that young soccer players had no place to play and, if the smaller field were constructed on the property, it was felt that two games could be played at the same time.  The younger children were primarily the focus of the committee members.  They were pondering whether or not to construct a small, medium or large field on the property, and the majority of the members agreed that it should be a medium-sized field.


Ms. Gruber stated that, although the plans were approved by the Village Council in 2017, it now seems as though those plans are going to be thrown away. She said that if the Village Councilmembers were now going to change the plans and seek approval from SHPO, there will be more years of delays and they will be ignoring the “voices of the neighbors.”  She said that a fields report performed many years ago suggested constructing 90-foot fields at either the Glen School or Hawes School, but the neighbors in the Hawes community opposed such a plan and it was defeated.  Ms. Gruber said that not all neighborhoods are created equal and that the residents on the east side of the Village are treated as “second-class residents.”  Ms. Gruber urged the Village Council to go ahead with the original plans, with the medium-sized field.  She said that she could not understand that the first actions of this new Village Council were to “attack” the Schedler property.


There were no further public comments.


Mayor Vagianos said that the current review of the Schedler plans was merely an “examination” and that the Village Councilmembers would be discussing this matter again on February 22, 2023.  He assured everyone that decisions will be made shortly after that date.


Regarding the Kingsbridge Lane Bridge, Mayor Vagianos said that an engineering consultant has been retained to draw up plans for the repairs and renovations to the bridge, which will be much faster and less expensive than replacing the entire bridge.  The Village Councilmembers are awaiting the receipt of these plans.




Ms. Mailander stated that “Council Chat” was held this past Saturday, February 4, 2023, during which time some good conversations were held.  The next “Council Chat” is scheduled for Saturday, March 4, 2023 from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. in the courtroom or possibly across the hall in the Caucus Room of Village Hall.  Individuals interested in speaking with the Village Councilmembers should call 201-670-5500, extension 2207, to make a reservation.  Walk-ins are welcome, but those with reservations will have priority.


“Jamboree Days” are being held on February 9, 10 and 11, 2023.  Ms. Mailander said that these shows are a community treasure, supported by some very talented parents.


The Philadelphia Flower Show theme this year is “The Garden Electric,” to highlight the spark of joy and excitement that comes with giving and receiving flowers.  It will take place on March 7, 2023. Admission is $80.00 per person, which includes bus transportation. Interested individuals may register online at Community Pass or at the Lester Stable at 259 North Maple Avenue.  Checks should be made payable to “Ridgewood Parks and Recreation.”


A Summer Job Fair will be held on March 8, 2023 from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. in the Annie Zusy Youth Center in the Community Center, on the ground floor of Village Hall.  The fair will be focused on young adults, ages 16 and older, for summer employment.  A wide variety of employment opportunities will be presented. Young adults will be able to speak with supervisors to have their questions answered.


On March 8, 2023 from 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M., West Bergen Mental Healthcare, the Ridgewood Health Department and Ridgewood Parks and Recreation will present an event entitled, “How to Spot School-Based Anxiety: Tools, Tips and Techniques.”  This in-person workshop will include a discussion on signs, symptoms and causes, as well as tangible coping strategies and resources for parents to help support their children.  It will take place at the Village Hall Senior Lounge.  Registration is required at ridgewoodnj.net/communitypass.


On March 30, 2023, from 10:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M., there will be an in-person workshop held by the Alzheimer’s Association.  More information will follow.  Lunch will be provided.


Staff from the Ridgewood Health Department have been visiting local childcare facilities to present activities to “wash your hands and not spread germs.”


Ms. Mailander announced that all Village departments and offices will be closed on February 13 and February 20, 2023 in observance of Lincoln’s Birthday and Presidents’ Day, respectively.  There will be no recycling or garbage pickup, and the Recycling Center will be closed as well.  She encouraged everyone to check their Village calendar for the garbage and recycling schedule, as pickups will change due to the holidays. Ms. Mailander also encouraged everyone to download the Recycle Coach app, since the app sends out reminders regarding changes in garbage and recycling pickup schedules.


Upcoming Village Council meetings are broadcast live from the Village Hall Courtroom, on the Village website, on FIOS Channel 34 and YouTube.  The next Public Meeting is scheduled on March 8, 2023 at 8:00 P.M.  The next Village Council Work Sessions will be held on February 22, March 1 and March 22, 2023 at 7:30 P.M.  Budget Meetings will be held on February 23, February 24 and March 6, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. in the Village Hall courtroom.  All meetings will have hybrid access (in person, Zoom or phone).




Councilmember Winograd said that she attended a Fields Committee meeting on February 7, 2023 at 7:00 A.M. They discussed the Master Library, a software program developed by the Board of Education (BOE) to schedule BOE-owned fields and facilities. They are hoping to integrate the Village’s field and facility scheduling program into Master Library.  The members also discussed the Schedler property, but the meeting was cut short due to technical difficulties.

Councilmember Weitz stated that he had nothing new to report this week.


Councilmember Reynolds spoke about the “Council Chat” which was held this past Saturday.  She said that it was nice to be able to speak one on one with residents.  She urged any residents with concerns to make an appointment to chat with the Councilmembers.  At the time the appointment is made, the caller will be asked what they plan to talk about and, in this way, research can be done on that topic of concern so that the Councilmembers will be prepared in advance.


The Kasschau Shell Committee met this evening at 6:30 P.M., but Councilmember Reynolds was not able to attend because she had to attend a Closed Session meeting before the regularly scheduled Village Council meeting.  She will find out what transpired at the Kasschau Shell Committee meeting and will report back to the Village Council.


On Thursday, February 16, 2023, the Citizens Safety Advisory Committee (CSAC) will be meeting in the Garden Room at 7:30 P.M.  Anyone interested is welcome to attend.


Deputy Mayor Perron stated that the Planning Board met last night, and the new members were given a “tutorial” by the older members regarding the procedures of the Planning Board.  The Chamber of Commerce met this morning.  Deputy Mayor Perron said that the Chamber of Commerce is a very strong community organization.  They are responsible for many things which residents and visitors to Ridgewood enjoy, such as the Christmas tree lighting ceremonies (“Downtown for the Holidays”), “Easter in the Park,” and the Annual Car Show.  The Chamber of Commerce members are currently developing their strategic plan for the next five years.


The Central Business District Advisory Committee (CBDAC) will be meeting on February 9, 2023 at 8:30 A.M. via Zoom. Chief Jacqueline Luthcke will be reviewing the new parking proposals developed by the Ridgewood Police Department for the CBD. All interested individuals are welcome to attend and should contact Deputy Mayor Perron so that she can send them the meeting link. The other half of the meeting will deal with the Master Plan and prioritization of the Action Items in the Downtown Economic Element.


Deputy Mayor Perron stated that the Open Space Committee will be meeting on February 16, 2023 at the Lester Stable.  All are welcome to attend.


Mayor Vagianos stated that he met with the Board of Education last Friday, February 3, 2023, and they have two major initiatives.  They are continuing their search for a Superintendent and are hoping to find a candidate before the end of the current school year. They are also considering a late start for the high school (8:20 A.M. to 3:05 P.M.).  If approved, this would take effect in September, 2023. The high school students currently start at 7:45 A.M. Mayor Vagianos indicated that there are countless studies that confirm that a student will learn better if they are able to get more sleep.  The Board of Education will make a final decision on this matter by Monday, February 13, 2023.


Mayor Vagianos said he was so happy with how the “Council Chat” went this past Saturday with both him and Councilmember Reynolds in attendance.  They met with eight people and many matters of concern were discussed with these residents.  He echoed Councilmember Reynolds’ previous comments.  The next “Council Chat” will take place on March 4, 2023, and both he and Councilmember Weitz will be in attendance from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.






Mayor Vagianos moved that the Village Clerk read Ordinance #3940 by title on first reading. Councilmember Reynolds seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None



The Village Clerk read Ordinance #3940 by title only:




Councilmember Reynolds moved that Ordinance #3940 be adopted on first reading and that March 8, 2023 be fixed as the date for the hearing thereon.  Deputy Mayor Perron seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None







Mayor Vagianos moved that the Village Clerk read Ordinance #3934 by title on second reading and that the Public Hearing thereon be opened.  Councilmember Weitz seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None



The Village Clerk read Ordinance #3934 by title only:




Mayor Vagianos announced that only those attending in person will be able to participate in the Public Hearings on ordinances this evening, due to the fact that the notice requirements for hybrid access were not provided on the legal ads for the ordinances. This will be corrected, going forward, and then both those in person and those using hybrid access will have the opportunity to comment on ordinances at future Public Meetings.  


Mayor Vagianos opened the Public Hearing on Ordinance #3934.  There were no comments from the public, and Mayor Vagianos moved that the Public Hearing be closed.  Councilmember Weitz seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None



Deputy Mayor Perron moved that Ordinance #3934 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law.  Councilmember Weitz seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None





Mayor Vagianos moved that the Village Clerk read Ordinance #3935 by title on second reading and that the Public Hearing thereon be opened.  Councilmember Reynolds seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None



The Village Clerk read Ordinance #3935 by title only:




Mayor Vagianos opened the Public Hearing on Ordinance #3935.  There were no comments from the public, and Mayor Vagianos moved that the Public Hearing be closed.  Councilmember Reynolds seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None



Deputy Mayor Perron moved that Ordinance #3935 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law.  Councilmember Reynolds seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None





Ms. Mailander indicated that the following resolutions, numbered 23-63 through 23-73, were to be adopted by a consent agenda and read by title only:
































10.       ORDINANCES




Mayor Vagianos moved that the Village Clerk read Ordinance #3941 by title on first reading.  Councilmember Weitz seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None



The Village Clerk read Ordinance #3941 by title only:




Deputy Mayor Perron moved that Ordinance #3941 be adopted on first reading and that March 8, 2023 be fixed as the date for the hearing thereon.  Councilmember Weitz seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None





Mayor Vagianos moved that the Village Clerk read Ordinance #3942 by title on first reading.  Councilmember Reynolds seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None



The Village Clerk read Ordinance #3942 by title only:




Councilmember Winograd moved that Ordinance #3942 be adopted on first reading and that March 8, 2023 be fixed as the date for the hearing thereon.  Councilmember Reynolds seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None





Mayor Vagianos moved that the Village Clerk read Ordinance #3943 by title on first reading.  Councilmember Weitz seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None



The Village Clerk read Ordinance #3943 by title only:




Councilmember Reynolds moved that Ordinance #3943 be adopted on first reading and that March 8, 2023 be fixed as the date for the hearing thereon.  Councilmember Weitz seconded the motion.




Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None





Mayor Vagianos moved that the Village Clerk read Ordinance #3944 by title on first reading.  Deputy Mayor Perron seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None



The Village Clerk read Ordinance #3944 by title only:




Councilmember Reynolds moved that Ordinance #3944 be adopted on first reading and that March 8, 2023 be fixed as the date for the hearing thereon.  Deputy Mayor Perron seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None





Mayor Vagianos moved that the Village Clerk read Ordinance #3936 by title on second reading and that the Public Hearing thereon be opened.  Deputy Mayor Perron seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None



The Village Clerk read Ordinance #3936 by title only:




Mayor Vagianos opened the Public Hearing on Ordinance #3936.  There were no comments from the public, and Mayor Vagianos moved that the Public Hearing be closed.  Deputy Mayor Perron seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None



Councilmember Weitz moved that Ordinance #3936 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law.  Deputy Mayor Perron seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None





Mayor Vagianos moved that the Village Clerk read Ordinance #3937 by title on second reading and that the Public Hearing thereon be opened.  Councilmember Reynolds seconded the motion.



Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None



The Village Clerk read Ordinance #3937 by title only:




Mayor Vagianos opened the Public Hearing on Ordinance #3937.  There were no comments from the public, and Mayor Vagianos moved that the Public Hearing be closed.  Councilmember Reynolds seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None



Councilmember Winograd moved that Ordinance #3937 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law.  Councilmember Reynolds seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None





Mayor Vagianos moved that the Village Clerk read Ordinance #3938 by title on second reading and that the Public Hearing thereon be opened.  Councilmember Weitz seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None


The Village Clerk read Ordinance #3938 by title only:




Mayor Vagianos opened the Public Hearing on Ordinance #3938.  There were no comments from the public, and Mayor Vagianos moved that the Public Hearing be closed.  Councilmember Weitz seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None



Councilmember Reynolds moved that Ordinance #3938 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law.  Councilmember Weitz seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None





Mayor Vagianos moved that the Village Clerk read Ordinance #3939 by title on second reading and that the Public Hearing thereon be opened.  Deputy Mayor Perron seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None



The Village Clerk read Ordinance #3939 by title only:




Mayor Vagianos opened the Public Hearing on Ordinance #3939.  There were no comments from the public, and Mayor Vagianos moved that the Public Hearing be closed.  Deputy Mayor Perron seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None



Councilmember Winograd moved that Ordinance #3939 be adopted on second reading and final publication as required by law.  Deputy Mayor Perron seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote

AYES:          Councilmembers Perron, Reynolds, Weitz, Winograd, and Mayor Vagianos

NAYS:         None

ABSENT:    None





Ms. Mailander stated that the following resolutions, numbered 23-74 through 23-89 were to be adopted by a consent agenda and read by title only:

















Mayor Vagianos asked if there were any additional comments or questions from the public.


Boyd A. Loving, 342 South Irving Street, said that regarding the award of the concession business for Graydon Pool, he felt that the food at the pool last year was excellent but the service “stunk.”  Mr. Loving understood that the Village had difficulty last year finding adequate help to service the concession stand.  He said that he would like to encourage the Parks and Recreation Department to start conducting occasional surveys of vendors that they use, so that patrons can give feedback regarding the quality of the food and the customer service received.  He suggested that this could be accomplished through the use of Survey Monkey. In this way, if any problems or dissatisfaction occurs, then corrective action can be taken with the vendor.


There were no further comments from the public.




There being no further business to come before the Village Council, on a motion by Councilmember Reynolds, seconded by Councilmember Weitz, and carried unanimously by voice vote, the Village Council’s Regular Public Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.







                                                                                                Paul Vagianos









                     Heather A. Mailander

             Village Manager/Village Clerk

  • Hits: 151


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