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CSAC Meeting Agenda 20181115



1)  Franklin Avenue On-Street Parking/Traffic Calming--Survey Work Status; Resolutions of Support. (Engineering/ Voigt)

2)  Crosswalk at Van Emburgh Avenue/Hampshire Road-- ADA-Compliant Ramp Schedule? (Engineering)

3)  Pedestrian/Bike Safety SRTS Grants-- In-Fill Projects, Other Actions-Status?(Engineering)

4)  CBDAC-- Activities Report. (Shinozuka)

5)  Kenilworth Road/ Spring Avenue-- STOP Logo Installation Schedule?(Engineering)

6)  Sherman Place-- Recommendations for Washington Place/Dead End? (Police/ Engineering)

7)  North Walnut Street-- Continuation of Discussion re: Resident Concerns. (Police/ Engineering)

8)  Grove Street-- Speeding Issues/Enforcement Efforts/Recommendations. (Police/Engineering)

9)  Parking in ROW at RHS-- Review Concept Plan.(Voigt/ Engineering/ Police)

10) Union Street-- "Wrong Way" Vehicles/ Improvements to Markings/ Signage, etc.; NJ Transit Practices. (Police/ Engineering)

11) Parking Ordinance Audit-- Council Consideration? (Voigt)

12) Pershing Avenue--Sidewalks? Pavement Markings/ Signage. ( Engineering)

13) CSAC Agendas/ Meeting Minutes-- Village Website. ( Di Marco)

14) Long-Term Programs/ Policy Discussions (On-Going)

  1. a) West Glen Avenue Sidewalks--Status of Work-Oak Street-Heights Road Repair/Replace in 2019?(Engineering)
  2. b) CSAC Input To Village Master Plan-- Visioning Meeting- November 5th; Village E -news(DiMarco)
  3. c) Pedestrian Safety Awareness Program--Tie-in With Visioning; Ideas? (Shinozuka)


1)  Other


  • Hits: 1533

CSAC Metting Agenda 20180118



1)  West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- 2018 Capital Budget Process? Schedule? (Engineering)

2)  Franklin Avenue On-Street Parking/Traffic Calming-- NJDOT Response? ( Engineering)

3)  Crosswalk at Van Emburgh Avenue/Hampshire Road-- Updates? ADA-Compliant Ramps in 2018.(Engineering)

4)  Pedestrian/Bike Safety SRTS Grants-- Status of "in-fill" sidewalks list? Bergen County Meeting of 12/20/17-Response/Feedback? (Engineering)

5)  CBDAC-- Valet Parking Program Report. Usage? Costs?(Shinozuka)

6)  CSAC By-Laws-- Final Draft for CSAC Comments. (Sacks/Walsh)

7)  Proposed Parking At RR Station/ Pedestrian Walkway-- Status of Revised Plan Reflecting SHPO Comments. (Engineering)

8)  Senior Walkability Workshop Report/ Sidewalk Condition Audit-- Presentation to Village Council on 1/12/18; Municipal Program to Evaluate/Implement Reports; PSE&G Illumination Upgrades? (Walsh/Engineering/Brogan)

9)  MUTCD and Traffic Control Devices-- Village Initiative and On-Going Program to Meet Current Standards; Reporting of Maintenance Needs to Village Engineer.

10) CSAC Members/ Liaisons-2018-- Village Council Appointments; Officers. (Walsh)

11) Complete Streets Policy-- Public Information Initiative by Municipality? (Walsh)

12) Long-Term Programs/Policy Discussions.(On-Going)


1)  Other

  • Hits: 1539

CSAC Meeting Minutes 20181018


CSAC Members/Liaisons: Anastasia Bamberg, Sheila Brogan, Sgt. Jay Chuck, Melinda Cronk, Charles S. Di Marco, Robert Fuhrman, Barbara Sacks, Martin Walker, Councilman Jeffrey Voigt

Others:  Lauren Jester, Hans-Jurgen Lehmann, Jane Remis, Celine Spino



1)  Franklin Avenue On-Street Parking/ Traffic Calming-- No update to report.

Councilman Voigt reported the Village Council's plan to pass a Resolution on October 24th supporting the request to Bergen County for modernization of traffic control signals along the Franklin Avenue- North Maple Avenue Corridor between North Broad Street and East Ridgewood Avenue. He asked interested groups ( including Age-Friendly Ridgewood, Ridgewood Board of Education, etc) to submit expressions of support to the County Executive, Freeholders and County Engineer. CSAC endorsed the Resolution by consensus and authorized Mr. Di Marco to sign a letter of support on the Committee's behalf. Mr. Di Marco asked Councilman Voigt to draft a letter of support on Village letterhead addressed to the appropriate County officials for signature.

2)  Crosswalk at Van Emburgh Avenue/Hampshire Road-- No update to report.

3)  Pedestrian/Bike Safety SRTS Grants-- No update to report.

4)  CBDAC-- Mr. Di Marco relayed Ms. Shinozuka's comments regarding the CBDAC activities including ongoing discussions to enhance visibility and lighting at CBD crosswalks and concerns regarding placement of outdoor Christmas decorations to safeguard line-of-sight for both pedestrians and drivers.

5)  CSAC By-Laws-- Draft By-Laws were approved with an edit to have the annual re-organization in January. Councilman Voigt will complete the edit and submit to the Village Council for adoption.

6)  Kenilworth Road/ Spring Avenue--Councilman Voigt will ask Mr. Rutishauser for status of STOP logo installation along Kenilworth Road approaches. Tree branches obscuring the STOP signs have been trimmed.

7) North Hillside Place-- Subsequent to the installation of double yellow centerline markings on curves, Sgt. Chuck reported stepped-up speed enforcement consisting  of 14 assigned posts by officers which resulted in the issuance of one speeding citation.

8)  Sherman Place--Sgt. Chuck stated the proposal for modifying parking regulations along Sherman Place was still being reviewed. The alternate-side proposal could be problematic. A plan for "tick marks ' to delineate the boundaries of parking at driveways could be worthwhile and should be evaluated by Engineering and Police.

9)  Long-Term Programs/ Policy Discussions (On-Going)

  1. a) West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- No update to report. Councilman Voigt said a 2019 Capital Budget item will be proposed.
  2. b) CSAC Input to  Village Master Plan-- Consultant work continuing.
  3. c)  Pedestrian Safety Awareness Program-- Mr. Di Marco relayed Ms. Shinozuka's comments including discussions with Ms. Remis to develop pedestrian and vehicle safety initiatives. Mr. Di Marco reported Ms. Jeanne Johnson's readiness to assist Ms. Shinozuka. 


1)  Grove Street-- Resident Ms. Sarah Kirby unable to attend. Item carried to next meeting.

2)  Parking in ROW at RHS--  Councilman Voigt will request Village Manager to provide a concept plan for CSAC review. CSAC consensus concluded the proposal could have serious impacts on safety which should be evaluated prior to any action by Council. Ms. Brogan stated the proposal was not initiated by the Board of Education.

3)  Ms. Spino discussed safety concerns for pedestrians and school children heading to and from Travell School along Pershing Avenue which lacks sidewalks. She reported common occurrences of drivers "cutting" the curves near Wyndemere Avenue. It was suggested that Engineering consider improved pavement markings (including a centerline and/or channelization) and signage at the intersection. CSAC affirmed support for sidewalks on Village streets.

4)  Ms. Jester discussed safety concerns near Willard School including pedestrian/ vehicle conflicts near the St. Elizabeth's access, drivers improperly using California Street and NJ Transit bus scheduling in the afternoon dismissal period. A discussion including Ms. Brogan, Sgt. Chuck, Ms. Cronk and Ms. Remis reviewed the history and prior successful efforts by CSAC, Police, Engineering, HSA and Board of Education to improve safety conditions at the school. These efforts included changing the student access to the building, better order and coordination of pickups/ drop-offs along California Street, better use of the crossing guard and NJ Transit bus scheduling to avoid undesirable conditions at GWMS and Willard School.

5)  Mr. Lehmann reported a safety concern along Union Street involving drivers travelling in the wrong direction of the one-way street. It was suggested that Engineering consider additional pavement marking arrows, "WRONG WAY" and "ONE WAY" signs and improved channelization at the intersection with Dayton Street.

Mr. Lehmann reported the practice of some NJ Transit drivers at the bus terminal to park in and block the nearby crosswalks. Sgt. Chuck said the Police will monitor the situation and he suggested contacting  NJ Transit which has an enforcement group able to address the problem.  

6)  Mr. Walker suggested the Village undertake an audit of  parking restrictions which have evolved over many years to determine the continued need, appropriateness, possible changes in time limits, extent and other modifications to simplify and improve the effectiveness of the regulations. CSAC consensus agreed to the idea as a means to enhance safety, offer additional curb parking and bring parking regulations  better in line with the Village's current needs.

7)  Other-- Ms. Brogan commented on the significant progress noted by Age-Friendly Ridgewood on the recommendations contained in the Sidewalk Condition Audit particularly regarding damaged sidewalks and curbs, tripping hazards and obstructed walkways. She wished to thank the efforts of Village staff and the business community and especially Village Engineer, Mr. Rutishauser.

8)  Councilman Voigt will contact the Village Manager  to arrange publication on the Village website of CSAC Agendas and Meeting Minutes. Mr. Di Marco said the last three years of Agendas and Meeting Minutes are available. ( NOTE: On October 24th, all 2018 Agendas and Meeting Minutes were sent to the website administrator who reported posting these items on October 25th. The website administrator will be included in the distribution of these reports in the future).

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall.

  • Hits: 1585

CSAC Meeting Agenda 20180118

AGENDA--CSAC Meeting--January 18, 2018



1)  West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- 2018 Capital Budget Process? Schedule? (Engineering)

2)  Franklin Avenue On-Street Parking/Traffic Calming-- NJDOT Response? ( Engineering)

3)  Crosswalk at Van Emburgh Avenue/Hampshire Road-- Updates? ADA-Compliant Ramps in 2018.(Engineering)

4)  Pedestrian/Bike Safety SRTS Grants-- Status of "in-fill" sidewalks list? Bergen County Meeting of 12/20/17-Response/Feedback? (Engineering)

5)  CBDAC-- Valet Parking Program Report. Usage? Costs?(Shinozuka)

6)  CSAC By-Laws-- Final Draft for CSAC Comments. (Sacks/Walsh)

7)  Proposed Parking At RR Station/ Pedestrian Walkway-- Status of Revised Plan Reflecting SHPO Comments. (Engineering)

8)  Senior Walkability Workshop Report/ Sidewalk Condition Audit-- Presentation to Village Council on 1/12/18; Municipal Program to Evaluate/Implement Reports; PSE&G Illumination Upgrades? (Walsh/Engineering/Brogan)

9)  MUTCD and Traffic Control Devices-- Village Initiative and On-Going Program to Meet Current Standards; Reporting of Maintenance Needs to Village Engineer.

10) CSAC Members/ Liaisons-2018-- Village Council Appointments; Officers. (Walsh)

11) Complete Streets Policy-- Public Information Initiative by Municipality? (Walsh)

12) Long-Term Programs/Policy Discussions.(On-Going)


1)  Other

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