CSAC Meeting Minutes 20190516
CSAC Members/Liaisons: Sheila Brogan, Charles S. Di Marco, Joyce Docktor, Christopher J. Rutishauser, PE, Jane Shinozuka, Councilman Jeffrey Voigt
Others: Sarah Cahill, Rolf Edelman, Kristen Kuiken, Lauren Kopiec, Robert Mosher, Jane Remis, Matthew Schirripa, Kathleen Shouldis
1) Franklin Avenue On-Street Parking./ Traffic Calming-- Councilman Voigt reported Mayor Hache and Deputy Mayor Knudsen as designated Village liaisons, met with Bergen County to discuss the preliminary concept plans for the Franklin Avenue Corridor and express the Council's support for advancing the project expeditiously. Mr. Voigt urged residents and CSAC members to show support for the project through contact with the Freeholders by way of letters, phone calls, e-mail and similar means.
2) Crosswalk at Van Emburgh Avenue/ Hampshire Road-- ADA-compliant ramp work scheduled for 2019.
3) Pedestrian/ Bike SRTS Grants--No response yet to NJDOT Comments by Village due to other priorities.
4) CBDAC-- Ms. Shinozuka reported construction on the Hudson Street Garage is scheduled to begin pin August.
5) Kenilworth Road/ Spring Avenue -- STOP logo to be installed soon weather permitting.
6) North Walnut Street-- Mr. Rutishauser said curb parking could be maintained with the installation of the Village-recommended double yellow centerline and would serve as another traffic calming measure. Several traffic calming options offered by residents at previous meetings were discussed. Mr. Voigt agreed to look into prior research on the appropriateness and effectiveness of potential safety measures. Engineering will provide a list of options to be considered.
7) Union Street-- New and restored thermoplastic markings are to be installed this year. Signal Division is examining added regulatory and guidance signage.
8) Pedestrian Safety Awareness Program-- SSATF congratulated on the efforts regarding the STOP/WAVE/LOOK project. Drop Off/ Pick Up Map for GWMS will be undertaken next by SSATF.
9) Starbucks Driveway-- Village Manager Mailander, Village Engineer Rutishauser and Police Sgt. Chuck met with Starbucks /Owner to discuss implementing new traffic management plan.
10) Irving Street/ East Ridgewood Avenue-- No response to Village's request for PED X-ing signs from Bergen County.
11) Long-Term Programs/ Policy Discussions(On-Going)
- a) West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-New sidewalks complete Oak Street/ Hillcrest Road. Mr. Rutishauser noted latest Capital Budget includes $50,000 item to help initiate concept study for Hillcrest Road/ North Monroe Street where some fill-in sidewalk construction may also proceed in areas without conflict issues.
1) Ms. Shouldis expressed her concern regarding the need for sidewalks along various streets including: Jackson Terrace and North Monroe Street between Smith Place and Morningside Road.
2) Mr. Di Marco asked Engineering to consider recommending an offset centerline (one 11-foot wide westbound lane and one 19-foot wide eastbound lane) along Overbrook Road when the street is resurfaced to reflect the recently-implemented "NO PARKING" regulations along the north curb.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, June 20, 2019 at 7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall.
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