20201217 - CSAC Meeting Minutes

  • ATTENDEES: (by ZOOM Meeting)

    CSAC Members/ Liaisons: Anastasia Bamberg, Sgt. Jay Chuck, Charles S. DiMarco, Robert Fuhrman, Jane Remis, Christopher J. Rutishauser, PE, Barbara Sacks

    Others: None


    1)  Franklin Avenue Corridor-- Bergen County has acknowledged receipt of the preliminary plans. Bergen County has offered the possibility of incorporating decorative signal poles and appurtenances similar to other Ridgewood CBD lighting standards. However, any damaged hardware would be replaced in the future by standard, aluminum fixtures as the County does not maintain an inventory of special poles. The Village can determine its design preferences at a later time. No progress to report on the required Municipal Agreements.

    2)  Pedestrian/ Bike SRTS Grants- NV5 continues work. Village staff is preparing documents in accordance with NJDOT/ Federal DOT requirements for grant reimbursement payments.

    3)  CBDAC-- Ms. Bamberg reported efforts to maintain CBD vibrancy during the winter. Bike parking locations are being evaluated although current curbside and sidewalk dedications for outdoor dining are restricting progress at this time.

    4)  North Walnut Street-- The consensus concluded no need for further study or evaluation beyond the findings reported by the Police Department at the October 15, 2020 meeting.

    5)  SSATF-- In view of the continuing atypical school schedules, there are no plans for programs or activities at this time.

    6)  West Glen Avenue Sidewalks-- No progress to report. Staff is committed to higher priority projects.

    7)  West Glen Avenue/North Monroe Street--No progress to report. Staff committed to higher priority projects.

    8)  Safety Enforcement and Policy re: School/Recreational Facilities/Residential Areas-- Ms. Sacks reported no further contacts with the Police administration. She noted some reduction in early arrivals and long-term parking and a more rapid turnover of vehicles which has resulted in improvement to the safety issues associated with narrow passage lanes, congestion and pedestrian crossings. The situation will continue to be monitored and any needed future recommendations will be handled with the appropriate school/ Village contacts. Sgt. Chuck reported the emergency enforcement policy in residential areas will be continued into 2021.

    9)  West Glen Avenue/ Hillcrest Road-- Mr. Rutishauser reported the County's willingness to allow pedestrian-actuated warning signs at the Village's expense. He will research warrants and design criteria.


    1)  The CSAC meeting schedule for 2021 is the third Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM in the Garden Room at Village Hall. (NOTE: ZOOM meetings may be announced when in-person meetings are not available.) The 2021 dates are: January 21; February 18; March 18; April 15; May 20; June 17; July 15; August 19; September 16; October 21; November 18; December 16.

    2)  The STOP logo along the northbound Kenilworth Road approach to Spring Avenue was re-installed . Sgt. Chuck noted the intersection has not had a reported crash in over 20 months since the added markings were installed . The intersection of Bellair Road and Ackerman Avenue has recently been furnished with STOP logos to supplement the existing STOP signs. The CSAC asked for a report on the effectiveness of this low-cost enhancement in a year.

    3)  Mr. Di Marco thanked Ms. Bamberg her arranging the first CSAC Zoom meeting. He noted the agenda for the meeting was not posted to the Village website thereby limiting the public notice and potential participation. He will work to have the CSAC meeting schedule, agenda and minutes posted in a timely manner in the future.

  • Hits: 652



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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