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 Ridgewood Planning Board

Regular Public Meeting

September 7, 2021

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of September 7, 2021. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Mr. Joel called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Mayor Knudsen, Chief Van Goor, Councilwoman Reynolds, Richard Joel, Melanie Hooban, Frances Barto, Darlene Johnson and Igor Lyubarskiy. Also present were Lina Corriston, Esq., Board Attorney; Chris Rutishauser, Village Engineer; Maryann Bucci-Carter, Village Planner and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Dianne O’Brien, Debbie Patire and Sergio Alegre were absent.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – No one came forward.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – Mayor Knudsen reported that Heyer, Gruel & Associates would make a presentation regarding phase 2 of the master plan process, pre-registration was recommended and a website has been set up, www.Ridgewoodvillagemp.org, where one can register for updates and for the September 21 Planning Board meeting.


Historic Preservation Commission reviews:

  • 4EverYoung, 20 Wilsey Square, Block 3807, Lot 5 – Revised signage -  Nick Tsapatsaris was present to describe the proposed revised signage. Mr. Tsapatsaris described the colors, the dimensions and the materials. The Board members recommended approval of the signage as revised.


Mr. Joel announced that the Tasko Enterprises, LLC, 315 E. Glen Avenue, application was carried to October 5, 2021 without further notice.


Maureen McTigue, 142 Kenilworth Road, Block 4202, Lot 15 – Application for Minor Subdivision approval to relocate the lot line between Lot 15 and Lot 18 in Block 4202, and any related variances. David Rutherford, Esq., entered his appearance on behalf of the applicant and made opening remarks, stating that no new lots were being proposed, but that the lot line is proposed to be relocated so the existing swimming pool becomes part of Lot 18.


Thomas G. Stearns was sworn and his credentials as a licensed engineer accepted. Mr. Stearns testified regarding Exhibit A-1, minor subdivision plan, dated 4/7/21. Mr. Stearns testified as to the existing lot lines, and lot areas and the proposed lot lines and lot areas. Mr. Stearns stated that the line at the rear of proposed Lot 15.01 was decided by an existing retaining wall and that the opening in the wall will be closed. The only change on the site will be the relocation of the pool equipment. Mr. Stearns testified that the variance being requested is for the proposed coverage by above grade structures on Lot 15.01 which will be 20.9%, where 20% is the maximum permitted. Exhibit A-2, copy of page 42 of the tax map, shows that many of the adjacent lots are similar to the proposed Lot 15.01.


Board members asked about the existing wall and if it was required to be set back from the property line. Ms. Bucci-Carter said the wall was in compliance with Village Code. Board members were concerned that a future owner of new Lot 15.01 may claim lot size as a hardship if they propose an addition. Mr. Rutherford said that this application would be part of the record of any future application.


Christopher Rutishauser, Village Engineer, was sworn. Mr. Rutishauser asked about storm water management and the inlets on the property. Mr. Stearns said they drain out to Spring Avenue. Mr. Rutishauser asked that a condition of approval be that the inlets are maintained.


Maryann Bucci-Carter, Village Planner, was sworn and went over her report stating that the request is consistent with the Master Plan.


There were no question or comments from the public and the hearing was closed.


Following Board deliberation, Mayor Knudsen made a motion to approve, Ms. Hooban seconded, and the application was approved.


Discussion re proposed Ordinance to amend Chapter 190 of the Village Code to modify allowed fence heights for residential uses - Discussion was carried to a later meeting.


Adoption of Minutes:   The minutes from August 17, 2021 were adopted.


The Board voted to go into closed session.


The Board returned to the public meeting at 9:16 p.m. and the meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Jane Wondergem

                                                                        Board Secretary


Date Approved:           October 5, 2021

  • Hits: 1093

 Ridgewood Planning Board

Regular Public Meeting

September 21, 2021

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of September 21, 2021. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Mr. Joel called the meeting to order at 7:47 p.m.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Mayor Knudsen, Chief Van Goor, Councilwoman Reynolds, Richard Joel, Dianne O’Brien, Debbie Patire, Melanie Hooban, Frances Barto, Darlene Johnson, Igor Lyubarskiy and Sergio Alegre. Also present were Stephen Wellinghorst, Esq., Board Attorney; Chris Rutishauser, Village Engineer; Maryann Bucci-Carter, Village Planner and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board –


Nancy Hill, 136 Doremus Avenue, commented on the Shade Tree Department and how it is not as good as it was years ago, and how trees are taken down and not replaced. Ms. Hill asked who would take responsibility to remedy the situation.


Rurik Halaby, 1 Franklin Avenue, asked if everyone had been vaccinated and if not they should wear a mask. Mr. Halaby also commented on what a Master Plan is and what it is not, he asked that something be done about governance and about the notion that Ridgewood is a Village.


Melinda Pi, 690 Ellington Road, commented on the Village ordinances regarding certain setbacks and that the zoning officer should have discretion on minor variances to help alleviate the Building Department and Zoning Board backlog issues. Ms. Pi also commented that public meetings should have an option for Zoom calls and phoning into meetings so there can be more involvement.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – Chief Van Goor commented on a Site Plan Exemption review for T-Mobile to install a rooftop generator at 60 E. Ridgewood Ave., stating that the applicant will need to go to the Board for minor site plan review.


Mayor Knudsen reported that the Historic Preservation Commission would start meeting in October.


Ms. Barto reported that the Open Space Committee would have their first meeting on September 23.


Maureen McTigue, 142 Kenilworth Road, Block 4202, Lot 15 – Adoption of Memorializing Resolution of Approval for Minor Subdivision approval and related variance relief. The resolution was memorialized as drafted.


Phase 2 Master Plan – Public Meeting – The Master Plan Committee, Mr. Joel, Ms. Hooban, Mayor Knudsen and Ms. O’Brien welcomed the team from Heyer, Gruel and Associates (HGA) and NV5 as well as the residents attending the meeting.


John Barree, from Heyer, Gruel and Assoc., introduced himself and the rest of the team, including McKinley Mertz, also from Heyer, Gruel and Assoc., and Annette Schultz and Rachana Sheth from NV5.


A power point presentation was shown explaining the second phase of the Master Plan process, building on the Vision Plan process, drafting the different elements, the time table and the process from drafting the elements through public hearing and adoption.  The website was explained and the team explained to the public where and how they can leave comments and questions.


Board members asked about the flood plain, underground springs and flood-prone areas in Ridgewood. Mr. Barree said the need to research that and look at FEMA maps and see if they can see if there is a way to correct some of those issues. Board members commented on the sustainability issue and would like that to be geared towards residents and businesses. Board members asked how a town that is built out like Ridgewood can provide bike trails and routes. Ms. Schultz said they look at policy and infrastructure ideas and create bike lanes. Board members commented on the downtown economic element and brick and mortar stores competing with online shopping. Mr. Rutishauser commented that the Storm water element was just recently updated.


Public questions and comments:


Nancy Hill, 126 Doremus Avenue, commented on having a community garden in Ridgewood.


Yu Sun, 420 Racetrack Road, said he is an Open Space Committee member and mentioned the Open Space page which is on the Village website and commented on the Open Space element of the Master Plan and said there is an urgent need to have more open space facilities in town as people are spending more time in town.


Bob Upton, 172 W. Glen Avenue, commented on the Land Conservancy and the Environmental Resource Inventory and asked how that would be incorporated into the sustainability elements and how it might be used. The HGA team responded that those are good inventories and resources in the sustainability elements and developmental impacts.


Cynthia Halaby, 1 Franklin Avenue, asked about aging in place and hoped that issue and assisted living options would be looked at and mentioned that it was difficult to read the writing on the screens in the court room. HGA said that options for aging in place is an issue that is being looked at as it is an issue everywhere.


Another resident asked if accessory apartments were something that might be considered as an option that would help older residents be able to stay in their homes.


Justin Manger, 90 Cliff Street, commented on permeable surfaces and E-V charging parks.


Pamela Perron, 123 Kenilworth Road, asked if water contamination would be addressed. HGA said sites could be identified, but it is not normally a Master Plan project.


Melinda Pi, 690 Ellington Road, commented that recycling containers should be placed next to the garbage cans. Ms. Pi also spoke about the ordinance which limits the building within the first 140 feet of the front lot line.


John Saraceno, 17 Coventry Court, who also owns commercial property, spoke of the numerous zone districts downtown and the restrictive code as far as the permitted uses and how the process of approving a variety uses easier needs to be considered as the small business owners who operated in Ridgewood don’t have the time or money to go through the process of zoning.


Paul Vagianos commented on the restrictive language in the Village Code.


Rurik Halaby, 1 Franklin Avenue, commented on the conditions on Franklin Avenue for pedestrians. Mr. Halaby spoke of the improvement of the high density apartments over the car dealerships that were there and how the Village needs to work with change and fight change. HGA said recommendations that can be implemented are the next step and the governing body are the ones that can sign them into laws.


Carolyn Jacoby, 160 Godwin Avenue, commented on technological changes and said that she is looking forward to working together with the committee as a member of the Shade Tree Commission.


Sheila Brogan, 302 Kensington Drive, Co-Chair of Age-Friendly Ridgewood, commented that housing, affordability, access and equity are issues for many communities and she is looking forward to hearing the options that are out there.


There was Board discussion regarding the Storm Water update and they will look into it with HGA.


Mayor Knudsen said the Master Plan website would be updated and residents should register on the website to get updates.


The next meeting Master Plan public meeting and presentation will be on October 19.


The Board voted to go into closed session.


The Board returned to the public meeting at 10:12 p.m. and the meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Jane Wondergem

                                                                        Board Secretary


Date Approved:           October 5, 2021


  • Hits: 557

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of August 17, 2021. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Mr. Joel called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Mayor Knudsen, Councilwoman Reynolds, Richard Joel, Dianne O’Brien, Frances Barto, Darlene Johnson and Igor Lyubarskiy. Also present were Stephen Wellinghorst, Esq., Board Attorney; Chris Rutishauser, Village Engineer; Maryann Bucci-Carter, Village Planner and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Chief Van Goor, Debbie Patire, Melanie Hooban and Sergio Alegre were absent.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – No one came forward.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – Ms. O’Brien reported that the Master Plan Committee met with Heyer, Gruel & Associates and discussed the schedule and the budget. A website has been set up, www.Ridgewoodvillagemp.org, where one can register for updates and for the September 21 Planning Board meeting. Ms. O’Brien is working on the Historic Preservation component of the Master Plan with them. The estimated time frame to be complete is early Spring. Ms. Barto said that the Open Space Committee will also participate.


Historic Preservation Commission reviews:

  • Russo Family LP, 19 N. Broad St., Block 3804 Lot 17 – Proposed New Construction -  Joseph Mecca, Esq., entered his appearance on behalf of Russo Family LP. Mr. Mecca explained that the building on the site was demolished following a fire. Phillip Wells, architect, was sworn. Mr. Wells described the proposed 3-story building, described the materials and how the building would fit into the streetscape. Mr. Wells said they revised the original plans after discussion with Mr. Rutishauser and Ms. Bucci-Carter. Mr. Wells described the proposed signs and lighting, the balconies and the awning.


Board members asked about the entrances and what would be on the first level. Mr. Wells said there were no tenants for the first floor retail space at this time, but they intend for 2 businesses to be located there. Board members asked how many apartments there would be, Mr. Wells said 2 on the 2nd floor and 2 on the 3rd floor. Board members asked about the proposed signage and suggested that when the signs for the future tenants were added it might be too much and look sloppy. There was concern that this building may block the architectural chimney feature on the building to the south. Board members suggested that the building looks asymmetrical and suggested ways to correct that.


Following further discussion, it was suggested that the applicant incorporate some of the modifications discussed to be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Commission.


  • Bagelicious, 41 N. Broad St., Block 3804 Lot 22 – Proposed signage and change paint color. No one was present to describe the proposed sign and the Board reviewed the drawings which were submitted. The Board recommended approval of the proposed sign and of painting the trim red.


Tasko Enterprises, LLC, 315 E. Glen Avenue, Block 3106, Lots 20.01 and 20.02 – Application for Amended Major Subdivision approval, related variances and proposed easement. (Continued from July 6, 2021 without further notice and without prejudice to the Board) – David Rutherford, Esq., was present on behalf of the applicant. Tibor Latincsics, engineer and planner, was also present and previously sworn.


Mr. Rutherford had submitted a letter to Mr. Wellinghorst, dated August 8, 2021. Mr. Latincsics submitted a revised plot plan for lot 20.01, which was marked as Exhibit A-18.


Ms. Barto said she reviewed the analysis submitted by Mr. Rutherford and did not feel that the matter could proceed without a response and guidance from Mr. Wellinghorst. Mr. Wellinghorst stated that he was preparing a response and spoke with Mr. Rutherford. The Board would not be voting on the matter at this meeting, but could listen to the testimony by Mr. Latincsics.


The Board decided to continue with hearing the testimony of Mr. Latincsics, which would be subject to the response from the Board attorney.


Mr. Latincsics testified as to the reconfiguration of the proposed dwelling on lot 20.01. Mr. Latincsics detailed the drainage and landscaping proposed.


Board members asked who would maintain the tree line. Mr. Latincsics said it would be the responsibility of the homeowner. Board members asked who would be responsible for the driveway and Mr. Latincsics said each homeowner would be responsible for their portion, and Mr. Rutherford said a new easement agreement would be entered into. Board members were concerned about the 60-foot setback of the proposed house and how it disrupts the street scape.


Ms. Bucci-Carter asked why the new home could not be situated in the same location as the one being demolished. Mr. Latincsics said the property owner wants it in the proposed location.


Denise Lima, 319 E. Glen Avenue, asked about the easement and if the driveway for lot 20.01 could go out to Glen Avenue. Ms. Lima asked about the wall along the east side, Mr. Latincsics said it was being taken down. Ms. Lima asked about the pool for lot 20.01, Mr. Latincsics said it depended on what the buyer wants. Ms. Lima asked that the stop sign proposed at the end of the driveway be removed as it makes it look like a street.


Brian Dentremont, 411 Northern Parkway, commented on the condition of the property and asked the Board to resolve the matter so the applicant could move forward. The Chairman said the Board is not responsible for maintenance issues. Mr. Rutishauser said he would talk to the property maintenance officer regarding the matter.


The hearing was carried to September 7, 2021, without further notice and without prejudice to the Board.


Discussion re proposed Ordinance to amend Chapter 190 of the Village Code to modify allowed fence heights for residential uses – Ms. Bucci-Carter went over the revision made to the draft ordinance and distributed a drawing to illustrate what fence height would be permitted on various lot configurations. There was Board discussion regarding flag lots, corner lots and the option of using bushes as a barrier on corner lots.


Denise Lima, 319 E. Glen Avenue, discussed different fences and heights and how different residents were creative with what they installed.


This matter will be continued.


Approval of minutes – The minutes from July 20, 2021 were approved after a correction to the spelling of Heyer, Gruel and Associates.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Jane Wondergem

                                                                        Board Secretary


Date Approved:           September 7, 2021

  • Hits: 1135

20210720 - Planning Board Public Meeting Minutes

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of July 20, 2021. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Mr. Joel called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.


Administration of Oath of Office -  Mayor Knudsen administered the Oath of Office to Dianne O’Brien, Class IV Member.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Mayor Knudsen, Chief Van Goor, Councilwoman Reynolds, Richard Joel, Dianne O’Brien, Debbie Patire, Melanie Hooban, Frances Barto and Darlene Johnson. Also present were Stephen Wellinghorst, Esq., Board Attorney; Chris Rutishauser, Village Engineer; Maryann Bucci-Carter, Village Planner and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Igor Lyubarskiy and Sergio Alegre were absent.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – No one came forward.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – Mayor Knudsen announced that the Historic Preservation Commission meetings should begin again in September.


Ms. Barto reported that the Open Space Committee will start meeting again in September and will be working on a new Open Space Plan.


Mayor Knudsen said that the Council adopted a resolution awarding the Master Plan rewrite to Heyer, Gruel & Associates and the Master Plan Committee will meet next week to start scheduling meetings with the various Village Boards and Committees.


Historic Preservation Commission reviews:

  • Weichert Realtors, 15 W. Ridgewood Ave., Block 3801, Lot 4.01 – proposed awning change. Brad O’Connor, from Signs for Today, was present to described the proposed awning change. The new awning would be black with a straight edge. Also proposed is to refresh the paint on the existing sign. The Board recommended approval of the sign as presented.
  • 4EverYoung, 20 Wilsey Square, Block 3807 Lot 5 – proposed signage. Nick Tsapatsaris, owner of the property, was present to describe the proposed signage for the proposed medical/spa facility. Ms. Bucci-Carter explained that there were variances needed for the proposed sign and screens. Board members questioned the use of the proposed monitor and the percentage of space being used on the windows. Board members were concerned that the overall look did not complement the building. The applicant will come back after taking the Board’s comments into consideration.
  • The Salad House, 10 Wilsey Square, Block 3807, Lot 4 - proposed signage. Nick Tsapatsaris, property owner, was present to describe the proposed signage for The Salad House. Mr. Tsapatsaris stated that other than the color, the sign will remain similar to what was existing. The gooseneck lights would be painted as well as the trim. Mr. Tsapatsaris acknowledged that the Zoning Officer said the sign on the door would not be permitted as it is a 2nd sign. Board members commented that the trim around the gooseneck lights should stay burgundy as it is an important architectural detail of the building. Mr. Tsapatsaris said the tenant did not want the burgundy. There was further discussion about the colors and the lights. There was a discussion about the window sign and if it is permitted. Ms. Bucci-Carter will look at the code in regards to window signs. The Board recommends approval of the sign as proposed.


Discussion re: fence ordinance – Ms. Bucci-Carter explained the changes made in the draft ordinance following the previous discussion. The current regulations would remain except that a six-foot fence, with the top 12” remaining 50% open, would be permitted in the rear and side yards. Board members suggested taking out the requirement that the top foot be 50% open. Board members asked how the rear yard was defined and where the six-foot fence would be permitted on a corner lot. The matter will continue at a future meeting.


Discussion re: Redevelopment Study for The Valley Hospital, Block 3301, Lot 51 – Mayor Knudsen explained that in order for the Village to be in compliance with the settlement agreement with Fair Share Housing, the Council authorized the Planning Board to begin a redevelopment study.


Ms. Bucci-Carter explained the Redevelopment Housing Law is different than the Municipal Land Use Law in that it gives local municipalities different powers in that a specific plan to control how a property will be redeveloped to bring it back to be a contributing property in the Village. It can replace the zoning or can be done as an overlay on the current zoning. In order to move forward with the Redevelopment Plan, first the area needs to meet certain criteria to be named in the redevelopment. The Council resolution was the first step where the Council authorized planners to do a study to see if that area meets the criteria necessary to be deemed in need of redevelopment. Ms. Bucci-Carter explained the hearing process. The second step would be adopting the Redevelopment Plan.


Mayor Knudsen said that this was on the agenda so the Board understood this was something the Board is going to be working on and determine how the Board will move forward with it.


Approval of minutes – The minutes from July 6, 2021 were approved.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:28 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Jane Wondergem

                                                                        Board Secretary


Date Approved:          

  • Hits: 1139

The following minutes are a summary of the Planning Board meeting of July 6.2021. Interested parties may request an audio recording of the meeting from the Board Secretary for a fee.


Call to Order & Statement of Compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act: Mayor Knudsen called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.


Reorganization of Planning Board


Administration of Oaths of Office to New Members and/or Reappointments – Mayor Knudsen administered the Oath of Office to Chief James Van Goor, Class II Member; Councilwoman Lorraine Reynolds, Class III Member; Darlene Johnson, Class IV Member, Igor Lyubarskiy, Alt. 1 Class IV Member and Sergio Alegre, Alt. 2 Class IV Member.


Roll Call – The following members were present: Mayor Knudsen, Chief Van Goor, Councilwoman Reynolds, Richard Joel, Melanie Hooban, Darlene Johnson, Igor Lyubarskiy and Sergio Alegre. Also present were Richard LeBlancq, Esq., substituting for Stephen Wellinghorst, Board Attorney; Chris Rutishauser, Village Engineer; Maryann Bucci-Carter, Village Planner and Jane Wondergem, Board Secretary. Dianne O’Brien, Debbie Patire and Frances Barto were absent.


Election of Officers


Chairman – Richard Joel was nominated and elected as Chairman.


Vice Chairman – Dianne O’Brien was nominated and elected as Vice Chairman.


Board Attorney – Appointment and Resolution of Stephen Wellinghorst, Esq., for the year July 6, 2021 through June 30, 2022 was adopted.


Alternate Counsel Appointment and resolution of Glenn Kienz of Weiner Law Group, LLP as Alternate Counsel for the year July 6, 2021 through June 30, 2022 was adopted.


Planner – Appointment and resolution of Maryann Bucci-Carter and Peter Van Den Kooy of CME Associates, Consulting and Municipal Engineers as Planners for the Planning Board for the year July 6, 2021 - June 30, 2022 was adopted.


Conflict Planner – Appointment and resolution of Elizabeth McManus of Kyle + McManus Associates, as Conflict Planner for the Planning Board for the year July 6, 2021 - June 30, 2022 was adopted.


Site Plan/Subdivision Review Committee – Mayor Knudsen, Ms. Johnson and Mr. Alegre were appointed to this committee.


Site Plan Exemption Committee – Chief Van Goor was appointed to this committee.


Master Plan Reexamination Committee – Mayor Knudsen, Ms. Hooban, Ms. O’Brien, Mr. Joel were appointed to this committee.


Historic Preservation Commission –  Ms. O’Brien was appointed to this committee.


Open Space Committee – Ms. Barto was appointed to this committee.


Resolution re: Compliance with the Requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act. The resolution was adopted.


Reorganization portion of the meeting was closed. Regular Meeting was called to order.


Public Comments on Topics not Pending Before the Board – No one came forward.


Committee/Commission/Professional Updates for Non Agenda Topics – Mayor Knudsen announced that a discussion regarding the Master Plan professional services was added to the agenda.


Mayor Knudsen said that the Historic Preservation Commission meetings should begin again in September.


Correspondence Received by the Board – There was none.


Historic Preservation Commission reviews:

  1. Piero Gabucci, Architect, Visions Federal Credit Union, 179 E. Ridgewood Avenue – proposed storefront and signage – Mr. Gabucci was present and presented the proposed improvements at 179 E. Ridgewood Avenue for Visions Federal Credit Union. Board members commented that it was a more modern look. The proposed sign would be backlit. Board members recommended approval of the changes as proposed.


  1. Town Home, 171 E. Ridgewood Avenue – proposed sign. There was no representative for the applicant to present the sign. The Board reviewed the sign and recommended approval as shown on the submitted documents.


Tasko Enterprises, LLC, 315 E. Glen Avenue, Block 3106, Lots 20.01 and 20.02 – Application for Amended Major Subdivision approval, related variances and proposed easement. (Continued from May 18, 2021 and carried from June 15, 2021 without further notice and without prejudice to the Board) David Rutherford, Esq., reviewed the list of exhibits. Rafael Corbalan, Esq., entered his appearance on behalf of Denise Lima, 319 E. Glen Avenue.


Tibor Latincsics, engineer, previously sworn, testified regarding the recent exhibits, showing the proposed construction for Lot 20.01, and comparing the changes made to what was originally approved and what was previously proposed.


Photo of the tree on Lot 17 was shown and marked as Exhibit A-16. A survey from 1/29/2018, provided by Marylou Posten, was marked as Exhibit A-17.


Board members asked about the driveway and if it would be better to taper the driveway. Board members had questions about the setback of the proposed house on Lot 20.01. Mr. Latincsics said it had a front yard setback of 60 feet. Board members had concerns that the street scape is disrupted by having a home set back so much farther than others along the street. Board members asked why the existing home was not being preserved.


Mr. Rutherford referred to the 2018 resolution where it states that the existing home would remain. There was further discussion with the Board regarding the resolution and what were considered conditions of the approval. Mr. LeBlancq said it would require further research and Mr. Rutherford said he would look into that and that they would look at the setback of the proposed house for Lot 20.01.


Board members had more questions for Mr. Latincsics. Ms. Bucci-Carter asked that architectural plans be shown.  Mr. Rutherford said that this application regarded a subdivision, not a site plan. Ms. Bucci-Carter said that variances were granted for the original application based on what was presented.


Fran Monton, 323 E. Glen Avenue, asked when the existing house could be demolished as it is an eyesore.


Marylou Posten, 418 Sterling Place, asked about discussion regarding tapering of the driveway and was concerned that there would be damage to the tree on her property. There was discussion as to how the driveway could be tapered without risk to the tree.


Joe Tasko, 132 Sunset Avenue, owner of the property, was sworn. Mr. Tasko testified that the existing house on Lot 20.01 cannot be salvaged. Mr. Tasko stated that he secured the home earlier in the day.


Mr. Rutherford will prepare a legal memorandum outlining the applicant’s position on the various conditions in the resolutions and Mr. Latincsics will address the Board members concerns on the dwelling on Lot 20.01 and the driveway.


Rafael Corbalan, Esq., commented that a condition of approval for a renewed access and easement agreement between the properties that are a part of this driveway addressing concerns regarding snow and leaf removal, utilities, needs to be addressed in a written agreement.

Mr. Rutherford agreed that a revised easement agreement would be needed due to the addition of Lot 20.02. Mr. Rutherford asked the Board if they would consider any approvals at this time for Lot 20.02, to bifurcate the application. Mr. Joel said the Board will wait to consider that request.


The hearing was carried to August 17, 2017 without further notice and without prejudice to the Board.


Discussion re: proposed Ordinance to amend Chapter 190 of the Village Code to modify allowed fence heights for residential uses – Mayor Knudsen explained that this ordinance is being revisited because residents have expressed the desire to have a six-foot fence for different reasons and it is only permitted if they have a pool or abut a commercial property. Residents have felt that it was unfair that you could only have a higher fence if you have a pool and would need to take it down if the pool was demolished. There are other reasons that residents would want six-foot fences. Ms. Bucci-Carter commented that it is difficult to enforce the removal of a six-foot fence when a pool is removed. Ms. Bucci-Carter said the amendment would allow a six-foot fence, with the uppermost foot required to be 50% open, and allowing this for everyone in the rear and side yard, and a four-foot fence being permitted in the front yard. There was Board discussion regarding this and the matter will be discussed further at the next meeting.


Discussion re: Planning Services for Master Plan Update – Mayor Knudsen said the Master Plan Committee met with two professional planners, CME Associates and Heyer, Gruel and Associates. Mayor Knudsen said that after discussion, the Committee recommends that the Council retain Heyer, Gruel and Associates.


Approval of minutes – The minutes from May 18, 2021 were approved.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Jane Wondergem

                                                                        Board Secretary


Date Approved:           July 20, 2021


  • Hits: 1312


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