20221208 - Green Ridgewood Meeting Minutes


Dec 8, 2022, 7:30 – 9:00 pm

Village Hall, Senior Lounge, 1st floor


Green Ridgewood attendees: Christine Amundsen, Beth Gould Creller (Vice- Chair), Nurhan Ezik, Tessa Florida (Student Liaison), Caitlin O’Leary, Pam Perron (Village Council Liaison), David Refkin (Chair), Yvone Nava, Jill Fasano


Green Team attendees: Adam Peterseil, Daniel Rozentsvayg, Roman San Doval, Derek White, Anthea Zito


Guests: Sofia Florida, George Wolfson, Carolyn Jacoby, Miles Luo




  1. Welcomed new members + Introductions Voted to approve Nov. 10, 2022 minutes
  2. Leadership

David Refkin explained that we are seeking new members for Green Ridgewood and the Green Team. Deadline for applications is tomorrow. The village will vote to approve our increase in size.


School Reports: New trees are being planted at various schools.


Discussion with Carolyn Jacoby (Shade Tree Commission) about the importance of planting non-invasive species.

Miles Luo explained that the Green Team at RHS has a new IT person and she is excellent at working the SJFS website. He will try to get her to come to one of our meetings.

Tree planting grant project had been put in hiatus, looking to reignite spring 2023.


Sustainable Jersey

Pam explained the results (bronze certification) of the most recent meeting and encouraged people to get more involved. George Wolfson mentioned that it would be good to find a way to link the village with the schools so that it would be evident to both entities of the efforts undertaken…and to seek mutual cooperation.


Beth Creller explained that she has been having coffee meetings with parents who are involved in SJFS actions. She will resume these


meetings in January. Meetings will be held the third Friday of the month at 11am (Bulldog Café).


Earth Day and Daffodil Festival: Green Ridgewood will have its own theme (One suggestion: Acting on our plan for future generations), consistent with the whole Master Plan. The date is April 23 from 11am – 2 pm.


The steering committee meeting on Nov. 29th with Nancy Bigos, Rich Calbi and Cynthia Halaby also included George Wolfson, Pam Perron and David Refkin. All kinds of strategies are needed for fundraising. This will begin in earnest in January. Last year was very successful. There is no budget or financial support from the Village.


There is an Earth Day steering committee meeting on 01/10 that will address the issues.


  1. Leaf Blower Ordinance -

Subcommittee met and discussed why aren’t we talking about lawn mowers also? Planning to send a letter to local landscapers and ask for their comments. Pam Perron has asked Heather Mailander, the Village Manager, to view the letter before sending it.


Subcommittee needs to contact the towns who have implemented the ordinance; they find that most people observe it. Most towns report good cooperation. Ellie Gruber has worked for a long time to promote a noise ordinance – Princeton has one.


Pam suggested that we use money in our treasury to purchase an industrial strength electric leaf blower for the Parks Dept, as an incentive.


Discussion focused on the fact that they are waiting for more powerful batteries; however, we should try to get the transition going.


Carolyn Jacoby is very concerned about the extensive use of chemicals on the lawns and fields of the Village. Why aren’t we proposing ideas to leadership about this issue?


NEW EPA Grant available – Nurhan Ezik volunteered to work on this application. It is for a period of three years. We are going to work on getting a recycling truck. A grant writer will be assigned to us.

Application is due in mid-January 2023.


Old Business/New Business: Tree planting in town is done! Everything has been mulched and they will be watered accordingly. In the Spring the watering gator bags will be put on. In the business district, it has to be determined who is responsible for care of the trees. Two yrs. of care necessary to ensure that the trees survive. Total was 88 trees in the business district. And 192 in residential areas.


Field Trips:

Village engineer extended an invitation to the Leaf Composting Facility. David to inquire for a weekend date or a weekday right after the holidays. Ridgewood Water, potentially in January. Jill to look into hours and day options.

Water pollution control facility, tentatively for Spring as it is outdoors.


Master Plan sub committees:


The 5 subcommittees are:

  • Communication (leader TBD)
  • Earth Day
  • Recycling (name and leader TBD)
  • Green Building & Sustainability -Beth will be leading this subcommittee
  • Resilience, Flooding and Stormwater - David will be leading this subcommittee


Several people have volunteered for all of the five subcommittees.


David sent in an application to be on the Planning Board. Someone from Green Ridgewood should have a seat on the Planning Board.


George Wolfson suggested that we create a chair and make sure that someone from Green Ridgewood attends the meeting.



Pam met with Dawn Cetrullo , Head of our Health Dept, and an entomologist from the county came as well as other technical experts (TYCo). Ridgewood has lots of deer but not lots of ticks.


Minutes respectfully submitted by Christine Amundsen & Yvone Nava

  • Hits: 265



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:30AM - 4:30PM



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