20211202 - Green Ridgewood/Green Team Virtual Meeting Minutes

Green Ridgewood-Green Team Meeting Minutes 20211202

Held on Zoom


Green Ridgewood: Bob Upton, George Wolfson, Christine Amundsen, Beth Creller, Jill Fasano (Village Staff Rep), Pam Perron (Village Council Liaison).

Green Team: Justin Manger, George Wolfson, Bob Upton, Anthea Zito, Mike Faherty, Mike Sedon (Village Council Liaison).

Guest Speaker: Barbara Heskins Davis, VP Programs, Land Conservancy of NJ.

Guests: Miles Luo (RHS), Carolyn Jacoby (STC), Mahmoud Hamza (STC), David Refkin, Adam Peterseil, Krisha Anant, Sofia Morino.

1. Welcome/Introductions/Apologies

Apologies for absence had been received from Ellie and Yvone.

We were pleased to welcome all our guests and thank Krisha and Sofia for submitting applications for Student Liaison positions on the Green Team.

2. Approve November Meeting Minutes

The November draft minutes had been distributed to members by e-mail on November 19th and with edits November 30th. Pam motioned to approve the November minutes, seconded by George and passed unanimously.

3. Ridgewood ERI

Barbara Heskins Davis made a presentation about the project in which the Land Conservancy of NJ has been engaged by the Village to create an Environmental Resource Inventory for the Village. This project is in addition to their writing the Open Space section for the Village Master plan. It was noted that having an ERI (aka NRI) completes an Action in the Sustainable Jersey program contributing 20 points.

Barbara presented and reviewed a series of 17 maps from various resources which will be used to contribute information for the ERI. In response to questions we learned that future modelling is not included in the project scope and Mike F will provide information about Diamond Brook which did not appear on the maps. Jill, if approved, will share Ridgewood Water mapping info with Barbara’s team and Carolyn requested tree canopy maps for the inventory.

It is projected that a draft version of the ERI will be available around March 2022.

4. Membership/Recruitment/Leadership

As noted above, Krisha and Sofia have submitted applications for the Green Team.

5. Communications:

Nothing to report.

6. EAGER (Encouraging Alternative Green Energy for Ridgewood)

Pam reported that the RGEA sub-committee has continued to publicize and solicit support for this program through the Ridgewood Farmers Market events and the library and League of Women Voters. Now that all Village Council positions are again filled she will resubmit the proposal to the Council.

7. BPU Community Energy Planning Grant

Pam has learned that a $10,000 grant is available for transitioning to EV’s and has shared details with Village management suggesting they draft a plan. There is 18 months to do so allowing time to incorporate requirements into the 2022 budget, EVs and EAGER for example.

8. Ridgewood Adopt-A-Drain

Pam & Justin met with Village management to share objectives and safety concerns around this proposed project and, with George, will continue to explore ways to adapt it using e-mail reporting for example.

9. Green Team/Sustainable Jersey

Silver Recertification: No discussion, to be addressed after the holidays.

10. Sustainable Bergen Hub

(a) Ridgefield Park hosted a hybrid Hub meeting in on November 22nd mostly focused on the Arts Actions within the Sustainable Jersey program. Next meeting scheduled for January 25th hosted by Glen Rock.

(b) Styrofoam sub-committee is working on a detailed proposal for the County as requested by Tracy Zur

(c) Single Use Plastics sub-committee met via Zoom on November 9th. Oakland’s business focused plastic ban education efforts were reviewed. Proposed to combine this and Styrofoam committees and meet January 11th.

(d) Creative Bergen: Continuing to plan the Arts Amble as an annual event.

9. Earth Day Fair

The Earth Day organizing committee’s next meeting will be December 7th after which we will need to develop plans for our contribution to the event. George reiterated the need to go beyond education and to promote action for the environment incorporating: 1,000 acres, EV infrastructure, Adopt-a-Drain, flood control, trees, schools, water issues, food waste, carbon footprint, emergency services, etc. Again it was noted there is a need for someone to lead an effort to “green” the event consistent with the Green Your Green Fair SJ Action.

15. Planning Board/Master Plan/ERI

No issues of environmental concern have been raised at recent Planning Board meetings.

David Refkin reported on a conversation he had with John Baree of Heyer, Gruel & Associates expressing his concerns that resiliency will be addressed. Some issues like climate change, DEP hazard mitigation, flooding issues, etc. require action at the state or county level. He questioned whether health & safety impacts from climate change and natural disasters might be incorporated into the Master Plan. He was invited to summarize his concerns for the committee for review and possible adoption at our January meeting, ahead of the Planning Board Master Plan Sub-committee’s next public update, scheduled for January 18th.

16. Sustainable Yard Maintenance (“Project 1,000 Acres”)

With apology due to the short time remaining Mike F could only briefly inform us this sub-committee continues to work on this project.

17. EPS/Styrofoam Collection

We have confirmed with the Recycling Dept that the next collection will be held on Jan 8th with 22nd as rain/snow date. Bob and Yvone will coordinate planning with Ridgewood Recycling. Committee members are reminded to save the date to help out if possible.

18. Next Joint Meeting will be Thursday January 6th 2022 at 7:00 pm, via Zoom.

Minutes submitted by: Bob Upton, December 11th, 2021.


  • Hits: 410



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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