20200903 - Green Ridgewood-Green Team Virtual Meeting Minutes
Green Ridgewood-Green Team Virtual Meeting Minutes 20200903
Green Ridgewood: Bob Upton, Ellie Gruber, Christine Amundsen, Yvone Nava, Pam Perron (Village Council Liaison).
Green Team: Justin Manger, Ellie Gruber, Bob Upton, Chris Rutishauser (Village Staff Rep), Michael Sedon (Village Council Liaison).
Guests: Paul Auerbach and Diana Garta of the Geo Group.
Additional: Miles Luo (RHS), Dianne Kidwell, Alice Diamond.
1. Welcome/Introductions:
Once again, thanks to Dylan Hansen for hosting our meeting via Zoom. We welcomed guests from Geo Group and acknowledged apologies from Saurabh who had a School Board meeting.
2. Approve July meeting minutes:
Justin & Christine proposed and seconded approval of the July minutes, which were approved unanimously.
3. Membership/Recruitment:
Serena has relocated to NYC and has therefore resigned from the Green Team although she offered to assist us in the future if needed. We appreciate her past contributions to the committees.
Rob has taken a temporary leave of absence from Ridgewood Water but wishes to continue in his position on Green Ridgewood and working on the ERI which we welcome provided, of course, Village management has no objection.
The Village has updated the Volunteer form with a required submission date in September and Justin has set up a link on our web site. No response yet to our request to clarify current membership of our committees.
4. Future events/Geothermal presentation
We have discussed making a presentation about geothermal/energy options, benefits and incentives and the representatives from Geo Group offered to host a Zoom type event and will provide an outline and promotional flyer. Target date Sept 24th.
5. Chris Rutishauser
Chris invited questions from the committees on issues of interest.
Concerning stormwater management he confirmed that, in spite of the Village’s aging infrastructure the system operates safely and is in compliance. We benefit from having separate stormwater runoff and sewage systems. He confirmed that tours of the Village’s waste water treatment plant can be arranged.
We discussed the desirability of having an Environmental Resource Inventory (ERI) for the Village and Chris advised working with the Master Plan team to encourage focus on environmental issues.
Concerning the use of Electric Vehicles (EVs) by the Village, Chris said they had been tried some time back, both EV and hybrid types but they did not satisfy the operational requirements.
Regarding placing power supply lines underground to improve resiliency, apart from cost considerations, Chris said it is viable only if lines are buried all the way back to the source.
The Planning Board met on Sept 1st but the application by Hopper Ridge Condo Assoc was postponed to the Oct 6th meeting.
6. Communications, Social Media, Website, etc:
There is concern that the name change of the Renewable Ridgewood group to Sustainable Ridgewood will cause some confusion. Bob spoke with Joanna about each including clarifying statements in our publicity and will follow up.
7. Sustainable Jersey
Silver Recertification: Members to continue working on assigned Actions.
Green Business Program: 12 businesses are to be recognized at a future Council meeting.
Wildlife Action Plan: Mike will clarify if this Action has been discussed with the Council.
Bergen Hub: There was a Zoom Hub meeting Aug 24th but we were not represented. Check Basecamp for recording/minutes. The Creative Bergen sub-committee continues to organize and will reach out to local artists. SJ will conduct a hub Leaders Zoom Meeting on Sept 9th.
Justin reported that Glen Rock will present a Drive Electric webinar in late September.
YMCA Teen Voices: Ridgewood YMCA was receptive to our suggested cooperation regarding their new Teen Voices program about social injustice, and perhaps relating it to SJ’s Environmental Justice Action. Bob will follow up.
8. RGEA (Renewable Government Energy Aggregates) sub-committee:
Pam & Christine recapped the basics of this program and suggested proposing moving forward to the Village Council. They will preview their proposal at our next meeting.
9. Sustainable Families/Households Proposal: Discussion postponed.
10. ERI (Environmental Resource Inventory): No update.
11 Leaf blowers sub-committee: Update postponed.
12. Next Joint Meeting will be Thursday October 1st at 7:00 PM, details to be advised.
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